before you even start....



  • paulmg1234
    paulmg1234 Posts: 37
    Huh? If you don't think it's fair to be asked to comment then ... don't ?!

    Different people have different goals and different areas of experience. People reply to posts they know about or are interested in. Nobody's forcing you to reply to someone who's going about their weightloss or lifestyle in a different way to you.

    MFP is not for one particular method, it's an internet tool for working out and logging calories in vs calories out. How people take it further is entirely up to them.

    Exactly! Well put! I completely 100% agree!!!
  • ToniAnn411
    ToniAnn411 Posts: 83
    While I agree with you all the way, the best way is to just skip over them and let it go. Everyone at one point or another have tried quick fixes, I know I have in the far away past. But eventually we have to succumb to the fact that it takes time, eat healthy exercise and change your way of thinking. And you will see results. There are no quick fixes, but that is something that people need to learn.
  • motv8ed
    motv8ed Posts: 13
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    Can I add to read the stickies and get yourself acquainted with the search function?
    maybe I'm new to this but what is 'read the stickies'? I'm very acquainted with the search function, I love it. Use it loads. MFP has been a powerful and major impact on my life.
    Thanks to all out there who motivate and support me every day!! :flowerforyou:
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Sorry I don't agree with the OP. This journey is a learning process. Most of us have tried different things at one time in our journey until we either learned on our own or were told that there wasn't a quick fix to this. To ask people to not post questions regarding what they feel they need in order to be successful on a public forum whether we all agree with it or not is not proper. We should use those instances to not bash the posters but to educate them on the reasons why those temporary fixes normally doesn't have long lasting results. If they chose to follow our advice, fine. If not well thats them. They should be able to find their own paths on their own time just like most of us did.

    I've seen way too many people on this board get all holier than thou on this board just because they have lost a little weight and for some reason they think they are the elite ones on MFP. Sorry you are not. No one is. Everyone has their own paths to follow and just because everyone isn't on your bandwagon doesn't mean that you are in the right to come at them any kind of way. thoughts.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    But I don't think it's right that we should "educate" them especially when they don't want to be educated on doing it healthily but they want a quick fix, they want you to tell them there is a magic pill. I'm just holding my hands up, I want to do this the healthy way which is right for me so it wouldn't be fair for me to educate/tell them the healthier way of doing things if that isn't what they wanted to know in the first place."
    I think people may have got me wrong, I'm not pushing my thoughts on anyone else, it wasn't a reply to someone asking how do I lose 20lbs in two weeks (of which there are a few). I was voicing my view that a lot of people (and I'm not including those that need to lose weight quickly for medical reasons etc.) come on here asking for a quick fix and ask how to lose weight fast. Maybe it's the upper lip English nice way of saying there are other sites that could help them more in their goal. It's like them asking for an apple and we're offering a pear. It's fruit but it's not the fruit they wanted.
    Sorry if I have offended anyone, this was definitely not my intention as I've always stated MFP is a fantastic tool and I'm full of love for everyone!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    But I don't think it's right that we should "educate" them especially when they don't want to be educated on doing it healthily but they want a quick fix, they want you to tell them there is a magic pill. I'm just holding my hands up, I want to do this the healthy way which is right for me so it wouldn't be fair for me to educate/tell them the healthier way of doing things if that isn't what they wanted to know in the first place."
    I think people may have got me wrong, I'm not pushing my thoughts on anyone else, it wasn't a reply to someone asking how do I lose 20lbs in two weeks (of which there are a few). I was voicing my view that a lot of people (and I'm not including those that need to lose weight quickly for medical reasons etc.) come on here asking for a quick fix and ask how to lose weight fast. Maybe it's the upper lip English nice way of saying there are other sites that could help them more in their goal. It's like them asking for an apple and we're offering a pear. It's fruit but it's not the fruit they wanted.
    Sorry if I have offended anyone, this was definitely not my intention as I've always stated MFP is a fantastic tool and I'm full of love for everyone!

