A Typical Day of Eating

cherrypeach1 Posts: 30 Member
edited August 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
What does a typical day of eating look like for you? How has eating this way helped you be successful? Have you lost weight? If so, how much and in what span of time? If you have pics to share, that would be even better. Posting macros helps, but I'm really looking more for specific meal ideas (i.e.: Lunch: 4 oz deli meat rolled up with 3 oz full fat cheddar cheese and an apple). I'm sure there are plenty of open diaries out there, but it's difficult sometimes (a) to find friends with open diaries and (b) to know how those food items were assembled (i.e.: smoothie vs. salad vs. soup). Thanks in advance...:)


  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    I have big breakfast with ~50 grams of meat, ~150 grams of vegetables, ~45 grams of high fiber tortilla, ~40 grams of avocado and about ~10 grams of salsa. I also have a chocolate protein shake mixed in 2% milk.

    I drink coffee because my doctor told me to. Nice doctor.

    I have a small lunch of free snacks provided by my employer. Today it's a banana and a Kind bar.
    This is where my calorie deficit is formed.

    I have a big dinner, usually of <100 grams of beef or pork, or perhaps 100 grams of chicken or >100 grams of salmon, I also include 350 grams of various vegetables and mushrooms and 50 grams of rice and 50 grams of legumes, and a serving of bread somewhere around 100 calories for the bread.

    I include prunes and fiber supplements after dinner.

    On weekends I delete the protein shake from breakfast and increase the lunch calories.

    When dining out, I choose items that resemble the dinner.

    Just started eating mushrooms about a month ago. I love them. I am a big fan now. I eat 250 grams everyday.
  • MalkinMagic71
    MalkinMagic71 Posts: 1,433 Member
    edited August 2016
    It depends if I'm working from home or in the office...

    Working in the office...

    Hours of cardio before work...plus weights on alternating days

    Breakfast -- Usually a yogurt or instant pack of oatmeal
    Lunch -- Couple slices of baked ham on Light White Bread, yogurt, 1 to 2 cups of trader joes movie theater popcorn, 1 to 1 1/2 serving of White chocolate covered pretzels
    Snacks during the day at work are normally small little peanut butter bites. 15 is a serving at 150 calories, I normally eat between 6-10 during the day
    Dinner -- Normally protein of some kind(beef, pork, chicken...(i hate fish so never fish unless its a fried fish sandwich haha) plus a vegetable side. Sometimes Pasta, sometimes pizza.. it really varies on whatever my wife feels like whipping up. Always good food though.
    Snack at night -- another serving of chocolate covered pretzels or some popcorn or yogurt. Just depends
    Drinks -- mostly water while im at work, drink one or two cans of coke zero at home.

    Working from home..

    Breakfast -- usually skip it...

    Hour of cardio in the morning plus weights on alternating days.

    Lunch -- Pizza normally. Our local supermarket makes like 8" deli pizzas. I eat those alot, those normally count as breakfast/lunch for me. I log them as 650 calories or so as I honestly don't know how many calories they are.

    Dinner -- Same as above.. whatever my wife whips up.

    Snacks -- Same as above.

    I've eaten pizza every single day since I've been working from home the past few weeks.. hasn't hindered my weight loss at all. I've lost 180lbs as of now.. from 385 down to about 207 right now. There are times when I go out to eat that I get whatever I want... I don't even worry about it. I treat myself and am not a slave to the numbers always. I just know that if I do that I have to get back on track the next day or do an extra workout etc.

    Also sometimes I eat eggs as breakfast or as snacks late in the evening if I do an extra workout or get hungry. Those fill me up pretty good. Two eggs and a piece of toast.. good stuff.
  • heartofplastic
    heartofplastic Posts: 68 Member
    edited August 2016
    Breakfast: banana (90-100 cal), English muffin w/ egg and ketchup (I use butter to cook the egg) - (170 cal)
    Lunch: packaged salad from Kroger (240 cal)
    Snacks throughout the day: light string cheese (50 cal), 1/2 Fage 0% yogurt (50 cal), pack of unsalted nuts (100 cal)
    Dinner: veggie tray from Kroger (160 cal), sometimes a cheese tray (170 cal)
    Post workout snack: ThinkThin or SkinnyGirl protein bar (150 cal)

    As you can see I always look for the low calorie options. For instance the English muffin I get is the light 100 calorie one (as opposed to the standard 120 cal). Ketchup I get sugarless (5 cal per tbs, usually 20 cal) and light butter is half the calories of regular. I eat medium eggs not large. I also only eat protein bars 150 cal or less. I don't want to cancel out my workout by too much!

    This way it's so easy to stay under my 1200 cal limit (pretty appropriate for my height and weight) and I do give myself one day a week to eat without restricting. I have lost 8 lbs in the past two months (a significant amount for my weight.)

