***Lose 20lbs in 60 days***(July 25-Sept-25)



  • electrickazoo
    electrickazoo Posts: 55 Member
    July 31: 184 (-4 lbs)
    Aug 7: 183 (-1 lb)
    Aug 14: 182 (-1 lb)
    Aug 21:
    Aug 28:
    Sep 4:
    Sep: 19
    Sep: 25

    I've been finding this week to be really hard for whatever reason. Hopefully next week is better (or I gain some self control) to make it back on track.
  • Redola
    Redola Posts: 56 Member
    July 31:219
    Aug 7:214.5
    Aug 14:212.5
    Aug 21:
    Aug 28:
    Sep 5:
    Sep: 19
    Sep: 25
  • angielove88
    angielove88 Posts: 85 Member
    Let's do this!

    Cw: 180
    GW: 140
    July 31: 177
    Aug 7: 176
    Aug 14: 176-just glad I didn't gain.
    Aug 21:
    Aug 28:
    Sep 5:
    Sep: 19
    Sep: 25

    Ate out twice this week. Need to watch my portions more. Other than that doing alright.
  • cgm117
    cgm117 Posts: 147 Member
    CW: 126.8
    GW: 116
    July 31:126.8
    Aug 4:126.3
    Aug 14:126.5
    Aug 21:
    Aug 28:
    Sep 5:
    Sep: 19
    Sep: 25
    I've been stress eating this week so not surprised by the gain; not as much as I thought it would be actually. New week, new start. Congrats to all with losses this week!!
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    July 31:154.3lbs(2.2lbs)
    Aug 7: 152.1lbs(2.2lbs)
    Aug 14:
    Aug 21:
    Aug 28:
    Sept 5:
    Sept 12:
    Sept 19:
    Sept 25:

    Weight lost so far for this challenge-4.4lbs
    Weight left to lose for this challenge-15.6lbs
  • sandflower81
    sandflower81 Posts: 399 Member
    Start of Challenge Weight: 196
    Challenge Goal Weight: 171
    Lbs to Lose for this Challenge: 25

    06/27: 196
    07/04: 192
    07/11: 190
    07/18: 190
    07/25: 186.5
    08/01: 188
    08/08: 183
    08/15: 181.5
    09/19: <<<challenge goal weight: 171 >>
  • Henken
    Henken Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, let's do this!
    July 31: 152
    Aug 7: 151
    Aug 14: 145.8
    Aug 21:
    Aug 28:
    Sep 5:
    Sep: 19
    Sep: 25
  • plockclan
    plockclan Posts: 8 Member

    July 31: 210
    Aug 7: 208.4
    Aug 14: 208.6
    Aug 21:
    Aug 28:
    Sep 5:
    Sep: 19
    Sep: 25
  • janemrk
    janemrk Posts: 5 Member
    Anybody interested in buddying up, that can communicate most days together? I need an accountability partner. I am 59 and have 25-35lbs to loose that are on me like glue.. It is more like my motivation factor I'm thinking...
  • jordyngiulio
    jordyngiulio Posts: 157 Member
    July 31: 185.6
    Aug 7: 185
    Aug 14: 182.8
    Aug 21:
    Aug 28:
    Sep 5:
    Sept 12:
    Sep 19:
    Sep 25
  • momzie2016
    momzie2016 Posts: 192 Member
    GW: 130
    July 31: 148.6
    Aug 7: 147.4
    Aug 14: 146.2
    Aug 21:
    Aug 28:
    Sep 4:
    Sep: 19
    Sep: 25
  • Mitch_K
    Mitch_K Posts: 11 Member
    I didn't do so well this week on the diet with the company BBQ and going out with the GF for dinner and drinks, but I didn't gain any back so that's a plus.

    SW: 234
    GW: 214

    July 31: 233
    Aug 7: 227
    Aug 14: 227
    Aug 21:
    Aug 28:
    Sep 5:
    Sep: 19
    Sep: 25

  • jhx4
    jhx4 Posts: 14 Member
    I totally forgot to log my results on Sunday, so here they are...

    CW: 165
    GW: 145
    July 31: 161
    Aug 7: 158
    Aug 14: 157

    Lost a pound, I'll take it! I'm definitely losing inches too! Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • Rigibann
    Rigibann Posts: 3,663 Member
    July 29: 170
    Aug 5: 167.5
    Aug 12: 166
    Aug 19: 165.5
    Aug 26:
    Sep 2:
    Sep: 16
    Sep: 23

    Just half a pound this week making a total of 6.5 lbs.
  • georgecarl7
    georgecarl7 Posts: 42 Member
    I will do this!!!!
    July 31: 211
    Aug 04: 208 weighing in early as I am traveling this week.
    Aug 14: 208
    Aug 21: 208 Numbers are not moving but that's ok, this is a marathon not a sprint!
    Aug 28:
    Sep 5:
    Sep: 19
    Sep: 25 ...Ready for the next 20 !!!!
  • michelle_more2live4
    michelle_more2live4 Posts: 188 Member
    Hope it is not too late to join

    Cw: 156.6
    GW: 144
    July 31: 159.1
    Aug 7: 159.6
    Aug 14: 158.3
    Aug 21:
    Aug 28:
    Sep 5:
    Sep: 19
    Sep: 25
  • SylvieN42
    SylvieN42 Posts: 49 Member
    SylvieN42 wrote: »
    SylvieN42 wrote: »
    7/31 221.8
    8/7 223.4
    Even though I worked really hard this week, it still shows a gain but I'm not worried about it. That's just the way it goes.

    8/14 220.4 Yeah, very happy!

    8/21 217.6
  • jmacaroni
    jmacaroni Posts: 243 Member
    SW: 263
    July 31: 257.8 (-3)
    Aug 7: 255.4 (-2)
    Aug 14: 254.4 (-1)
    Aug 21: 252.6 (-2)
    Aug 28:
    Sep 5:
    Sept 12:
    Sep 19:
    Sep 25:
    Total lost this challenge: 8.6
  • Pinkstar14
    Pinkstar14 Posts: 7 Member
    July 27 CW:173lbs

    July 31: 170lbs (-3)
    Aug 7: 167.2lbs (-2.8)
    Aug 14: 167.8lbs (+.6)
    Aug 21: 167.4lbs (-.4)
    Aug 28:
    Sept 5:
    Sept 12:
    Sept 19:
    Sept 25

    It was a great week even though I didnt have major loss. I even allowed myself some ice cream at a bbq yesterday which was nice. Going to keep running and struving to meet ny foal weight :smile:
  • Redola
    Redola Posts: 56 Member
    July 31:219
    Aug 7:214.5
    Aug 14:212.5
    Aug 21:210
    Aug 28:
    Sep 5:
    Sep: 19
    Sep: 25