Are there any foods that are banned in your head?



  • Intentional_Me
    Intentional_Me Posts: 336 Member
    Nothing is banned because it'll make me want to binge. I definitely eat less of things like chocolate and fast food because then I feel like I can barely eat anything else all day. Usually if I have chocolate or something it's at the end of the day with remaining cals because I know I won't need to eat again later.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    kmsnyg wrote: »
    I also stink at moderation, so I just try to avoid carby processed snacks, like donuts, cookies, brownies, chips. I can't eat just one, and once I've stayed away from them I stop craving them.

    Why are those "carby" snacks and not "fatty" snacks? Truth is they are about half carbs, half fat. A banana or apple or even a carrot is a much more carby snack as a percentage of its overall calories.
  • wagnerpe123
    wagnerpe123 Posts: 65 Member
    edited August 2016
    I don't ban foods, but there are many foods that I don't eat because they just don't taste delicious enough to justify the calories. The most notable is the quarter pounder meal at McDonald's which was my go to McDonald's meal - it doesn't even taste as good as it used to to me anymore, but it certainly doesn't taste delicious enough to justify 870 calories. Also on the list are most store bought cookies - I will eat my daughter's homemade cookies, but won't bother eating an Oreo.

    But on the flip side, I will eat other fast food and think it's totally worth it. Cookie dough blizzard for 1030 calories? Not a spur of the moment treat, but give me me some time to plan for it, and yes please!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    no banned foods here.

    i might have foods i dont buy or eat frequently, but the only foods banned are ones im actually allergic to.
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 668 Member
    Only foods that have proven to be detrimental to my goals.
    Peanut M & Ms have screwed up my deficit too many times to be allowed in my house.
    Sugary cereal with cold, cold milk. I seriously think the serving sizes on boxes should be against the law, cause not only am I not satisfied at one serving, but sometimes I'm not done at 4 servings.
    Other than that, I eat what I want as long as my calorie budget allows it.
  • curvymegan89
    curvymegan89 Posts: 98 Member
    I haven't banned anything, but I try to find low cal alternatives where possible. For example, I eat vege chips instead of regular chips, and Diet Coke instead of full sugar Coke. It still satisfies my craving, but I feel better about my choices.
  • rsleighty
    rsleighty Posts: 214 Member
    Not really. The only things I pay much attention to ( other than calories) are saturated fat and sodium so things like baked/fried treats and fast food are mostly out. Even those I refuse to obsess about. If i go over a bit, I do. No big deal.
  • BeverlyMarsh1986
    BeverlyMarsh1986 Posts: 72 Member
    Probably pizza from places like Pizza Hut or Domino's. I still eat other pizza that doesn't go over the daily sodium limit in one bite... ;) I couldn't just eat one slice either; it would have to be the whole thing. And some things could fit into the diet plan, but they are not worth feeling hungry all day. Like brownies or Swiss Rolls.
  • magicpickles
    magicpickles Posts: 286 Member
    These things in New Zealand called ''Cookie Time''. They are biscuits that have about 8-12 times as many calories as a regular biscuit.
  • brooke88z
    brooke88z Posts: 23 Member
    I've banned foods where I don't know the calorie count. That is basically take-out food from non-chain restaurants. Other than that, I don't ban foods, but there are foods that I avoid. I certainly avoid sugary and simple carbs that provide little satiety for the number of calories consumed. But other than having to know the calories, I have no hard bans.
  • helen_demun
    helen_demun Posts: 33 Member
    I suffer from binge eating/emotional eating and for me, if I even start on one oreo.. I'll finish literally the whole container, then a pint of ice cream, then half a pizza, ect. I literally have eaten 8,000 calories before in a binge. So because I have that disordered eating (I'm way better then I was, but I'm still working hard on it) I honestly don't do ANY cookies or cake or pizza in my house at all.. Any candy or chocolate too is awful for me. So I have to keep those in my NO list in my head because I literally sometimes don't even have the self control to portion that out. Sucks, but when you have issues like that I have to do that! I don't feel deprived though honestly, I miss sugary and fatty foods but only because I loved to binge on them, ugh.
  • ManateToMermaid
    ManateToMermaid Posts: 27 Member
    Not so much banned foods but I still have foods I tend to stay away from, my will power is strong right now but I don't want to slip up, some foods will trigger me wanting to eat more of them or have in the past so for now I'm staying away from them
  • Aquawave
    Aquawave Posts: 260 Member
    Banned: Processed foods(flours,sugars), sweet fruits, starchy veggies. I am a diabetic and this has normalized my glucose readings.
  • JennifrClaire
    JennifrClaire Posts: 141 Member
    Home made baked goods - cake especially. Because I cannot stop at "one bite" or even one portion, but would keep going til it was all gone and make more the next day.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Aquawave wrote: »
    Banned: Processed foods(flours,sugars), sweet fruits, starchy veggies. I am a diabetic and this has normalized my glucose readings.

    Do you really give up all processed foods? I don't know why ground beef or cheese or butter or smoked salmon would be an issue for a diabetic.

    If you do, that's cool, but people often claim that "processed" foods are somehow unhealthy when in fact many are quite nutritious.

    As noted above, I happen to find a dinner based on whole wheat pasta with lots and lots of vegetables, some olive oil, pine nuts, and shrimp to be a healthy and reasonable calorie meal, but of course I'm not diabetic and for some diabetics it might not work.
  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    I don't really eat fast food anymore because I don't find the calories worth it plus the sodium is ridiculous. Plus it's a slippery slope for me. In general I don't ban foods because I think it's "bad" for me. I just think of ways to stay within my calorie goals. I don't eat pizza much, if at all, because the calories aren't worth it. If I'm craving pizza I'll just buy a Lean Cuisine. I also avoid buffets like the plague. From past experience I've eaten too much food to the point my stomach hurts. Willpower goes out the window. I'll still eat foods like tacos, hamburgers, fries, spaghetti with garlic bread, etc, but it's homemade. Some foods are just triggers that I know would cause me to revert back to my old ways, and I can't go back there. Never again.
  • BiggDaddy58
    BiggDaddy58 Posts: 406 Member
    Tofu & Liver come to mind..but then I have banned them from my for making me think of those two horrible items again!
  • Arapacana1
    Arapacana1 Posts: 117 Member
    Now that I'm eating better, I'm becoming pickier about my treats. I haven't banned chocolate, but if I'm going to spend my calories on it, it's not going to be a Snickers bar (or three), but that imported European chocolate they sell for a small fortune for one piece at a specialty store in my town. It tastes so good, but it's so expensive I can't afford to binge.
  • SadDolt
    SadDolt Posts: 173 Member
    edited August 2016
    i've banned myself from certain ice cream brands and replaced it with lower calorie brands. i don't allow myself to eat bread after a certain time of a day, because it's heavy on my body, thus slowing down my weight loss