Sick of NEGATIVE comments!!



  • CrashD
    CrashD Posts: 14 Member
    Too many vultures sippin on that HATERADE! Eff em don't listen and keep moving you don't need people like that messing up your vibes. Keep doing you babe! :)
  • PurpleStarKatz
    PurpleStarKatz Posts: 45 Member
    ...When I told my mum after her going on at me to stop losing weight etc that I needed to tone my thighs and lower tummy she said no you dont and I said yes mum i do they are wobbly and I want to tone them her reply " If you wear a size 8 you don't wobble" lol hilarious - doesnt matter what size you are it can still wobble of course it can. grrrrrr the one person who should support me and be happy for me doesnt and it annoys me ...

    I had something similar happen to me. I was looking through some of my mom's lotions and stuff and saw one for stretch marks. I have some on my upper/inner thighs and I really don't care that no one else ever sees them. They bother me, and that's enough for me to want to get rid of them. Anyway, I asked if I could borrow her lotion to try it and she gave me the dirtiest look ever and told me I couldn't possibly have stretch marks. Didn't believe me until she actually saw the marks for herself. After that she offered the lotion to me without contest though, xD
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    You appear to be in the healthy body weight range for your height, you look great, you feel good, and you are where you want to be. That's all that matters.

    Congrats on the weight loss.
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    I actually have a friend who stopped inviting me to bars and dinner because her reason was that I don't eat or drink. I was shocked! Just because I don't eat or drink as much alcohol as her doesn't mean I don't like to socialize and have a good time. She is the only one who takes notice of my food and alcohol intake, nobody else seems to mind! It's not like I sit there moaning about the calories in each meal or pick at my food either.
  • vidalia222
    vidalia222 Posts: 15
    I actually have a friend who stopped inviting me to bars and dinner because her reason was that I don't eat or drink. I was shocked! Just because I don't eat or drink as much alcohol as her doesn't mean I don't like to socialize and have a good time. She is the only one who takes notice of my food and alcohol intake, nobody else seems to mind! It's not like I sit there moaning about the calories in each meal or pick at my food either.

    It's amazing how threatened some people feel by what is after all just normal social behaviour. She must be really insecure about herself.
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    Wow, thank you guys so much for the support!!!! I'm glad i'm not the only one who feels annoyed by this! I am a nurse, and we have a 70lb 5'4 anorexic patient on our unit and my coworkers keep telling me I should go bunk up with her. RUDE! But it is good to know all of the support that comes from MFP is available or I may go crazy!!!!!
    Thanks again for listening to my rant! You all should be incredibly proud of yourself!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I completely understand all of this!

    Right now I am 5'5" tall, I weigh around 145 (haven't weighed myself in a while, so it might be a little more or a little less), and I wear a size 8. My goals, however, are to have 12% body fat and wear a size 2, so that means that I need to cut more fat from my body. By Tom Venuto's calculators, I will weigh around 115 pounds when I get to my goals. So obviously that means that I workout and eat at a calorie deficit...

    And all I get from people is "you are already skinny" and "you don't need to lose weight" and "you don't want to be that little because that's unhealthy." I am so sick of it!!! It is nowhere near unhealthy. My goals are not to be a stick figure like Angelina Jolie, but I want to be a lean, muscular, bodybuilder type physique where you can see my abs poppin' out and my biceps are nice and strong. I eat at least 1500 calories a day. Maybe their goals are just to lose some weight, but mine are much more precise and specific. In P90X world, I would want to look like Dreya Weber...cause her size and body fat % are very close to my own goals. My size 8 pants would fall right off of her. :grumble:

    My hairdresser even told me "Oh God, you don't need to lose a single pound cause you are so tiny." TINY? WHAT??? I might be smaller than her, but I am not "tiny." I find it offensive when people try to belittle my goals like that. They might be thinking they are being nice, but they are truly not!
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    I know how you feel too. I especially hate the "you only live once, so eat what you want" comment. I only live once, and I'd like to live long and healthily! (and skinny :wink: )

    Has anyone ever seen "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead?"? They talk to people who would rather die at 50 and eat what they want than live to 90 and eat veggies and exercise. That's just terrible.
  • MissYogapants
    MissYogapants Posts: 106 Member
    I totally understand.
    I grew up as a slightly chubby teen, whining about how extremely fat I was. Mom always told me, over and over again, that I wasn't fat, that I was beautiful and there was nothing wrong with me.

    Then, when I was 19 I moved away from home, to go to university. I had very little money so what happened was I became good with cooking (it's so much cheaper doing every part of the cooking yourself than to use semi-finished products) and stopped eating sweets (I used to eat sweets every day...). I lost about 10 kilos and ended up with a BMI of 21.2, which is very healthy. I felt fantastic, like I'd never felt before. I was constantly so full of energy and felt totally awesome! And that's when it started... the "rescue actions" my mother started. Every time I came home to visit her (I then lived 200 kms away), which was about once or twice a month, she would be complaining over how skinny I'd gotten and how sick it was to be that underweight that I was. She engaged her friends and had them call me and talk to me about how bad my underweight had gotten.

    Now looking back I see how insane that was. I was 5'9' (175 cm) and weighed 143 lbs (65 kilos). There was absolutely nothing wrong with that.

    Some time after I suffered some rough years which peaked with a depression. A few months ago I weighed 187 lbs (85 kilos). I've turned the ship around and am now at 171 lbs (78 kilos). Of course, with my mother still nagging me, but now it's about how overweight I am...

