High maintenance?



  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    linlinjay wrote: »
    I really do want to lose weight but it seems a bit high maitenance to weigh all your foods to log them, so it also means that i can only eat at home so basically i'm gonna ruin my social life since i'm gonna stress about everything i eat. I don't think it's a way to live (no offense to people that actually do that) i don't know, i feel miserable being over weight even though i'm healthy..

    Just start logging. Sometimes you'll just have to guess. But if you do your best and are as honest as possible with yourself, you will see loss.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    linlinjay wrote: »
    I really do want to lose weight but it seems a bit high maitenance to weigh all your foods to log them, so it also means that i can only eat at home so basically i'm gonna ruin my social life since i'm gonna stress about everything i eat. I don't think it's a way to live (no offense to people that actually do that) i don't know, i feel miserable being over weight even though i'm healthy..

    I've lost weight without counting calories many times in the past, but didn't learn anything and always gained the weight back. I prefer weighing and logging. I do bring my scale to my mother's and fiance's. As others have said, I estimate restaurant meals. Most of the time half an entree is plenty for me, and I bring the other half home and weigh it there. But guestimating is fine as well, as long as over time the trend on the scale reflects these estimates.

    I eat the same few breakfast and lunches so all of these foods have been located and are easily available in my Recent foods list. Weighing and logging takes very little time once you've been doing it for a week or so.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Shana67 wrote: »
    It is pretty simple to weigh food. And to use the app as a good estimate when you're out. I mean.... if that's what you want (to drop weight), it's not so tough.

    How do you weigh food? Do you have to take things apart?

    For example, I have a Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwich in the morning.

    Do I need to (1) take apart the sandwich into the croissant, cheese and meat parts, weigh the croissant separately, the cheese separately, and the meat separately, then put them back together?

    Or (2) just measure it's weight in totality, compare with what the box says and adjust the calories accordingly? Because in #2, I might be off if the meat is smaller, but the croissant is larger, or vice versa.

    You're overthinking it. Just eat the damn sandwich (or whatever one serving is) and log whatever is on the box for a serving. It will average out if one is ten calories more than another once in awhile.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    linlinjay wrote: »
    I really do want to lose weight but it seems a bit high maitenance to weigh all your foods to log them, so it also means that i can only eat at home so basically i'm gonna ruin my social life since i'm gonna stress about everything i eat. I don't think it's a way to live (no offense to people that actually do that) i don't know, i feel miserable being over weight even though i'm healthy..

    Well, you don't have to weigh a thing if you choose not to. Many people are successful without the use of a food scale. I've found I do need to weigh foods, but I don't stress if I go out to eat. I just follow a weekly calorie goal and find foods that can fit in without blowing everything else out of the water.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I weighed cheese a couple of times until I felt I could eyeball 1oz. I don't weigh anything else and I go out and eat. I try to look for calorie count online or I add the individual ingredients and overestimate just in case.

    I've lost 17 lbs so far in 45 days. I have 70 or so to go. It doesn't interfere with my social life except that I'm on my phone logging my meal, but hey my friends are on theirs too doing whatever:).
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    If you are serious about losing the weight then you need to get serious about logging it. Well at least that is what worked for me. I start MFP around the 230 neighborhood and got down to 180 before injuries caused a few setbacks. But weighing my foods and logging my intake is what worked best for me.
    Prior to joining MFP when I first started getting back into working out and trying to lose weight I was around 250, it was over a year and I had only lost 20 pounds and I was hitting it hard as heck in the gym. My problem was I was not at all monitoring my intake.
    I had to work three times harder for less results then I did once I started using MFP, logging and weighing everything. BTW, if you are eating prepackaged foods then you can use the manufactures data. The phone app even has a bar code scanner. Go get a digital food scale and get to work, I picked up one at Walmart for 18 US dollars.
    It really is not that difficult and I am sure once you start you will be happy you did.
    No matter your choice good luck, I wish you the best.
  • kschramm7
    kschramm7 Posts: 72 Member
    High maintenance maybe, but I've found that nothing stays the same. If I'm not actively trying to lose weight or maintain, I'm gaining. I figure putting some extra thought and time into what I eat and how much I eat is worth not being morbidly obese. If I'm spending 3 or 4 hours a week at the gym, I can spend 10 minutes a week with my food scale. But that's just me.
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    Priorities. That is all.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    I usually either don't log if I can't get an accurate read or I log best guess.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I weigh everything at home. I leave my exercise calories for any discrepancies when I estimate eating out, which is very frequent given social, family and work stuff. Logging my food hardly takes any time at all. If I cook something at home, I build the plate on my food scale. I'm prepared to do this the rest of my life if I need to. My decision was "think about my food portions and take a few seconds to log them" instead of "I'll just keep gaining weight, it's easier".
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    sarahlifts wrote: »
    I'll take high maintenance for results. Easily. Its not high maintenance its about the lowest maintenance thing I do in regard to my fitness.

    step 1 - put plate on scale
    step 2- turn scale on
    step 3- put food on plate until desired amount is met
    step 4- log entry
    step 5- remove plate from scale
    step 6- eat

    I do this daily, its pretty low maintenance. My diary is open and available for scrutiny.

