Eating 1200 calories but no weight loss. HELP!?

Errilan Posts: 10 Member
edited August 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey there, I'm Morgan.
GW:115 ( Reconsidered with good coaching :) )

I started losing weight a year ago and got down to 128. I took a break for a few months and stayed around 133. Recently I started eating 1200 calories a day. Mind you I understand that not all calories are the same. I eat clean for the most part ( I enjoy equate meal shake in the morning). I exercise five times a week at the gym. Aswell as track everything through my Fitbit Surge. So, I'm a bit dumbfounded as to why I'm gaining weight and not losing weight! I'd understand if I weren't so bloated and flabby. It feels like I'm just gaining bad weight.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
P.S I eat 6 small meals. Every three hours.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    How tall are you?

    Do you weigh everything you eat?
  • Errilan
    Errilan Posts: 10 Member
    All that is fine, but do you weigh your food before you log it?
    I weigh my veggies and meat for accuracy.
  • hendricd1
    hendricd1 Posts: 4 Member
    I've been using an app called myfitnesspal and I was surprised at how much sugar I was consuming, while staying within the calorie limits set for my age/weight. I suggest you look at your sugar consumption. I started losing 2 lbs. a week when I got my sugar intake under control
  • Errilan
    Errilan Posts: 10 Member
    How tall are you?

    Do you weigh everything you eat?
    I am 5' 4. I weigh my veggies and meat. :)

  • SophieSmall95
    SophieSmall95 Posts: 233 Member
    edited August 2016
    Are you weighing your food and logging accurately? This is where most people go wrong.
    And how long have you found weight loss to have stalled? As I'm sure you have heard many times weight loss is not linear and you need to give it a good 4-5 weeks before you know for sure you aren't losing any weight.

    Also exercise can cause weight gain at first from water retention.
  • Errilan
    Errilan Posts: 10 Member
    Errilan wrote: »
    How tall are you?

    Do you weigh everything you eat?
    I am 5' 4. I weigh my veggies and meat. :)

    Isn't 105lbs under weight given your height?

    You should be weighing everything. You're eating more than you think.
    I used to stay around there about three years ago. I'm 21. If it's too low then I wouldn't mind staying around 110-115.
    Everything? I need a new scale then :(
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    It's hard to tell what might be going on without seeing your diary and getting some more information (like how long you've been stalled, how recently you switched to 1200 calories and what you were doing before that). Could you open your diary, even for an hour or so, so we can take a look? Without that, we're kind of just guessing at what might be going on.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Errilan wrote: »
    How tall are you?

    Do you weigh everything you eat?
    I am 5' 4. I weigh my veggies and meat. :)

    104 lbs is underweight for your height. You are currently at a healthy weight. When you are trying to get to the low range of what is healthy, it is going to be difficult and you need to be exact. And the danger is you will need to eat too little to get to that weight and will open up the possibility of losing muscle mass or not getting enough nutrition.
    • Consider aiming for a bit higher weight.
    • Set MFP to lose 0.5 lbs per week.
    • Weigh every thing you can possibly get on the food scale and log every single thing accurately and consistently. This includes packaged foods, yogurt, peanut butter, etc.

    I'm 5'4" 130 lbs. I'm happy here but aiming for 120 to see how it feels. I would be scrawny at 105, and I'm pretty petite. I also eat @ 1800 cals to maintain, so I can eat 1500 cals to lose weight and I'm not very active.

    How much you eat is more important than what you eat for weight loss. If you aren't losing, you are eating more than you think. And PLEASE reconsider your goal weight. Best of luck
  • Errilan
    Errilan Posts: 10 Member
    RobD520 wrote: »
    Errilan wrote: »
    Errilan wrote: »
    How tall are you?

    Do you weigh everything you eat?
    I am 5' 4. I weigh my veggies and meat. :)

    Isn't 105lbs under weight given your height?

    You should be weighing everything. You're eating more than you think.
    I used to stay around there about three years ago. I'm 21. If it's too low then I wouldn't mind staying around 110-115.
    Everything? I need a new scale then :(

    Your BMI is in the normal range at the moment. Your goal of 105 is a BMI of 18, which is "underweight".

    You goals are your business; but weight loss is slow when you are not heavy.

    I definitely did not know that the weight I was working towards was under BMI. When I used a free app for BMI it said 105 was the lowest of healthy.
    I'm adjusting my goals. I'm trying to lower my body fat percent then start really working towards muscle gain. When I first tried to achieve the body I was looking for all I did was get heavier and bulky. I want to be lean :)
    Thank you
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    What kind of exercise? Open your diary if you really want people to help.

    You many not be logging calories your eating that you are unaware of. Cooking oils, sugars, alcohol, drinks are common surprise calories.
  • Errilan
    Errilan Posts: 10 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    What kind of exercise? Open your diary if you really want people to help.

    You many not be logging calories your eating that you are unaware of. Cooking oils, sugars, alcohol, drinks are common surprise calories.
    I believe sugar is my problem.