What was your 'I finally need to lose this weight' moment? (And was it as bad as mine?)



  • mazarasltm
    mazarasltm Posts: 205 Member
    Aside from all the little things (fights, stretch marks, more kids, intermittent shortness of breath at rest, overeating), I went to employee health and had Marshmellow like pedal edema on annual physical. I check my patients every day for this. I was becoming a Cardiac Patient. :( ^infinity. Im off all meds now
  • curvymegan89
    curvymegan89 Posts: 98 Member
    I'd had several small moments where I'd looked at pictures or felt uncomfortable in my clothes, but nothing has made me commit to losing the weight the way a conversation with my boyfriend did. We decided we want to start trying for children within the next 2yrs, and I realised that I could not add another 10-15kgs to my current weight. I need to lose weight so I can have a healthier pregnancy and so I can be a healthier mum.
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    My wedding photo were my catalyst. I look bad, and kept thinking "wow Samantha, you have no ankles". I felt so happy on the day but this photos kicked me in the gut. I've told my wifband that for our 10th anniversary (9 years away ) were redoing our wedding

    Same here. I hated my wedding pictures, and honeymoon pictures. Wife looked fantastic, but not I.
  • FindingLiz016
    FindingLiz016 Posts: 79 Member
    edited August 2016
    My moment was when I gave birth to my baby girl <3 She needs mommy to be healthy and around for a long time!!!
  • 2rottndgs
    2rottndgs Posts: 21 Member
    My moment has been a life time coming. All the signs were there, I just ignored them.

    August 27th will mark 9 years since I lost my dad to diabetic complications. I sat with him holding his hand while he died and I promised him I would change my life and I would make the changes needed to not go down the same path he did and his father did. See, diabetes runs in my family.

    2 years after that day, I was diagnosed as a pre-diabetic...4 years I maintained a pre-diabetic status. 3 years ago I was finally diagnosed a full blown type 2 diabetic...313 pounds, was clueless on how to eat healthy. Had no idea what was a healthy portion was, how to prepare healthy foods...the list goes on and on. Doctors and dieticians were useless. There was nothing more delightful than being lectured to by an overweight doctor...it was even more thrilling to have a thin Doctor snap his fingers in my face and tell me to "just loose the weight". It was depressing to be greeted with the attitude from the medical doctors that overweight people "want to be fat, they're lazy, and they lie".

    I started growing my own food and raising my own meat. A year and a half ago I stopped dealing with the medical profession completely. In my area they aren't current on diabetes, what they are learning and teaching is old school and the doctors I deal with have no interest in learning anything new and current. I went from 313 to 294 and couldn't get any lower. This past May I buckled down and got my act together. I raised more of my own vegetables, I added more livestock, I stopped buying ANYTHING that was processed, I cut out legumes, pasta, rice, dairy, sugar and I measure all the food I eat. If I didn't grow it or I didn't butcher it, I didn't eat it.

    Since June 1st. of this year I've gone from 294 to 264...and I won't stop until I reach a healthy weight. My blood sugar has gone from readings of 150 and higher to consistently 80's and lower...I'll never be the same as a person that never had diabetes, but I can be a very well controlled diabetic...something my dad wasn't able to do.
  • mazarasltm
    mazarasltm Posts: 205 Member
    2rottndgs wrote: »
    My moment has been a life time coming. All the signs were there, I just ignored them.


    Since June 1st. of this year I've gone from 294 to 264...and I won't stop until I reach a healthy weight. My blood sugar has gone from readings of 150 and higher to consistently 80's and lower...I'll never be the same as a person that never had diabetes, but I can be a very well controlled diabetic...something my dad wasn't able to do.

    ROOT !!!! ROOT !!!! ROOT !!!! ROOT !!!! ROOT !!!!

    I'm very happy for you. Rooting for your success.
    You can do it! You can do it! You can do it!

    Alot of people you havent met, may never meet but read this are all your cheerleaders.

    Go for it ! Go for it ! Go for it ! Go for it ! Go for it !
  • 75poundstogo
    75poundstogo Posts: 99 Member
    For me it was sitting on the couch one evening after eating a box of mac and cheese and 3 beers. I was like this has got to stop. Id been yo yo dieting via paleo for years. I remembered I had signed up for mfp a year ago. One of my close college friend lost loads of weight. I reopened it, typed in my goals. Now im 26 days in and 6lbs lighter. Excitex to keep at it and do the unimaginable
  • Pterod
    Pterod Posts: 131 Member
    My size 18 UK jeans didn't fit, I had reached 15stone and I had to go dress shopping for my twin sisters wedding, she looked amazing but I hate the pictures of us together.