    Hope this helps! Feel free to add me as a friend to see my diary. Xo
  • kristysaurus
    kristysaurus Posts: 91 Member
    I don't eat breakfast (I will just have coffee in the morning when I get into work)

    Lunch is variable but usually it's a "pizza" made on a piece of pita with 3oz chicken, all kinds of veggies (peppers, tomato, mushrooms, etc.), 1 oz cheese, and a sauce made from tomato paste, hot sauce and bbq sauce. Baked in the oven (I go home at lunch). Or I'll make something like a dinner (4 oz chicken and 2 cups cesar salad made with low fat dressing or with veggies and rice leftovers)

    Dinner is 5-6 oz of meat (chicken, steak, pork) and veggies (1-2 cups steamed or 100 grams of carrots and 75 grams broccoli when raw) and a serving of rice (50 grams).
    On weekends I make tacos and will make a big taco salad during the week with the leftover meat (I use 150 grams of meat and then a ton of lettuce, tomatos, salsa, bell peppers, cilantro).
    I have a stirfry once a week usually. This will include 4-5 oz of chicken, pork strips or beef strips, 75 grams carrots 50 grams brocoli, bell pepper (about 1/4 of a pepper, I don't weigh this), onion, garlic, soy sauce, canned sliced water chestnuts and baby corn (1/6 of the can per serving) with 50grams of rice.

    I will snack on whatever I want after dinner with whatever calories I have left. This can be cheese+pickles, fruit, chips sometimes. As long as I have the calories left I will eat.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I think eating the way I do is crucial to my success - if it hadn't been fun/effortless/tasty, I would have given up (I have given up before, when those criteria weren't met). I have lost around 50 pounds (it took me a year) and kept them off for around 21 months now. I have no amounts for you, my intake is around 1750-1800 calories per day on average - and you should really balance your meals to your own taste - but I recently posted a month of pictures of my "typical" meals.
  • cherrypeach1
    cherrypeach1 Posts: 30 Member
    I recently posted a month of pictures of my "typical" meals.

    Wow...your monthly food post is freakin' awesome! Where are you from? I ask because some of your meals don't seem like the typical American food. I say that mainly because of the herring for breakfast...which is brilliant by the way. :smile:
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I recently posted a month of pictures of my "typical" meals.

    Wow...your monthly food post is freakin' awesome! Where are you from? I ask because some of your meals don't seem like the typical American food. I say that mainly because of the herring for breakfast...which is brilliant by the way. :smile:

    You're perceptive! I'm in Norway :D
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    My diary is open.. always happy to share what I eat and why if curious.
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    Breakfast: coffee with fiber and protein powder
    Snack 1: cucumber
    Lunch: Quest bar and multivitamin
    Snack 2: tuna mixed with 1 T each sugar free relish and mayo, plus about 2 spears celery
    Dinner: (varies)
    Snack 3: cottage cheese, Mg supplement, hot tea
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    havent been logging lately, so looking there wont help you much lol

    i dont have a strict diet of any kind. i eat what i want, within moderation.

    breakfast. coffee. sometimes yogurt or toast or something. today it was cookies. dont judge me.
    lunch... depends. usually a salad of some sort, a sandwich, leftovers from dinner, etc
    dinner... depends on what i make. tonight its fish tacos. last night, leftover pork roast, tomorrow sausage with cheese tortellini in tomato cheese sauce, night after .... i dunno. lol

    i eat chocolate and sweets all the time, and make it work within my calorie goals. made a peanut butter chocolate cake last weekend for my boyfriend. that didnt fit in my calories. i ate it anyways. it was worth it. lololol

    lost over 80 pounds over a year and a half. typically work out anywhere from a half hour to an hour every morning, depending on how i feel (monday-friday). weekends are too crowded and i refuse to go LOL
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I never log anymore, might start up again.

    No typical day, but a general pattern:

    Until summer, most common breakfast was 2 egg omelet with a little feta, some vegetables I have around (broccoli the most common), and some kind of green (spinach the most common). On the side either smoked salmon, low fat cottage cheese, or plain greek yogurt with berries. Currently, I have a smoothie (today's was honeydew melon, cucumber, and spinach, with coconut water and some vegan protein powder).

    Lunch -- leftovers from dinner or a salad with some kind of protein, occasionally a sandwich with a vegetable soup of some sort.

    Dinner -- the template is protein, vegetables, and a starch. Sometimes this means pasta with a sauce/toppings made by sauteeing a bunch of vegetables in olive oil and then adding some shrimp and maybe some olives or pine nuts. Tonight it means lamb chop plus corn plus summer squash plus a simple gazpacho (based on tomatoes, cucumbers, and green pepper) on the side. I try to eat seasonally and to work with what's in my refrigerator and really make do with that -- it is both easier/quicker and inspires more creativity for me than planning out a menu and buying things to fit that.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Meal 1: 2 hard boiled egg whites and Steel cut oats, brown sugar, fruit, almond milk (I like to slow cook a batch for 5+ hours on Sundays, or overnight, so I can just add a bit of almond milk or water in the mornings and heat them up)

    Meal 2: Protein Shake (+ 28g raw almonds or pistachios if I need a snack)

    Meal 3: 4oz chicken/turkey/fish and 1 cup veggies (could be baked chicken and green beans, a chicken wrap or salad, etc)

    Meal 4: Protein Bar (to curb the munchies and chocolate cravings)

    Meal 5: 4-6oz chicken/turkey/fish and 1-1.5 cup veggies (if I need to add carbs, I'll do that here with some rice or potatoes or bread, etc.)

