Discouraged after cheat day



  • kprimaverab
    kprimaverab Posts: 32 Member
    edited August 2016
    Okay so for all of you saying I am starving myself .. Can you please tell me what I am lacking?
    This is my average food diary

    Breakfast: 2 eggs, english muffin, orange or apple
    Lunch: protein shake (almond milk, whey protein, strawberries, spinach, banana) with a side of veggies or fish
    Dinner: 1/2 cup of quinoa, chicken breast, veggies.
    I usually have 1 snack in between of 2 rice cakes with some peanut butter.
    I always feel full... I don't feel deprived and if i work out I usually eat 1500 calories by adding a low sugar protein bar, toast or a bigger lunch.
  • _dixiana_
    _dixiana_ Posts: 3,262 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    For it to be fat gain, you would have needed to eat 10,500 calories over maintenance. So yes, it's water and food weight.

    You do lose weight quickly at the beginning due to said water weight, so you should be starting to slow down. If not, then you'll need to up your calories.

  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    Don't ever weigh yourself immediately following cheat days.


    Anyway, you would actually have to eat more than 3500 to gain one pound because you would have to eat 3500 over your maintenance for that day. For me to gain a pound in one day, I would have to eat 5700 calories. Probably more like 6000, just because of the amount of energy it would take to digest that. I have trouble thinking if I have ever ate that many calories in one day, even at the height of my obesity. I have my doubts I could do it even if I wanted to. I tend to hit a serious wall at around 3k and my desire to eat more drops to zero. Like no food sounds good anymore at all and I am done, done, done. Too bad I can't hit that wall on something like 1500-2000. Oh well.

    FTR, I eat like an idiot every Friday night, but I never gain any weight from this because my weekly deficit is so great. The only thing that matters is the long term pattern of behavior.
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Cheat days can actually be a good thing. Though, I hate the word cheat. I did it, and still steadily lost weight. What you have to watch is your calorie intake on that day. So, say you are at a 3,000 calorie defecit by the end of Saturday. You go over your goal by 1,000 calories on Sunday. You are still at a 2,000 calorie defecit for the week. Don't think you have to be miserable to lose weight. You can try to fit such foods into your daily calorie allowance. When eating at such a low caloric intake, that means a heavy caloric meal is taking a lot from your daily allowance.
  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 526 Member
    Don't ever weigh yourself immediately following cheat days.

    I do. It alerts one to the extent of 'the damage', just like logging your cheat days. Knowledge is power. Really.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    Fursian wrote: »
    Don't ever weigh yourself immediately following cheat days.

    I do. It alerts one to the extent of 'the damage', just like logging your cheat days. Knowledge is power. Really.

    It's water weight, though, so it isn't really "damage", per se.
  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 526 Member
    Fursian wrote: »
    Don't ever weigh yourself immediately following cheat days.

    I do. It alerts one to the extent of 'the damage', just like logging your cheat days. Knowledge is power. Really.

    It's water weight, though, so it isn't really "damage", per se.

    Sure. Water weight is fine, it's what most have come to expect, but..the fun begins when one has more than their weekly calorie allowance either through one of these cheat days, or those 'cheat days to make up for the boring scheduled cheat days one may get into', meaning your weight bounces back and forth week to week, month to month. It really can happen with these days. -- I guess the point I'm making here is that weighing myself after these days has alerted me to the fact I've 'put more/less away' food/drink-wise. It does warn me, if you will, of any new changes I may want to re-think, or carry on if all is well. Hope you get what I mean
  • Gena575
    Gena575 Posts: 224 Member
    Okay so for all of you saying I am starving myself .. Can you please tell me what I am lacking?
    This is my average food diary

    Breakfast: 2 eggs, english muffin, orange or apple
    Lunch: protein shake (almond milk, whey protein, strawberries, spinach, banana) with a side of veggies or fish
    Dinner: 1/2 cup of quinoa, chicken breast, veggies.
    I usually have 1 snack in between of 2 rice cakes with some peanut butter.
    I always feel full... I don't feel deprived and if i work out I usually eat 1500 calories by adding a low sugar protein bar, toast or a bigger lunch.

    We have a similar amount to lose and I'm losing nicely (1.5-3lbs/week...hormones are rude) eating 1600 on average per day. My job is fairly active (retail...Lots of walking). Your daily meal plan would have me binging. Not in the early days when motivation was through the roof, but by 4-6 weeks I'd be shoving fries and reeses in my mouth like I'd just been released from starvation camp.

    Cheat meals, even days, are fine. Really. Just make them mindful. A few weeks ago I had been dying for a steak dinner from a local place. My husband had the day off so we went for a date night. I ate and enjoyed every crispy fry and bite of tender steak. And that roll, with plenty of butter. Zero guilt. Up 2lbs the next morning, but so what? I knew it was 95% water weight to deal with the sodium and extra food. It was gone in a few days. I can't and don't eat like that every day. But I also know I'll crave that steak again. That's living to me. Mindfully choosing to blow my daily goal is fine on occasion.

    I incorporate treats most days. A single fun size candy bar, an ice cream, chips, trail mix type snacks, etc. I do this so I don't go nutty and because I know I like those things. I'm not willing to give up treats forever so I need to learn to control my portions with them as much, or more, than I do chicken and salad. Use the extra 150 calories mfp gives you. You can use them daily or save some of them up for some weekend indulgence. You don't have to be a diet martyr. It's not fun, and not accurate for lifelong habits.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Pizza and ice cream are going to affect the scale. But you can't expect to have it on Saturday night and to show up on the scale on Sunday. That part's called water weight from the sodium from the pizza, etc. etc. etc. Like someone else said, you can't expect to have pizza and ice cream and for there not to be consequences.

    It might take a week or two between all the salt, calories, and fat for everything to "get back to normal".

    You're human, and you stumbled. Everybody does at some point. Shake it off and move on.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    (OP) If you went high calorie on Saturday, like this past Saturday, I'd totally expect to be up a few pounds. Did you eat 10,500 calories over what you expended? Probably not.
    In truth a high calorie day is the best thing you could have done for yourself since you've lost a lot of weight in a short period of time.
    As far as the weight goes, I will typically be up 4-8lbs the day after my Spike Day and still up 1-3 the following day. The reason why is water weight and glycogen. When you are in a caloric deficit your body burns through glycogen very quickly. Then you you have a refeed day your body stores extra calories as glycogen. Glycogen is a good thing but for every gram of glycogen your body stores 3-4 grams of water with it. So lets say you stored 300 grams of glycogen in your "cheat day". You would have an extra 900-1200 grams of water weight or about 3 pounds. As you cut calories this week, glycogen will deplete once again and the water goes with it.

    FYI: Glycogen is a big reason why so many can lose 3-5 pounds the first week of dieting and more if you go low to no carb.

    Losing weight for the long-term is also a long journey. Don't worry about the little bumps in the road. The stress caused from guilt and worry are far worse than eating a donut.

    cgvet37 - I call them Spike Days because I choose to spike my calories for a day and that spikes my leptin, metabolism and mindset. In a way I'm "cheating" the evolutionary system that kept me overweight but it's a negative word and Spike Days are all good.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    I don't see how this is a stumble. I don't understand the comments about consequences. We all do things knowing there will be unwanted consequences. We are human and imperfect. It's just life. OP be encouraged. You did nothing wrong. Maybe you will delay reaching your goal by a week or so. Also keep in mind that it may take longer than a couple of days for the fluid to flush. It's taken me 2 weeks before after over eating for one day to get back to my weight. But I got there eventually.