    I agree with your original post. It seems you offended the "I eat less than 900calories a day & exercise all that off people." I learned after one post to the MFP forum that everyone's weight-loss journey is different and that everyone is a very different kind of person. Some people like to argue for arguments sake as well. I think that your original post came from a good place, let's just say we can't assume people want to do this the healthy way. And let's just say that people will twist your words and make you out to be something your are not. Good luck in your "long-haul" weight-loss journey, just expect hostility when posting on these forums.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    But I don't think it's right that we should "educate" them especially when they don't want to be educated on doing it healthily but they want a quick fix, they want you to tell them there is a magic pill. I'm just holding my hands up, I want to do this the healthy way which is right for me so it wouldn't be fair for me to educate/tell them the healthier way of doing things if that isn't what they wanted to know in the first place."
    I think people may have got me wrong, I'm not pushing my thoughts on anyone else, it wasn't a reply to someone asking how do I lose 20lbs in two weeks (of which there are a few). I was voicing my view that a lot of people (and I'm not including those that need to lose weight quickly for medical reasons etc.) come on here asking for a quick fix and ask how to lose weight fast. Maybe it's the upper lip English nice way of saying there are other sites that could help them more in their goal. It's like them asking for an apple and we're offering a pear. It's fruit but it's not the fruit they wanted.
    Sorry if I have offended anyone, this was definitely not my intention as I've always stated MFP is a fantastic tool and I'm full of love for everyone!

    But what you are doing is assuming they don't want to be educated. With the right approach they may be acceptable to it...they may not. What you do is plant a seed. Whether it grows now or lays dorment for future growth is fine.

    I do however think it is my place to play if forward. If someone wants to know about diet pills...I will let them know "hey I've been there and done that. Lost the weight, gained it back quickly but since I've actually tackle my thought process when it comes to weight loss, my menu and my exercise regimen I have had better long lasting results". If they are willing to look into it fine. If not, what have I lost by at least trying....nothing. I just hope that once they have tried the method they've seeked and failed that they will remember what I said and a least give it a try.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    this does make sense, and I definitely see your point. I hadn't thought of it like that
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I think sometimes those who are looking for a quick fix are those most in need of help and guidance as they obviously dont understand there is only one real way to lose weight !!
  • caitastic24
    caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
    I agree with you. I personally get frustrated here on MFP and in my day to day life with questions like "What's the trick to losing weight"? or "What's your secret"? There is no trick and there is no secret. Losing weight the HEALTHY way is hard work but it can be done. It takes time and effort and I wish I had the will to do it a long time ago! Eating right and exercising is going to make you lose weight. For years I thought that I had to do Weight Watchers or use a diet pill, but good old fashioned sweat and watching what you eat will do it. It is going to take longer and it may be harder but losing weight is just HARD!

    I don't really think people mean the actual 'secret' to losing weight...I'd be inclined to think they're just asking for any hints/tips that have helped along the way.

    I have a friend who had maybe 4 or 5 stone to lose (that's about 56lbs) and she did it on the Cambridge diet, which is a VLCD (very low calorie diet). I don't agree with it, I think it's dangerous and I don't believe it leads you to understand what it is about your lifestyle that has made you overweight to begin friend doesn't exercise, either, and she still orders take aways several times per week...then when she needs to drop a bit of weight she just goes back to the Cambridge Diet.

    Do I think she's right? No way. Do I think doing it this way is better? Absolutely. But we live in a world that makes us believe there is a super speedy solution to everything, and I think there are a lot of people who are led to believe that there are quick ways to get weight loss results...and maybe there are. I think if people ask us about how to do it quickly/with minimal effort blah blah then I guess we're in a unique position to share our thoughts and tell them it's not the way forward.

    I'm not sure they should be ridiculed for looking for the quick solution though - I don't blame them for thinking or hoping that there is a fast/easy way to lose weight, since there seems to be a fast and easy solution for everything else in this day and age!

    Hope I've not offended anyone, I just think this is an interesting topic and wanted to chuck in my opinion! :)

    Well said! I agree (: