August - October Walk or Run 500km in 90 days



  • samanthalaroche
    samanthalaroche Posts: 118 Member
    5.20km today
    Total 25.12km
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    edited August 2016
    1st Aug = 1800 or 1.37km
    2nd Aug = 2300 or 1.75km
    3rd Aug = 6200 or 4.72km
    4th Aug = 5300 or 4.04km
    5th Aug = 11449 or 8.72km "I got lost twice" :-(

    Total 20.6km's
    @Samanthalar i'm catching you up, better get your game on :-)
  • Marchy365
    Marchy365 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 5: 7.75km
    Running total 30.05
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    1st Aug = 1800 or 1.37km
    2nd Aug = 2300 or 1.75km
    3rd Aug = 6200 or 4.72km
    4th Aug = 5300 or 4.04km
    5th Aug = 11449 or 8.72km "I got lost twice" :-(
    6th Aug = 7000 or 5.33km

    Total 25.9km's
  • Marchy365
    Marchy365 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 6: 7.8km
    Running total 37.85km
  • samanthalaroche
    samanthalaroche Posts: 118 Member
    Total 30.59km
    (21.89km cycling total 21.89km)
  • samanthalaroche
    samanthalaroche Posts: 118 Member
    Total 36.01km
    (Cycling total 21.89km)
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    1st Aug = 1800 or 1.37km
    2nd Aug = 2300 or 1.75km
    3rd Aug = 6200 or 4.72km
    4th Aug = 5300 or 4.04km
    5th Aug = 11449 or 8.72km "I got lost twice" :-(
    6th Aug = 7000 or 5.33km
    7th Aug = 10011 or 7.63km

    Total 33.5kms
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Collegiate Shag Fiesta at the weekend. Three days of events and parties into the small hours. my legs are broken.

    Totals so far 25.5 miles/ 40.8kms
  • Marchy365
    Marchy365 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 7: 5.8km in 46min treadmill.
    Running total 43.65km
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    There are only a few of us active on here, I'm sure more will come on board in time. I'm currently the back marker but i'm improving and I've got a plan on how to up my distance so keep it up or we will be swapping places.
    Good on you @cnarch636 for running well done. @samanthalaroche are you just counting walking kms towards the 500 or your cycling as well ? I reckon count both but you can hit the 500 walking so why not go for 500 of each ? 2 rides a week would do it.
  • samanthalaroche
    samanthalaroche Posts: 118 Member
    Counting separately, but having an op on 19th, so may need all the km I can get to reach 500km!;) Had a back issue & not been on bike since March. Chiropractor said to try & see, so first outing Saturday & all is great..... so far. I am not a fitness fast cyclist, more a leisurely Sunday cycler to take in the views
  • samanthalaroche
    samanthalaroche Posts: 118 Member
    10.04km, not in one go,
    Total 46.05km
    (Cycling 33.64km,
    Total 55.53)
    In Dorset, no work, more time, having fun, definitely deserve a glass of wine or two, yes?;)
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    @samanthalaroche I can't walk more than 2000 steps in one go, its too painful, today I did lots of 400's and aim for 4x2000 you did awesome today, well done, no work helps, I can't work for 6 months & I'm just over the border Devon.

    13000 steps up to now today for me :-)
  • memickee
    memickee Posts: 250 Member
    A bit late to the game, but I am in. Need to make up for 8 days.
  • samanthalaroche
    samanthalaroche Posts: 118 Member
    Well that's brilliant border neighbour. Keep it up!! But don't over do it. Little & often. Best of luck.
  • Marchy365
    Marchy365 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 8: Carbon copy of yesterday. 5.8km on tready.
    Running total: 49.45km
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    1st Aug = 1800 or 1.37km
    2nd Aug = 2300 or 1.75km
    3rd Aug = 6200 or 4.72km
    4th Aug = 5300 or 4.04km
    5th Aug = 11449 or 8.72km "I got lost twice" :-(
    6th Aug = 7000 or 5.33km
    7th Aug = 10011 or 7.63km
    8th Aug = 13554 or 10.33kms

    Total 43.9kms
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    edited August 2016
    I've never undertaken one of these challenges before on mfp, never kind of saw the point because I did loads of exercise, but now in the position I am this is working well for me, accountability, seeing what others do, I've really dug in to do the last 2 days, went back to bed this morning for an extra 2 hours because I'm tired. I can't work at the moment (6 months) so i'm guessing that makes it easier for me, then again does it ?
  • samanthalaroche
    samanthalaroche Posts: 118 Member
    Good motivation for recovery @andysport1 . You will be fit & healthy & running a marathon well before me!;)