Too hot to work out



  • RainyDayBrunette
    RainyDayBrunette Posts: 59 Member
    I go early or after dark. After dark is my fav. A shower then bed ;)
  • LokiGrrl
    LokiGrrl Posts: 156 Member
    Central Texas, 100+ temps on the reg and sauna summers ahoy! I hate the heat but even more I hate the humidity. Sweat is awful when it never dries. I can tolerate it for short periods though, with a hat and a billowy white shirt (I do not tolerate sun well at all), and the dogs have to be walked in all weather. Gonna try that trick with the ice in the hand towel, though! I take short walks with the pups during the day and usually a longer one at night. I work second shift so I don't exist at 5 a.m., LOL. Also, Walmart is open 24 hours, and the one near us is HUUUUGE. I can see getting in a nice walk there (I hate the mall).
  • JButlerEagle
    JButlerEagle Posts: 45 Member
    be careful in the heat. Find a way to go early or late in the day to avoid the full sun intensity. I find morning works for me plus I have the satisfaction all day of knowing I've already accomplished exercise.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    edited July 2016
    Just put in the work. You can always find an excuse not to work. It snows, it rains, it's hot, it's cold, you're tired, you're too busy, etc. Get out of that mindset and push through. I know things get in the way sometimes, but you have to avoid that as much as possible. I did my entire workout today (lifting and cardio) in mid-90s heat and high humidity.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    SCoil123 wrote: »
    srecupid wrote: »
    Isn't more sweat better?

    Sweat doesn't bother me. I do Insanity and trust me it makes you sweat. The heat makes me tired and nauseous though. I have a hard time doing anything when it gets above 85.

    I just needed to hear how others handle it. I did it. I'm glad I did it.

    Yeah, sweating isn't the problem. High temps can easily cause fatigue, dehydration and muscle cramps from low electrolytes.
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    Exercise doesn't have to be done outside in the middle of the day. There are great ways to get in shape indoors or early/late in the day.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    SCoil123 wrote: »
    srecupid wrote: »
    Isn't more sweat better?

    Sweat doesn't bother me. I do Insanity and trust me it makes you sweat. The heat makes me tired and nauseous though. I have a hard time doing anything when it gets above 85.

    I just needed to hear how others handle it. I did it. I'm glad I did it.

    Yeah, sweating isn't the problem. High temps can easily cause fatigue, dehydration and muscle cramps from low electrolytes.

    Making sure to take in fluids while exercising can help alleviate these problems. Where I live it's really dry most of the year and very hot in the late Spring, Summer and early Fall. You sweat a lot but because it dries so quickly you don't notice that so much; it can be dangerous if you don't understand that. I always take water when I run and make sure I replace what I've lost after exercise. Gatorade or similar drinks can help with electrolyte depletion but honestly, most of us aren't exercising in the heat enough to really need that; water is enough.
  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    Where I live it stays in the 110-115 range all summer. I do any and all exercise indoors. I can't wait until it starts to cool down so I can start hiking again.
  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    If you have access to a pool, swim. It's great exercise.
  • maidengirl_
    maidengirl_ Posts: 283 Member
    I workout outside at night. No excuse. All equipment needed in hand or I air my garage out for an hour before I workout.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,197 Member
    SCoil123 wrote: »
    Do you still work out when its a heat wave? I find I'm really struggling. Its about 90 degrees inside and a little hotter out. The heat wipes my energy and I feel like I can hardly do anything. I eat less because the heat kills my appetite too but my goal is to get fit not skinny.

    If you live in the heat what do you do to power through? What tips can you offer?

    First, I love the heat. I feel energised in the heat. Sadly it is cold and wet and miserable here.

    Second ...

    -- gyms are often air conditioned ... or at the very least they've got fans.
    -- shopping centres are usually air conditioned too. Go for some brisk walking laps around the local shopping centre.
    -- swimming is cooling ... go to the pool, the local river, the local beach.
    -- I like walking/running along the beach, and wading in the water.
    -- I also like cycling in hot weather. The breeze created by cycling cools me.
  • richardpkennedy1
    richardpkennedy1 Posts: 1,890 Member
    I live in the tropics so it's like that every day. Best time to work out is at 6am when it's coolest
  • kportwood85
    kportwood85 Posts: 151 Member
    I have MS, which tends to act up if I get too hot. And, I live in GA. So, I wake up early for outside stuff. I do a lot of youtube videos in my family room with the AC on!
  • Brianneplus3
    Brianneplus3 Posts: 37 Member
    I have MS, which tends to act up if I get too hot. And, I live in GA. So, I wake up early for outside stuff. I do a lot of youtube videos in my family room with the AC on!
    I'm with you. I'm in TX and it's miserably hot out here. It seems like these triple digits aren't budging. I also will turn on some YouTube videos and bust out some the AC of course ;)
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    I live in the desert. At no time between July and September is it cool enough to work out, so I belong to a gym. Problem solved!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,863 Member
    You don't mention whether your workout routine is new - that will make a difference. If you're not conditioned to working out in the heat, I'd advise against doing it. Find a workout indoors, or do something like swimming outdoors, that is a bit more cooling.

    I live in Michigan, where it's in the 90s recently, and pretty humid. I still keep rowing, even though it's pretty hot on the river, especially on sunny days. But I've been rowing in summer for years, and within the on-water season the weather has warmed up semi-gradually so I get acclimated to it slowly. Even so, I'm likely to stick to steady-state workouts on the warmer outings, saving more intense work for slightly cooler or at least less humid or more breezy days.

    If you do work out outside, drink plenty of water. On the river, I'll also wet my cotton ball cap or my t-shirt to add some evaporative cooling, which works a bit even on humid days. At summer racing events, I'd take an extra water bottle to dump over myself in the boat right before the start. Those gel-crystal-filled neck/head bands can help, too - the ones you soak in water before wearing (you can even store them in the refrigerator).

    Stay attentive to any woozy feelings, slight lack of coordination, or anything else that can signal a heat-related problem, and stop the workout early if those happen.

    Somehow, I manage to keep rowing despite the heat. But housework? It's too darn hot for that! ;)
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Take some heat, stick it in a box and mail it to me. On my way to work it's often single digits on the thermometer.

    If you do work out in the heat, it makes you look like you worked out extra hard cause your covered in sweet.
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Take some heat, stick it in a box and mail it to me. On my way to work it's often single digits on the thermometer.

    If you do work out in the heat, it makes you look like you worked out extra hard cause your covered in sweet.

    No problem because it's often triple digits here in the summer! We can split the difference and have double digits all year round!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I am a creature of the night for the most part. I tend to be a night owl year round, but I don't stay up all night and sleep all day in the colder months. It's during the hot months that I become primarily nocturnal. I have a gradual, natural sleep cycle adjustment that occurs when the seasons change. I'm odd like that... :* I make my own schedule so I can do that without too much trouble. I think some of my neighbors suspect that I'm a vampire, though. >:) Good thing I was recently able to find a 24 hour gym nearby. 3 am is perfect at the gym! I've got everything to myself.
  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    Early workouts, stay hydrated and find a gym with a pool and swim!