Where do you make time in your day for exercise?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited August 2016
    Mon - up by 5:00 and on my bike by 5:30 laest; weight room after work
    Tues - swim at lunch or after work (30 minutes)
    Wed - up by 5:00 and on my bike by 5:30 latest; weight room after work
    Thurs - up by 5:00 and on my bike by 5:30 latest
    Fri - swim at lunch or after work (30 minutes)
    Saturday - long ride or rest day
    Sunday - long ride or rest day depending on Saturday
    Everyone is getting up so early! Do the majority of you have children or just early birds naturally? I've started waking at half 7 naturally now its summer and I was impressed with myself. Maybe it's to do with age too?

    Waking up half 7 would definitely be sleeping in for me...haven't slept that late in years. I have two boys 6 and 4 but really, work starts at 8 AM and I have an hour commute so I have to be out the door no later than 7 AM so the kids thing is really a mute point. If I didn't exercise in the morning I'd still be up by 5:30 or so. I think the last time I slept that late I was still in college.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Everyone is getting up so early! Do the majority of you have children or just early birds naturally? I've started waking at half 7 naturally now its summer and I was impressed with myself. Maybe it's to do with age too?

    No kids. I'm 51, btw. I just know myself. I need to do cardio before I start my day, and before I think about it too much, or it won't happen. Yoga/Pilates are classes, so someone else sets the schedule there.
  • ziggy2006
    ziggy2006 Posts: 255 Member
    I have a husband, two children, four dogs, and a full time job. I drag myself out of bed at 4:45 am to make time to exercise. It isn't ideal, especially when my insomnia was less controlled and I often wasn't falling asleep until around 2 am. :/

    If it is a priority, you will find a way to make it work.
  • KKishaA
    KKishaA Posts: 160 Member
    Where ever I have to. I prefer the morning but if I don't get it in, I will force myself to do something before the day is over. I owe it to my self!
  • beaglebrandon
    beaglebrandon Posts: 97 Member
    I was able to convince my boss to extend my lunch time to allow me to work during lunch time. Perfect time for me.

    Wake up, Breakfast 6am
    Commute to work: 6:45-7:00am
    Work 7am - 11am
    Workout at Gym (in same plaza as my work) 11:02am - 12:45pm
    Lunch 12:45pm - 1:00pm
    Work 1pm - 5pm

    I'm home from work at 5:15 after already exercised and get the rest of my day free.

    I do this Mon,Tue,Thu, Fri. Use Wednesday's extended lunch for other things.

    It's perfect for me because I can't stand working out in the morning (can't work out immediately after breakfast, and I'd rather sleep in than get up early for that).

    I don't want to work out after work, then I 'miss' my home time and cheat too often in my workouts to get home early.

    A 2-hour block in the middle of the day where I must work out - I really can't do anything else as I'm at my place of work, is perfect for me to force myself to workout.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    edited August 2016
    After noticing I spent at least 30 minutes once my alarm went off checking social media, I decided something had to change.

    On days I get up to workout - alarm goes off at 6.00am; out the door by 6.15 for a run etc. Back by 7 ish then commute 7.30-8.30.

    I only get half an hour lunch break and actually feel it important to have that as my eating time and talking to colleagues.

    I get home around 6.30pm, some days I get ready quickly for a dance class/social others I relax/ see friends. I think it important to leave flexible time for friends and not spend all my time focused on the gym.

    I get to bed around 10/11. Sleep is important. Weekends I aim to be up around 8.30.
  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    Everyone is getting up so early! Do the majority of you have children or just early birds naturally? I've started waking at half 7 naturally now its summer and I was impressed with myself. Maybe it's to do with age too?

    For me, getting my workout in first thing in the morning is easier for 3 reasons.

    1) Less chance for something else to come up and interrupt my plans (like friend who needs help or kid who needs a ride somewhere).

    2) If something does come up (blizzard, sick kid, whatever) I still have the rest of the day to try to get in my workout.

    3) Pre-coffee my brain is too slow to come up with an excuse for avoiding my workout. Even though I love lifting and running, if I wait until after work, I have 10 hours to find 10,000 excuses to do something besides work out.
  • tjones0411
    tjones0411 Posts: 179 Member
    Everyone is getting up so early! Do the majority of you have children or just early birds naturally? I've started waking at half 7 naturally now its summer and I was impressed with myself. Maybe it's to do with age too?

