Starting Myfitnesspal again

Hi, my name is Siobhan! I have had this app for a few years and very rarely used it. This time around i have set myself a deadline of 39 days (going home to see friends- gotta look good!) to reach my target weight of 9stone 10lbs!
My main issue is keeping up the continued motivation and lack of exercise(being stuck at a desk for long hours isn't helping). Needing tips and tricks on how to keep active and distracted from eating junk food! :)


  • KimOrley
    KimOrley Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Siobhan, after a few months off and a 4lb gain on what I'd previously lost I'm re-starting today too. Time to remember why I wanted to do this in the first place. I've got 20lb to lose to get to the middle of my healthy range, hoping to achieve that in 20 weeks maximum!
  • bardd1995
    bardd1995 Posts: 17 Member
    I had the same issue, I periodically switched from going to the gym three times a week to couch potato. But it's been four weeks since I started going again and this time I think I won't stop! Feel free to add me, we could talk it out :)
  • Rehab_Nurse
    Rehab_Nurse Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I get on and off MFP constantly. This past year has caused a lot of weight fluctuations related to a great deal of unfortunate events. I can feel it all over the place. So, getting back to how I used to eat and exercise.