Anyone on 1200 cals / day ??

Hanna1983 Posts: 251
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi guys.

I have been on 1340 cals/day (=1lb loss per week) for some time now and not lost anything.

I am thinking about changing my goals to a 1.5lbs loss per week and therefore 1200 cals/day (on non-exercise days of course).

Is anyone else on only 1200 cals per day and losing weight well?




  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251
    Hi guys.

    I have been on 1340 cals/day (=1lb loss per week) for some time now and not lost anything.

    I am thinking about changing my goals to a 1.5lbs loss per week and therefore 1200 cals/day (on non-exercise days of course).

    Is anyone else on only 1200 cals per day and losing weight well?


  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    Heya, I'm on 1200

    I did this last year (oops no follow through haha) and I did lose weight on just eating a calorie deficit, but exercising is so much fun now I'm over my fear of it, I lose a lot more a lot faster!

  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    I was on 1200 calories, but found I wasn't losing weight, I've now increased to 1450 a day, and have lost a couple of pounds :drinker:
  • Robin_
    Robin_ Posts: 105
    1100 here, and stick to it very well. I changed my eating habits on Sept 25, so I am into it nearly 4 months. It started out to be all about the calorie, but I am getting into exercise now ~ that's a shocker! ha
  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251
    Thank you for letting me know !

    I will lower my cals to 1200 and see how it goes. Just ahve to add the calories after I exercised.

    Definitely exercise, I love it :bigsmile:
  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251
    1100 here, and stick to it very well. I changed my eating habits on Sept 25, so I am into it nearly 4 months. It started out to be all about the calorie, but I am getting into exercise now ~ that's a shocker! ha


    Wow that's low! Thank you for replying. have you lost the 45 lbs since September then?

  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251
    I was on 1200 calories, but found I wasn't losing weight, I've now increased to 1450 a day, and have lost a couple of pounds :drinker:

    Hi Jackie,

    I have been on 1340 calories since xmas and am still at the same weight every week at weigh-in. :grumble: Did you not lose at all when you were at 1200??
  • faylou
    faylou Posts: 89
    I am on 1340 cal per day but found i can get by at 1200 cal no problem, only tried this for the last week hoping this works better for me too. Looks like we are in the same vote.
    I was not getting the results i wanted on 1340 cal per day, even with my 40 minute workout daily.
  • :smile: Hi sorry totally unrelated question but i love your profile pic just wondered how u got that??? Where can i find it??
    Good luck with your goals!x:flowerforyou:
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    I was on 1200 calories, but found I wasn't losing weight, I've now increased to 1450 a day, and have lost a couple of pounds :drinker:

    Hi Jackie,

    I have been on 1340 calories since xmas and am still at the same weight every week at weigh-in. :grumble: Did you not lose at all when you were at 1200??

    No, I didn't lose anything, I'd end up gaining, it really depends how much weight you have to lose too.
    If over 50lbs - like me, then you have to have more calories, I've done a lot of research to find out my calorie intake, it seems to be working at the moment.

    As for lowering your caloriesx below 1200 - this is not a good idea, your body will go into starvatino mode, and store fat instead - so be careful
  • Destined
    Destined Posts: 116
    I started out here on december 28. I am on a 1200 calorie diet too and work out about 5 times a week . Goal burning 500 calories a day. I have stuck with that since the new year. I eat almost all my exercise calories. I put down everything I eat. I mean everything. I have not seen any results since then. I am so so discouraged and just this morning feels like giving up. I am pretty unhappy right now because If i wasn't doing the work then I would understand it if I wasn't losing. By the way I was on weight watchers the whole of last year and did not lose anything for the whole year. This February will be my anniversary sadly for my plateau. I am patient and has been patiently waiting for results. I started doing Jillian's 30 day shred and I add in about 450 calories of cardio in the meix. I realised Jillian's workout burns about 135-140 calories, the first level. IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE WHO IDENTIFIES WITH WHAT I AM GOING THRU AND WHAT THEY DID TO MAKE IT WORK.
  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251
    I am on 1340 cal per day but found i can get by at 1200 cal no problem, only tried this for the last week hoping this works better for me too. Looks like we are in the same vote.
    I was not getting the results i wanted on 1340 cal per day, even with my 40 minute workout daily.

    Faylou, Im so glad to see I am not on my own with this. I work out alot too and havent seen anythign happening at 1340. I will try the 1200 / day now and see if that makes any difference.
  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251
    :smile: Hi sorry totally unrelated question but i love your profile pic just wondered how u got that??? Where can i find it??
    Good luck with your goals!x:flowerforyou:

    Hi lucmclaren

    i just found it on google :smile:
  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251
    I was on 1200 calories, but found I wasn't losing weight, I've now increased to 1450 a day, and have lost a couple of pounds :drinker:

    Hi Jackie,

    I have been on 1340 calories since xmas and am still at the same weight every week at weigh-in. :grumble: Did you not lose at all when you were at 1200??

    No, I didn't lose anything, I'd end up gaining, it really depends how much weight you have to lose too.
    If over 50lbs - like me, then you have to have more calories, I've done a lot of research to find out my calorie intake, it seems to be working at the moment.

    As for lowering your caloriesx below 1200 - this is not a good idea, your body will go into starvatino mode, and store fat instead - so be careful


    I have to lose 37 lbs. Do youthink I would be OK with 1200?
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    I am trying to loze 35lbs and I have been on the 1200 calorie plan since Jan 1st (with a few days of messing up :blushing: ), but I have still been losing weight just fine! Just tweak your calorie level to something that works for you, but don't go under 1200 cause thats the lowest recommended amount!

    Good luck!:drinker:
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I'm on 1200 and I still lose consistently so I'm not changing yet. When I hit my plateau I'm gonna increase.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    i flucutate from 1250-1450- as for weight loss still waiting-
  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251
    I am trying to loze 35lbs and I have been on the 1200 calorie plan since Jan 1st (with a few days of messing up :blushing: ), but I have still been losing weight just fine! Just tweak your calorie level to something that works for you, but don't go under 1200 cause thats the lowest recommended amount!

    Good luck!:drinker:

    Hi Ali and thank you for letting me know. I have lost weight quite well before xmas but couldnt remember how many calories I used to eat. I went back in my food diary and luckily i found my old numbers. I was on 1200 back then. :smile:
    So I will definitely change it to 1200 now and just make sure I eat my exercise calories too. :happy:
  • I am on the 1200 cal/day. I make sure I get some cardio in to boost my calorie intake. Surprisingly, it has not been that difficult to stick to my cal/day goal and I have lost 3 lbs in two weeks. Definetely try to plan your meals and try to enter in your tracker before you eat. This will help to better guide your meal choices. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    being at 1200 cals a day is sometimes ok if you're very overweight-obese, AND if fyou're eating back your excercise calories. But to lose only 30 something lbs I wouldn't reccommend it. I started out at 1200, now I'm at 1350. 1200 worked fine for me when I had 60 lbs to lose but after a few months my losses really slowed down. It could just be that you're being too impatient. This takes time and many of us lost nothing our first few weeks here.

    As for going below 1200, consistently, for months on end? That's a REALLY bad idea. You can't get the kind of nutrition your body needs when you're eating so little. even 1200, like I said, is much to low for most people.

    I would really recommend sticking to your current settings a little longer. If you still aren't seeing results, I'd visit a doctor.
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