One Food/Drink you gave up



  • rebelontherun
    rebelontherun Posts: 192 Member
    I don't eat as much pasta or potatoes as I used to! Also, I am trying to lean off of soda..slowly but surely lol


    Oh my gosh, pasta, potatoes and rice are my FAVORITE things to eat! I had to give them up too, or stop eating them so frequently anyway :(
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I havnt had any butter I am not giving it up doing so would make we want to eat it. lol
    I guess pepsi was my favorite thing before I started eating better, I have switched to diet coke and drink that a couple times a week instead of 2 to 3 cans of pepsi a day.
  • coopcat
    coopcat Posts: 3 Member
    I think it has to be none or all with me on the sweet tea. :smile: I have tried using alternative sweeteners, but it's just not the same.
  • McghanK
    McghanK Posts: 120
    To tell you the truth I haven't given up anything. I just don't eat them as often. I think that if you can make good decisions 99% of the time you should then eat what you really want with moderation. I find that if I "deprive" myself of something the more I want it and and I don't it could be sitting at the counter for 1 month and I don't touch it. It's all in my head for me ;)
  • HowardRose
    HowardRose Posts: 138 Member
    French Fries and other potato products like hash browns and mashed potatoes, except for a taste every now and then.
  • Kayluv1996
    Kayluv1996 Posts: 15
    Donuts, honey buns, and any type of cake product
  • jid314
    jid314 Posts: 71
    I still drink a ton of diet soda, and have drank it constantly ever since I started dieting in May (down about 30 lbs!) - so I dont buy in to the whole aritificial sweetener thing...

    BUT, I have given up, pretty much, pork and beef, simply for the caloric content in comparison to turkey. I eat turkey burgers, turkey brats, turkey hot dogs, turkey polish sausage, turkey bacon, etc, etc!
  • kittyhorn
    kittyhorn Posts: 112 Member
    I haven't given up anything. So long as I can fit it in my calorie allowance I'm cool eating whatever I want. I tend to lean towards healthier options as they tend to have more bang for their calorie buck.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Honestly I didn't give up anything, but I seriously limit my tater tot consumption to once a month instead of once a week.
  • ShampooIsBetter
    I know 35 is too old to admit this, but I LOVE Beefaroni. And I like it unheated, straight out of the can. with a big pile (20+) of saltines. i like to have enough crackers to not need a fork of spoon.

    but it's been ages since I had it. those 800+ cals would wreck my day.

    but when i walk through the store and see it on sale for 99 cents, I miss it like I miss the old tennis shoes I wore every day when I was seven.

    i used to also be a big McDonald's fan. I still go there at least once a week. But i only get one thing: a single 300 calorie cheeseburger. on sunday mornings during football seasons, I used to hit MickyDees and order 2 Double Cheeseburgers, ten piece Chicken nuggets and a large Caramel Frap. with ketchup and dipping sauces, it came to about 1800-2000 calories. thats more than I eat in a day now.
  • Sandbug
    Sandbug Posts: 200 Member
    I never realized how much bread I ate until a co-worker told me that she noticed I ate a lot of bread. Then continued to go on about how much carbs were in bread. I declared myself a carb junkie from that poiint on and continued to eat bread but started paying attention to how much I really did eat. (at least a serving 3-4 times a day!, sometimes that would be my meal!) Then this past May 18th I decided to give it up for 5 weeks until I went out for my birthday and had it. Since this time I limit myself and have done so much better! Do I miss it? Sure but do I feel better with all the changes I have made with my diet? Yes, and that means more than that delicious Asiago Cheese Bread!
  • dikent
    dikent Posts: 24
    I refuse to completely give up anything. All things in for LIFE.

    BUT there are things I choose not to consume simply because of the consequences that follow.

    Otherwise, I pretty much allow myself anything in moderation. :)

    This is stated perfectly. We pretty much follow a whole food/organic diet and I cook most everything from scratch, but I could never give up sweets. I just have cut down on how often I make/eat them. :)
  • panda988
    panda988 Posts: 10
    I have given up Splenda (for which I had given up sugar, lol). Now I use Stevia, which has a weird aftertaste but is at least natural. And I have very little, so maybe I'll start drinking my coffee and lemon juice unsweetened.

    I do want to give up diet pop, but for now I am going to enjoy the Diet Cherry Coke sitting in my mini-fridge (we don't have Cherry Coke in Canda, and I love it!).
  • JoshuaHansford
    5 weeks ago I gave up fried food, white breads/rice/pastas, and sugar/candy/pop of any kind. Everything is on the table for 1 cheat day a week, though which is normally on Sunday.

    Case in point, July 3rd BBQ I had Ribs, pulled pork, tater salad, deviled eggs, and ice cream. The next day I stepped on the scale and had lost 2 lbs. Man, I love cheat day!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Mt Dew. I missed it terribly at first but now? I don't give a hoot about it. I honestly think I'd be disgusted if I tried to drink it - too sugary, too sweet and too much crap in it. ;)

    I also don't eat ANY fast food. I just hate the taste of it and feel like it is the biggest waste of calories.

    I haven't had a donut in a long time either - but I don't miss 'em at all.
  • 1Y2ABM
    1Y2ABM Posts: 5
    Coca-Cola!!!! I LOVE me a good cold Coca-cola!
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I totally gave up artificial sweeteners, because they were making me sick.

    Now I'm focused on other things, like those 100-calorie snack packs. For me, anyway, they tend to trigger a feeding frenzy. If I have a 100-calorie pack of cookies, it sets loose the sugar demon! I'm trying to just stay away from processed foods as much as possible. But it's not always realistic, so I just try to be more aware.

    It's sad, but the reality for me right now is I have a definite set of "trigger" foods that lead to unhealthy eating. Until I get my head in check, I have to avoid them all together.
  • tuscaroragal
    tuscaroragal Posts: 78 Member
    I gave up eating cheese, which I LOVE....I do cheat on ocasion, but normally don't buy it at the store or add it to any meal eating out... :(
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I totally gave up artificial sweeteners, because they were making me sick.

    Now I'm focused on other things, like those 100-calorie snack packs. For me, anyway, they tend to trigger a feeding frenzy. If I have a 100-calorie pack of cookies, it sets loose the sugar demon! I'm trying to just stay away from processed foods as much as possible. But it's not always realistic, so I just try to be more aware.

    It's sad, but the reality for me right now is I have a definite set of "trigger" foods that lead to unhealthy eating. Until I get my head in check, I have to avoid them all together.

    I was like this when I first started this journey. I KNEW the things that would trigger a binge (cake, donuts, Mt Dew were the biggies) and I simply avoided them at all costs. As I've progressed in this journey, I've come to realize that a) I don't miss any of it and b) If I wanted it, I COULD have it and I'd be okay... I simply don't want it anymore. :)
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I gave up massive bagels with large amounts of cream cheese... Nom. I also cut back on the Diet Coke. I used to have one every day... The sodium in them made me bloated. I limit myself and have one as a treat every once in awhile.

    I sometimes have everything bagel thins with reduced fat cream cheese or a laughing cow cheese wedge... Much better.