    I'm sick of people telling me that I'm too skinny or too fat. Those two comments hurt just as much, because they mean I'm not good enough.
  • vidalia222
    vidalia222 Posts: 15
    I think the case with mothers is different to friends - a lot of mothers use food to show how much they love you, so it's done for the best reasons. They are wrong but it's because they don't know rather than that they want to harm your health - exactly the opposite really. Be kind to them but gently try to educate them. Just look at how many mums use food as a reward or a treat and it's no wonder we grow up confused but when we are adults we have the ability and free will to do things the way we want to do it and we should.
  • MissYogapants
    MissYogapants Posts: 106 Member
    I think there are lots of reasons why people try to either sabotage your hard work or just feel a need to put you down when you are feeling so good about yourself, and most of them relate to their own insecurities - they can maybe see you doing what they'd like to do themselves but they haven't got your motivation or inner strength so they need to criticise rather than congratulate. That's thier problem and not yours.
    Also I've come across another reason recently and that that many people particularly in Western society no longer recogise what people should look like at a healthy weight. Studies in the US and the UK have found that most people when shown photographs of people at a good healthy weight tend to identify them as underweight. Also many parents refuse to recognise obesity in their children - it is normal to see the ribsof a 10 year old but many parents would be horrified if that was their child instead thinking they were underweight or that they were not doing their job as a parent correctly. The media always show the extreme examples of obesity to such an extent that we have lost our perspective of what we should actually look like at a healthy normal weight.
    Whatever the reasons, you know yourself that what you have acheived is something to be so proud of so you just have to learn to let their misguided comments roll off you like water off a duck's back.

    This was a very good comment! This really made me start thinking.
  • MissYogapants
    MissYogapants Posts: 106 Member
    I think the best way to reply to that in many cases is simply by informing the person that your weight is none of their business. And if you're feeling sassy, you can add to that, "And if I want your opinion on my weight, I'll give it to you first."

    This is brilliant! I'm SO gonna give back a comment about the weight-commenter's body every time it happens from now on! Perhaps that's the only way for them to maybe slightly understand how much it hurts.
    Nice! :)
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    My mother said that I'm not even allowed to say "size six" or "size eight" in the house anymore because "if you're a six or an eight you don't need to lose weight, you're fine." Sure, I'm fine, but I'm also 10lbs overweight. I'm 5'5" and in a size eight and it's so discouraging that just because I'm smaller than her, my attempts to change my body are "insane" and "obsessive."
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    110 pounds for someone our height (I'm 5 1") is nowhere near anorexic, we are short!! It is a totally healthy weight, well done and keep up the great work
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I understand. I'm not there yet, but I do understand. I have already posted saying that I am far from skinny (I am, in fact still classified as obese by the BMI scale), and I have people telling me that I need to stop losing weight and that I am getting too skinny! What the hell people, let me get healthy would you?!?!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I'm envious! I hope i get thin enough to get these comments some day! I know they bother you and people are stepping over the line of good manners, but I sure look forward the hearing, "you're too thin". It would beat the heck out of teen age boys yelling "oink, oink , oink when I ride by on my bicycle.
  • casie05
    casie05 Posts: 48 Member
    I FEEL U'! This is exactly what happened when I started training for my competition its SO frustrating!! I was doing insanity,Shakeology,& eating healthy and I lost 25 lbs. In about 3-4 months. So it was quick, but it was the right way, my own dad asked me if everything was ok "bc u could see my ribs" I was like, I eat ALL the tome every 2-3 hours lol I promise it's healthy lol. Mt co workers were the someway too. BUT others that know what you're doing and know how fitness works (lol) understand. :-)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The first time I went to my doctor, many years ago, I went with the intention of asking about how to lose weight in a healthy way. I was about 147 at 5'5. Certainly in the healthy range, but higher and with more body fat that I wanted.

    When the assistant asked me to step on the scale, I slipped out of my shoes, and she made a "tut-tut" noise, shook her head, and said, "It's always the skinny ones that do that..."

    Uh... Excuse me? I was three pounds away from being "overweight" by BMI standards. I was hardly skinny!

    Which reminds me... I should probably look into finding a new doctor. The only good thing about mine is that she's good about phoning in prescriptions for common problems (like ear & sinus infections) without an office visit. :ohwell:
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm 5 foot 5, weight 131.6 with BMI of 21.9 - healthy enough.........but would just like to get that last 1.6 off before starting maintenance - it doesn't want to leave :laugh:

    As long as your goals are realistic and healthy for you then stick to them........but, whoever you are & whatever your goals, make sure you know when to stop before you get into the 'unhealthy' bracket. Not everyone is made the same and there are many factors that control our weight & well-being.....

    Sue :smile: x
  • Queen_Mom
    Queen_Mom Posts: 6 Member
    I was so sick of hearing the comments as well. People at work even sent the staff Psychologist to talk to me because they thought I had an eating disorder. I will admit dropping 102 pounds in a year was dramatic, but not eating disorder worthy. My friends and family were very supportive but the closer I got to my current weight, ( I went from 257 to 152 ish) they all started the whole "you're getting to thin" thing. And funny thing is, the staff psychologist helped me to see that these people in my life (including my husband) had NEVER seen me at this weight and my family had not seen me like this in a very long time, so to them I was extremely thin. Over the past few months I have maintained between 150 - 155 and the comments have stopped as people have become used to the "new me." There were times I really wished people would leave me alone and not judge and some of comments were not made out of concern, rather out of pure maliciousness, I knew that and just took the comments "from the source". I feel better about me and I know what I am doing is the right thing for me, my health and my family..those who do not want to be supportive of my changes and lifestyle are not worth my time and energy and I'll probably be around longer than they will :smile: