Is there anything you don't bother to log?



  • rsleighty
    rsleighty Posts: 214 Member
    I don't log splenda, seasonings other than salt (I track sodium), vegetables used as seasonings, or diet soda. I do track black coffee for the potassium.
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    I'm anal I log pretty much everything but i think I'm going to let up a bit. Did i really need to weigh my jalapeno before dumping it in my scrambled eggs?
  • battyfitch
    battyfitch Posts: 117 Member
    srecupid wrote: »
    I'm anal I log pretty much everything but i think I'm going to let up a bit. Did i really need to weigh my jalapeno before dumping it in my scrambled eggs?

    Yes. TO THE EXACT 0.1 OF A GRAM. Or else FAILURE! :D
  • ibamosaserreinas
    ibamosaserreinas Posts: 294 Member
    The only thing I'd add that I didn't notice anyone else say is a squeeze of lime juice. I don't log lime juice that I use to season things.
  • LisaKay91
    LisaKay91 Posts: 211 Member
    I don't log water but I do log everything else I eat.. even if I take a bite of a snack my son has I try to calculate how many calories it may have. I have been made fun of for logging a single almond or single m&m but it just works for me :smile: not everyone is the same and I don't have expectations for what others should be doing
  • coolfry
    coolfry Posts: 48 Member
    I don't log seasonings, or hot sauce. If I eat something Like one pretzel to taste them I don't log it.
  • dykask
    dykask Posts: 800 Member
    My logs are only approximate as many of the foods I consume in Japan aren't correctly setup in the database and I haven't put in any effort into fixing that. So I clearly an missing the small stuff. Still I'm losing fat so there isn't any point in worrying about it.
  • SadDolt
    SadDolt Posts: 173 Member
    diet sodas, or any drink that's 10 calories or less, like diet snapple. i sometimes add dipping sauce
  • Marianna93637
    Marianna93637 Posts: 230 Member
    I don't log anything that has no calories in it. ( diet soda, vinegar, herbs, etc) I don't log salt (not concerned with sodium intake) and instead sugar I use truvia but I don't log it.
    I used to not log ketchup but it can add up so I log that and other condiments.
    No water, since I know I wouldn't keep up with it
    For some reason I log coffee even though it's only 5 calories.
    Other than that I log everything and try to be as accurate as possible, down to a gram.
  • skennelly1963
    skennelly1963 Posts: 18 Member
    I don't generally log my drinks (water, Iced or hot tea that is clear and unsweetened or 1 can of diet pepsi a day) because they are calorie free.. unless I have a wedge of fresh lemon in my water or tea and even still that's next to nothing. mustard, ketchup, seasonings
  • joolie1234
    joolie1234 Posts: 126 Member
    I do not log everything either. I try to leave a couple hundred calories on the table every day (generally, I don't eat back my exercise calories), so that gives me a little wiggle room to not log every tiny thing.
  • strawberryromper
    strawberryromper Posts: 64 Member
    I don't log diet drinks, mustard, spices, gum, water, or cooking spray (which I rarely use).
  • subakwa
    subakwa Posts: 347 Member
    I log most things except spices and condiments, or "zero cal" stuff like water, diet pop and black coffee. Some stuff I guess and try to overestimate to give myself wiggle room for the bits I miss.

    For example, on holiday (vacation) I bought pitta breads and made little pizzas on the BBQ. This being Northern Cyprus nothing had calories on the packets so it was a case of worst case guessing to get a ballpark, rather than weigh and log in detail.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Spices. Talk about majoring in the minors.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Diet drinks
  • kazminchu
    kazminchu Posts: 250 Member
    Espresso and squash, for some reason. I drink pints and pints of squash a day, but have never logged it. Even though it probably has more calories than some things I do log.
    Also I try to avoid logging accidental exercise. For example, if I walk to the shops and my fitbit logs it as a walk, I will avoid putting it into MFP unless I *really* need the calories. Just seems bad to be counting everyday things as exercise.
  • Budjola
    Budjola Posts: 148 Member
    edited August 2016
    yeah i kinda thought to stop logging lettuce, but then its only one click away so i log it anyway.
  • UltraVegAthlete
    UltraVegAthlete Posts: 667 Member
  • Lesscookies12
    Lesscookies12 Posts: 140 Member
    I don't log anything I haven't tried calorie counting before I've been pretty good at eyeballing my portions. I've lost almost 50 pounds now.
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I don't log anything that is zero calories or else it can be a chore for absolutely no reason.