    Sometimes I deviate. Tonight I'll have sushi for dinner... yum. But this is my template and then I work around it, and my macros, to make any changes I need to.
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    My diary is open so you can see on there what I eat every day.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    8 AM breakfast: dinner leftovers from last night, water to drink
    Noon lunch: 2 oz deli sliced turkey on 2 slices of wheat bread with 1 T Miracle Whip salad dressing, 4 oz of apple, water to drink
    3 PM snack- orange
    6 PM Dinner: bowl of minestrone soup, bread, 1 T butter, water to drink
    9 PM snack granola bar
    My diary is public. I don't have a restrictive diet plan other than calorie deficit. I prelog my food for the day every morning. I try to stick to my calorie goal of 1200 and get enough protein. I've lost 25 lbs.

  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,989 Member
    I tend to have a light breakfast and lunch, then a bigger dinner. This worked for me. When I was losing, my calorie goal was 1200 (I'm short and didn't have that much to lose) so there was no room for snacks. Here's what was typical for me on a non-workout day:

    Breakfast: Dry cheerios and Greek yogurt (around 200 calories)
    Lunch: Veggie-only salad with light dressing (around 300 calories)
    Dinner: Grilled pork/chicken/steak/fish, roasted vegetables, rice or potatoes (around 700 calories)

    On a workout day, I would add chicken to my lunch salad, a glass of wine at dinner, or some ice cream.

    I lost 35 pounds to get to my ideal weight. Now that I'm in maintenance mode, I pretty much always have that wine and ice cream. :)
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    So far today...

    8am: decaf coffee with liquid creamer, brown sugar.
    9:30am: a free maple syrup donut at the office.

    My weight is resetting to the lower end of my ideal range.

  • kschramm7
    kschramm7 Posts: 72 Member
    Breakfast 7 a.m.: Light English muffin with PB2 and sugar free jelly, coffee
    10 a.m. - cup of fruit with 1/2 cup 2% cottage cheese
    12:00 noon - Today I had 3 oz. roast beef on a Tumaro Wrap (60 calories) with lettuce tomato onion & mustard and 1 oz. pretzels
    2:00 p.m. - sugar free jello with 2 tbsp fat free cool whip
    3:00 p.m. - nonfat greek yogurt
    4:30 p.m. - Special K protein bar on my way to the gym
    7:00 p.m. - 5 oz grilled chicken, 1 serving baked french fries & a cup of steamed veggies.
    9:00 p.m. - Skinny Cow chocolate ice cream cone

    I've lost 77 lbs eating like this, and am at a healthy BMI. I'd still like to lose another 9 lbs.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    I'm short (5'0ish) and only about 20-25lbs from goal. ~1200 cals. This helped me lose 15lbs in a few months with an ofc job and not much exercise.
    8am- 1/2 c egg beaters, 14g lite shredded cheese, 2 pcs 45 cal toast, 14 g lite butter = 230 cals
    10am- 150g carrots, 2 T lite zesty Italian =87 cals
    12pm- 85-90g canned chicken, salsa, 30g special k cracker chips, 2 baby whole pickles = 230 cals
    2 pm- 130g gala apple slices, light & fit vanilla yogurt = 137 cals
    4pm- 1/4 c egg beaters, 1 pc 45 cal bread, 7g lite butter = 95cals
    6pm- 3oz chicken breast, whole can of green beans, 28g lite shredded cheese all mixed together= 295cals OR another option I like is a whole can of baby peas onions & mushrooms with a can of chicken and 1/4 c Alfredo sauce mixed up= 340 cals
    Dessert- cup of cashew milk, Splenda to taste, strawberries & blueberries = 105 cals
  • fatgiraffe2
    fatgiraffe2 Posts: 73 Member
    Usually something like

    Breakfast: weetabix with a small amount of semi skimmed milk and a cup of tea. At the weekend I'll either have the same, some kind of egg on toast or eat out if we're feeling fancy.

    Lunch: salad with 2 boiled eggs (lettuce, cucumber, pepper, spring onion, celery, beetroot, mushrooms, sweetcorn)

    Dinner: variable, but usually a quarter of a plate of meat or fish, a quarter of carbs or grains, and half a plate of vegetables or salad.

    If I've had no snacks throughout the day I will have a fruit salad and yoghurt for dessert.

    This usually fulfils my goals of 1500 to 1750 calories a day and is resulting in one or two lbs loss each week. I drink around 2 litres of water throughout the day.