    I'm definitely not an early riser naturally...although over the years, it's become much easier. I have children, but they are old enough to sleep to a decent hour now. I get up early because I like that I can go uninterrupted. The kids and husband are all still asleep - there's nothing to stop me. I also like the mostly empty gym at that time. I don't have to wait for free weights and the classes are minimally attended, so I'm not crammed in to the person next to me. There's a sort of camaraderie with the early gym go-ers too. But mostly, I get up so early so I can't find an excuse not to go later in the day. Get up and go before my brain can convince me otherwise! lol
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    I usually get up around 8-8:30 most days, get up, put dogs out, get ready to go to the gym.
    No later than 10, drive to gym.
    10:30 get to the gym
    10:30 - 12:00/12:30 workout
    12:30 ish drive home
    1:00 pm get home, changed/ready for work
    1:30 rush out the door to get to work
    6:30 get off work
    7:00 - dinner
    8:00 housework/computer work
    10:30 or so bed
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Just before dinner.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    Regular week day:
    6:30-7 wake up and chug black coffee
    7:30 - dog out to potty and fed
    7:45 - kid to school and start commute if an office day, head back home to work if not
    8:00 - work, hours split between office and home
    1:00 - 2:00 - break, at home its Insanity than a small meal and at the office its a walk and then usually yogurt at my desk
    2:30 - get kid and give him snack
    3:00 - back to work at home office while kid does homework
    4:00 - take kid to swim team and walk dog while he swims
    5:00-7:00 - work from home, my son finishes homework or plays on computer
    7:00 dinner as a family
    8:00 homework review
    8:30 TV together until kids go to bed, mine at 9:30 and boyfriends older daughter at 10.
    After that its adult time, sometimes we head straight to bed and sometimes we are awake until 12ish

    Wow! I didn't realize how busy I really am. On weekends we are more flexible. One day we get out to do stuff and we try to stay home one day as a family to do chores and watch a movie.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Somewhere between 1-3AM lol I actually have plenty of time...But I'm a night owl in the summer :)
  • MagicalGiraffe
    MagicalGiraffe Posts: 102 Member
    Really interesting responses, thanks for commenting back. Self motivation seems to be very strong in all of you. Do any early risers do shift work? I currently do shift work which means I can vary starting between 8am to 12pm, finishing between 4pm to 8pm. I leave 45minutes to travel to work. I am an unmotivated person and can't see myself going to the gym before work even though I know and agree it sets you up for the day perfectly., If I'm going to the gym it would always be after work on the way home (gym is 7minutes from my house on my normal walking route). I wouldn't be able to walk past the centre whilst I have my gym stuff, the guilt would be unbearable!

    I will be starting a new job though in a week and a half, a 5 minute walk in the direct to the gym and far less shift work than before. Looking forward to the change and hopefully a more regulated day!

    I do agree that early starts are nice. Although I hate getting up at 6 to be out of the house at 7:15, I feel much less groggy when I get to work compared to if I leave myself twenty minutes to get ready. I used to easily and happily sleep in to 12pm and beyond as a student, now I can't bear sleeping in past 10 at the latest. Such a waste of a day and I often end up feeling worse.
  • LokiGrrl
    LokiGrrl Posts: 156 Member
    Cool thread. So many morning people! Second shift home worker here, now inspired to look at my day and maybe make it a little more schedule-ish. Usually take doggies for short walks during the day and a long walk after work, try to get in some yoga and a baby upper body strength training routine, but often forget about the latter two, esp if I get slammed at work.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited August 2016
    My job IS my workout. 7.5 hours on my feet, walking, bending, lifting, pushing, pulling, cleaning and generally taking care of monkeys. All while dressed from head to toe in full PPE, having trouble deciding if I am having a 7 hour hot flash or it's just hot in all of that plastic. By the time I get home from work I have walked around 8 miles.

    Out of bed at 5:30. At work by 6:45 and home from work around 4:00 PM. In bed any time between 9 and 10 PM depending on if it is a dojo night.

    But three evenings a week, 2 hours after I get home from work, I get dressed and go to the dojo for two hours of aikido training. On my "days off" I put in some time riding, grooming and giving pedicures to horses.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member

    monkeys *squeal* PPE *eep*

    Spill on job please

    *hunkers down*
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »

    monkeys *squeal* PPE *eep*

    Spill on job please

    *hunkers down*

    Animal care lab tech in research. It is a fun and very challenging job.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    What you researching? Anything interesting?
  • Frenchgrad
    Frenchgrad Posts: 30 Member
    Right now (the winter coming up will change this):
    On M,W,F:
    Get up at 4:20amish; bathroom, morning weigh in, get ready
    By 4:40: walk to gym
    5:00-6:00: work out, walk back home
    6:00-7:00: eat breakfast, get ready for work
    7:00-7:45: bus ride to work
    8:00-6:00: work. I have an hour lunch break, so I get in a long walk.
    6:00-6:45: bus ride home
    6:45-8:30: relaxation time/getting ready for work tomorrow (packing lunch)
    8:30ish: go to bed

    On T, Th everything except the trips to & from the gym still happens. Only difference is I get up around 5:00am, do bathroom stuff and morning weigh in, then get ready for a 1.5 mile walk.

    I make a point to do my workout first thing in the morning as opposed to after work. I know I won't want to after a long day at work, especially since I work 9 hour days on M,T,Th & F. I have Wednesday afternoons off.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    What you researching? Anything interesting?

    I just feed the animals and keep them happy. But the facility researches things like ALS, Parkinsons and other brain disorders. It is pretty fascinating to watch them work and hear about how they help us to learn more about these diseases and how they might be better treated.

    Anyway we are off topic. I am happy to talk about my line of work but maybe not on this thread.

    It is nice to have a job that keeps me physically active all day. :)