    Off topic--- your photos are amazing and inspiring!
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I weigh my food most of the time. It is the best way to know how much you are eating.

    HOWEVER... you shouldn't be obsessive about it. You can still lose weight, but you need a few guidelines.

    1) Eat at home as much as possible - This is the ONLY way to even have a chance at controlling what goes in your body. Plus, you can weigh your food. Restaurants put TONS of carbs and fat into the food and it is usually totally unnecessary. Eating at home will save you money, be much healthier, and gives you the chance to weigh.

    2) When you DO weigh your food, try to estimate it first. Play a little game with yourself where you get a serving, guess how much it weighs, then weigh it to see if you are right. After a few weeks, you will start getting really good and estimating.

    3) When you CAN'T weigh your food, estimate high. You will almost always estimate too low naturally, so add about 20% to what you think. Also, if you can't weigh your food, I'll assume you are at a restaurant - add oil or butter to everything. Don't just log a chicken breast, but rather, log a chicken breast, oil, and sauce.

    4) If you know you can't weigh it out and want to be really careful, order food that is low calorie density. In other words, if you order a salad and estimate wrong the consequences are pretty mild compared to estimating wrong on a slice of cheesecake.

    5) Realize that "special occasions" like eating out, celebrating a birthday, etc., are not supposed to happen daily or even weekly. If you want to cut loose and enjoy some drinks, a good meal, and dessert, go for it, but keep it "special". It's not special if it is the norm.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I just had to face that life is not fair and behave accordingly. Yes, weighing and logging can be a bother. But it works. I would rather bother with it than be fat, in my particular situation. No, I don't get to eat out hardly ever any more, and I seldom drink alcohol, since my calorie allotment is so low. BUT I'm not fat now, and my blood sugar is controlled now whereas before it was getting worse and worse. So basically ask yourself which is the priority: eating more food, or losing more weight? If you'd rather eat and stay thick, that's no sin. I was doing that too, until my blood sugar went bananas, then I had to make the other choice and lose the fat. If your sugar and cholesterol stay okay.... then that could be a valid choice.
  • _piaffe
    _piaffe Posts: 163 Member
    You don't seem very ready to commit to a weight loss plan, as I read your post. You really want to lose weight and feel miserable, but at the same time, you don't seem interested in making the kinds of changes you need to if they will "ruin" your current lifestyle.

    1. It's going to be WORK. Compared to not being in deficit, and eating at surplus, it's going to be higher maintenance than you're used to.

    2. It's going to mean CHANGE. Of habit(s), including your social ones. With or without logging, a social life centred around eating out gets hard if you are trying to stick to a deficit plan. You may find you need to totally readjust how you socialize anyway - e.g. movies or activities - if you currently go out and eat or drink. You may even find your relationships and friend circles change.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    GauchoMark wrote: »

    3) When you CAN'T weigh your food, estimate high. You will almost always estimate too low naturally, so add about 20% to what you think. Also, if you can't weigh your food, I'll assume you are at a restaurant - add oil or butter to everything. Don't just log a chicken breast, but rather, log a chicken breast, oil, and sauce.

    This is really, really important, and if you eat out regularly this one WILL get you. 20% more than you think is probalby a little low, actually:

    a) Learn what a 3 or 4 ounce cooked chicken breast looks like. Compare that to what you get in the restaurant. Notice its probably 2x as big. Log all chicken breasts as 6 ounces (at least).

    b) I've cooked at home enough now to know what makes restaurant meals so delicious: Fat. And salt. And sugar. LOTS of all of it. That 6 ounce chicken breast may have been "tenderized" before cooking in a marinade of fat-salt-sugar, and then it is cooked in a LOT of oil, butter, or both, and may be sprinkled with sugar to "help it caramelize." Log that 6 ounce chicken breast and then log a full tablespoon of butter for its marinating/cooking. And a teaspoon of sugar, just in case. Add an other tablespoon of butter for any cooked vegetables on your plate, while you're at it.

    c) If you're counting sodium? Add a LOT of salt to the count.

    d) salad may be safer, but not a lot safer. Learn what 2 tablespoons of dressing looks like. The little dressing cups that restaurants give you hold more like 6 or 8 tablespoons, and the ladles that they use are generally 1/4 to 1/3 cup ladles. That "sprinkle" of cheese may be 2-3 ounces, too.
  • nickisa28
    nickisa28 Posts: 116 Member
    When you eat out, most chain restaurants have nutritional info somewhere so take it from there. It's normally pretty accurate as they have portion sizes/specs that they have to stick to in order to make the projected profit. I hate having to weigh everything so when I can, I'll pre portion or eat things that are sold per portion iykwim? For example j just had a 'lean burger' which wasn't homemade and I can see from the packet the nutritional value of each burger so no need to weigh, 1 bun-no need to weigh, 1 slice of cheese, no need to weigh. Today I only had to weigh my bacon this morning as I cut the fat off so had to check weight after. It's not that bad, I promise :)