Where do you make time in your day for exercise?



  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    I'm up at 5am everyday. I used to get up at 4 to workout but I don't anymore. I go after work at 4pm, there for an hour and then home. On lifting days sometimes I'll get to work at 6:30 and leave at 3 so I can beat the 4pm crowd of buff dudes.
  • owen1826
    owen1826 Posts: 53 Member
    I think I'm with the original poster. I enjoy working out in the evening.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,092 Member
    In my case with a short or reasonable commute I somehow got in the habit of biking to work which made it easier to "find time" for exercise. I combine it with what I "have to do".
    I have also taken my "lunch hour" to do a short workout or walk followed by a simple sandwich. I always had difficulty driving to the gym. Sure packing clothes and having them in the car helped because I had to go straight there from work or all bets were off.

    Impressed by your schedule.
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    11:00-???: Stare at the ceiling in the dark and contemplate what a magical feeling it must be to fall asleep easily
    ???-7:15: Sleep, with any luck at all

    That's so me!! My husband falls asleep in two minutes, and I'm left wishing I could sleep while I listen to him snore away....

    8: wakeup
    8-8:40: eat and get ready
    8:40 - 9: walk to work
    9 - 5: work with walks and lunch in between
    5 - 5:20: walk home
    5:20 - 6:30: hang out at home
    6:30 - 7:15: drive to yoga and get set up
    7:15 - 9:30: two yoga classes - I do two in a row so I don't have to go everyday and can cut down on drive time
    9:30 - 10: drive home
    10: eat something that is generally pre-made during my weekly meal prep
    11: try to sleep
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    Everyone is getting up so early! Do the majority of you have children or just early birds naturally? I've started waking at half 7 naturally now its summer and I was impressed with myself. Maybe it's to do with age too?

    I wake up at the last possible moment. I tried to force myself to start getting up at 6, and while it was great and all.. I just can't live like that haha
  • angerelle
    angerelle Posts: 175 Member
    I hate that the alarm goes off at 7:20 now that my kids are at senior school, I'd much rather be getting up at 8! I start work somewhere between 9 and 9:30, and we only live a mile away, so I get some steps in on the walk to work and back. In the past I have done lunchtime exercise classes in the gym at work, but now I run three times during the working week at lunchtime, plus a long run on Saturdays. I try to stop work at 6pm on my long days (husband doing the after school bit), I leave at 3pm on my short days. If I don't run I tend to do a lunchtime walk with friends/colleagues. Tea is around 7-8, kids in bed by 9 with any luck. Sat down by 9-9:30, aim to be in bed with lights out by midnight...
  • nickisa28
    nickisa28 Posts: 116 Member
    Everyday is different for me so I look at my week and plan ahead when I will be able to workout. Luckily my workout of choice is only a 20 minute class/session so I can easily fit it in (Powerwave-if anyone's interested) For example I know I'm always free Monday nights so I always book myself on a class and hubbys home on a Sunday so I always go to the gym once the kids are in bed. If I'm honest my ah day nights are more because I enjoy the peace and relaxing in the steam room and jacuzzi after rather than needing to fit in another workout ;) So this week I know I've planned workouts for mon, tue and Wednesday. Thursday and Saturday are my rest days. I knew I'd be walking a lot today (Friday-clocked over 16,000 steps). And I'll be in the gym Sunday night. Next week will be different as we're on holiday/vacation from Friday so I've planned a workout every day before we go and will be taking my Powerwave bag with me to workout most evenings or mornings while we're away :)
  • khhregister
    khhregister Posts: 229 Member
    I can't believe how many people in this thread get up between 4 and 6!!! That's prime REM sleep time for me! I started working for myself a few years ago and for the first time ever I get to have a natural sleep cycle. I've always been a night owl and struggled mightily with school/work schedules. It was fine working in a lab, because I could roll in whenever, but when I had to teach a class at 8 AM I was in serious pain. For those of you who are morning people, imagine having to do your best work at 2AM.

    For years I would only work out in the late afternoon/early evening, because that's when I felt the strongest. Now I'm working out in the morning with a trainer but it's after I have a very slow start and some powerful coffee.

    So now, my schedule looks like this:

    8-9 AM Wake up naturally
    9-10 Drink Bulletproof coffee and do low-mental-intensity tasks (answering email, checking on overnight work from partners in other time zones around the world). Wait for coffee to kick in so I have enough energy to work out.
    10-12 Get ready to go to the gym/drive to gym/ Work out / drive home/ clean up
    12-1 Have lunch
    1-4 Serious work
    4-4:30 Teatime
    4:30-8 Serious work
    8 Have dinner
    9-12 Goof off (watch movies, read books, visit with friends)
    12-1 Read in bed until I fall asleep

  • MagicalGiraffe
    MagicalGiraffe Posts: 102 Member
    Everyone is getting up so early! Do the majority of you have children or just early birds naturally? I've started waking at half 7 naturally now its summer and I was impressed with myself. Maybe it's to do with age too?

    I wake up at the last possible moment. I tried to force myself to start getting up at 6, and while it was great and all.. I just can't live like that haha

    As soon as you have that Sunday lie you in realise what you were missing !