New to This- first week and lost nothing!

Hi guys!
I'm quite new to this so please fee free to add me :)

I sort of half started and lost a little.
But this week I really went for it. I've been slightly under my calories daily and I've been swimming and to the gym!

I weighed this morning expecting even a .5lb weight loss but the scales haven't budged. Please feel free to take a look at my diaey- any feedback would be great.

I feel so disheartened and as though I might at well just not bother!

Berry x


  • pinboman
    pinboman Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Berry,

    Well to start with YES you should bother.
    We are all different and our bodies respond in different ways, so stick with it.
    How much water do you drink???? (drink more o:) )

    If I may suggest only weigh your self once a week on the same day and at the same time, the amount of water in the body can make it seem you have not dropped any weight.

    My weight goes up and down by 2 to 3 pounds from day to day (short term)

    You will be fine :)


    P.S. when you exercise fat can turn to muscle thus no change in weight.
  • veryberrycocoa
    veryberrycocoa Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks! Just feels a bit like... Ive worked, pretty hard and nothing has happened! I can't see why! B x
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    A week is too soon to see progress. Especially if you just have started working out - our muscles hold on to water for repair for one thing so that would mask any progress.

    Keep on going, you WILL lose.
  • mrflipmode
    mrflipmode Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Berry
    Don't worry too much about it.
    I've come on here to gain weight, ive been trying to eat 600+ extra calories( which is difficult once you're full ), ive been exercising more , taking protein shakes, eating loads of nuts which are high calorie and I've lost weight !
    What's that all about ?
    I think we may have this idea that we are going to get our desired results quicker than expected.
    Just hold on in there and keep it up, hopefully we will see a difference.
    What you're doing won't harm you so carry on and see how you are in 3 weeks or so.

    Good luck
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thanks! Just feels a bit like... Ive worked, pretty hard and nothing has happened! I can't see why! B x

    are you due on your period any time soon?
  • Aerosam
    Aerosam Posts: 121 Member
    If your weight isnt budging and youre working really hard then grab a measuring tape and measure your vital statistics (tummy, thighs, chest, whatever you like) as you may find you are changing shape!
  • TravisJHunt
    TravisJHunt Posts: 533 Member
    I wouldn't put too much stock into the scale after just one week. If you've increased lets say your water intake, you might be retaining a bit more which could offset a loss. Even the temperature can cause us to hold or lose weight. So don't stress, now if 4 weeks from now nothing has changed, then you could maybe review somethings.
  • veryberrycocoa
    veryberrycocoa Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everybody for all of the very kind comments ! I will review again in another week or two and see what's going on then! Thanks x
  • stvrod7
    stvrod7 Posts: 6 Member
    Add me if you want
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    Don't worry about not losing for one week! But if it continues, make sure you're weighing and counting every bite you put in your mouth (yes, testing the dinner you're cooking counts..) and you'll be good to go. :smile: If you don't have one already, food scales at walmart are like $10 or less and pretty reliable.
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    Sometimes when you do really well for a week, it actually takes another week or two to actually see the results.
    It works the other way round too.
    Sometimes I have a really bad week, and the scales still say I weigh the same. Then the next week after I've been eating normally, I gain a couple of pounds. It's like there's a delay.

    Really, don't worry at all. I would bet my hat that after the next couple of weeks you will start seeing some changes.

    If you aren't doing it already, I would HIGHLY recommend not just keeping track of your weight, but also your measurements (chest, waist, hips at least). Sometimes the scale won't budge because of water retention or whatever, but you will measure and realise you've actually gotten smaller.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend if you want! I lost 35lbs a few years ago, but have gained it all back since then, so I'm off on Round 2. Could use more friends :)
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,023 Member
    Weight fluctuates a lot. Women especially can have lots of ups and downs because of their menstrual cycle. If it is almost time for your period, or if you are ovulating then there is a good chance that you are retaining a little water and that could mask any weight loss. Plus if you have recently started new exercises then your muscles will retain some water too. Give it a little more time and you will start to see the weight coming off. If you are not using a food scale then it is a good investment. That way you will know that you are actually eating the amount you think you are. Your profile pictures doesn't look like you have a lot to lose, so you will have a small deficit and there isn't much room for logging errors. Don't give up though. You will never take the weight off if you do, but if you keep at it it will come off.
  • saintshoc
    saintshoc Posts: 29 Member
    Weighing yourself once a week at the same time and day is better as weight will fluctuate and it does take a while to get your body to adjust to the new regime and then you should see your weight start to move. Best of luck.
  • Wizeman22
    Wizeman22 Posts: 552 Member
    Add me so we all can take this journey together.
  • veryberrycocoa
    veryberrycocoa Posts: 10 Member
    Hi guys. An update. Just weighed. I've put ON 1lb from last week. I did have friends over for drinks Monday but I've rinsed the gym since.
    Yesterday I drank bellyfuls of water.

    My diary is available to look at. Any advice? Coz 2.4lb is 18 days just shouldn't be happening.

    I am willing to just throw in the towel at this rate! Advice welcome! X
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    That's just under 3lbs in just under 3 weeks... not seeing the problem personally. How much do you have to lose all together?
  • veryberrycocoa
    veryberrycocoa Posts: 10 Member
    That's just under 3lbs in just under 3 weeks... not seeing the problem personally. How much do you have to lose all together?

    About 25/28lb.
    I feel as though it's a big lifestyle change for me and the gym is killer and 2lb isn't much for the first three weeks at all.

    I feel like I'm not even getting started here! X
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    That's just under 3lbs in just under 3 weeks... not seeing the problem personally. How much do you have to lose all together?

    About 25/28lb.
    I feel as though it's a big lifestyle change for me and the gym is killer and 2lb isn't much for the first three weeks at all.

    I feel like I'm not even getting started here! X

    you're not on biggest loser, your rate of loss is ok.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I weigh myself every day and weight fluctuates violently sometimes depending on various factors like sodium rich meals, exercise, size of meals and hormones. The last peak you see in the chart is actually a 3.5 pound gain overnight.


    Having only 25 lb to lose, your rate of weight loss will naturally fall between 0.5 and 1 pounds a week, which can very easily be masked by any water weight fluctuation.
  • DarthSpence
    DarthSpence Posts: 79 Member
    Hey, if you work out everyday and eat well check it in a month you may have a little surprise, but it is all about how much your body uses its calories eg you may have a intake of 1600 calories exercise burns I dunno 300, but your body might already be putting on 1000 calories so you won't see a massive change, everyone is different but if your exercising it's a step in the right direction :)