This is probably my 200th time trying to lose weight & I'm now heavier than ever. Time for change!

Anyone else in the same boat??

I came on here looking for motivation, to show myself that my past self managed to do it, but instead I realised I'm 50lbs heavier than I've ever been and it's probably going to take me a while to do it. BUT - I'm not phased! It's going to be a long process, but I'm going to try and keep pushing forward.

Giving myself about a year to try and lose 60-70lbs. Little steps; taking the stairs instead of the lift, cutting down on bad food choices, eating more good foods and trying to be more active where possible! Who's with me?! Feel free to add me as a friend and hopefully this will help me keep accountable!


  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    Doing it slowly is actually best. Gives your body time to adjust, skin time to contract (provided your young) and helps you in making the changes permanent.
    I'm about 29lbs down in 113 days which pretty darn slow, but I'm making changes I can live with.
  • uncolea261
    uncolea261 Posts: 5 Member
    Start with good health food choices, first things is sugar. Amazing what happens when you give up soda-pop for water. The amount of sugar in processed foods is eye opening. One goal I made is if it comes in a box don't buy or at the very least be very selective. Another thing I did was cut down on portions and redistribute my vegetables. Don't eat any red meat that is bigger than your fist and double your vegetable in take. Try splitting your plate in quarters, do 1/4 meat and 3/4 vegetables or 1/4 meat, 1/4 carb( potato, noodle ect. ), 2/4 vegetable. All people are different so what works for me may not work for you, but the moral is be vigilant on what you eat. Then start pumping up your activity level, slow at first and increase every month or so. Just stay with it.
  • Wizeman22
    Wizeman22 Posts: 552 Member
    Add me
  • jadelyndsey
    jadelyndsey Posts: 150 Member
    Cheers guys. Some great replies.

    Just came back from a 11pm wander around our local superstore. Partner picked up doughnuts and other naughty chocolate things, but I treated myself to some nail accessory things. Trying to think about "treats" as things to use/wear/do rather than to eat, which is a usual cycle I get stuck in.

    We are also not in a great place financially at the moment, but will be purchasing a basketball tomorrow to make use of our local basketball courts as I know this is one thing I used to enjoy doing - exercise is easier when it's not boring!
  • kalishnakat
    kalishnakat Posts: 5 Member
    Here with ya! I just turned 45 and it's now or die. Literally. Small , scalable steps are the key. I love you idea of treats being items rather than food. I am taking that one to heart. We WILL do this! Count me on your side!
  • Dar_Line86
    Dar_Line86 Posts: 245 Member
    Hey good luck!
  • Feistychick68
    Feistychick68 Posts: 302 Member
    Same situation but a disc injury has me finally realizing if I do not do it this time and dig myself out of the mess I made my body.. I'm gonna die literally. Very determined to make this time the last time
  • Skeeter174
    Skeeter174 Posts: 6 Member
    Look at ingredients. Amazing how they manage to put sugar into about everything. Even most lunch meats. So process foods need to be scrutinized. I'm just starting (again) myself. Good luck. BTW I look just like my avatar. Lol
  • lilred1972mfp
    lilred1972mfp Posts: 110 Member
    Add me if you want.

  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    Only 200? Well, I'm 62; I have had more time to have tried to lose the extra pounds without actually losing anything. Actually, I've succeeded 4 times in my life, then let sloppy habits creep back in, which put the weight right back on, plus extra. I'm constantly warring with a "what's the use?" attitude, but I figure any positive changes I can make in my diet and exercise habits will be of benefit. Here's to us!
  • riomarie30
    riomarie30 Posts: 1 Member
    Day 1 begins :)
  • lilhailwood91
    lilhailwood91 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm the same! Add me if you like x
  • pspenny36
    pspenny36 Posts: 64 Member
    I have been heavy my whole life. I had a five year window in my 20's where I was actually at my ideal weight (and still thought I was fat. UGH. If I only knew). I am now 44, and since then, I have been on countless diets, lost weight, then gained back and then some, and now I am 130 lbs overweight. I recently found out I am pre diabetic and high blood pressure, something I never before had to worry about before.

    I am definitely with all of you. This is probably the 100th "day one" or "1st day back at it" for me. And I would like it to be my last. :p
  • ahappieru
    ahappieru Posts: 11 Member
    1 back injury, 2 years ago, 3 different chiropractors, = 50 pounds. Finally starting to feel like I can start walking again. Here's to getting healthy again. Good luck everyone
  • jadelyndsey
    jadelyndsey Posts: 150 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    The issue maybe that you're just "trying".

    Mr. Miyagi: You either karate do yes or karate do no. You karate guess so, get squished just like grape.

    Yoda: Do or do not. There is no try.

    You make a commitment. You fulfill that commitment come hell or high water. Any set backs or obstacles can be over come. Remember, we're mostly just talking about how MUCH you consume.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    I think you're right to some extent, but then again I know that I am very prone to unhealthy behaviours i.e. taking watching my food and exercising to the extreme. When I was 18 I ate an apple per day and ran at least 5 miles whilst eating the most minimum amount of dinner each night to prevent family from suspecting I had an issue. I managed to maintain a bmi of 17 (which didn't look good on me whatsoever in retrospect) for around 8 month, and then I went completely the other way, gaining 40 pounds in a month. I think for me and looking at my behaviour, I need to tell myself it's ok not to be perfect all of the time. It's all or nothing with me. I just need to try and eat well and move for 90% of the time and most importantly I need to allow myself "off the hook" to prevent me going to the extremes of not eating or eating too much.

    I'm excited for my new journey to start. Did I eat perfect today? Not at all, but it's a step in the right direction and better than yesterday. I also stuck to my plan of purchasing a basketball and plan to try it out tomorrow after work with my partner! Anyone have any other fun ways to get active?

    Thanks all x