


  • initials1248
    initials1248 Posts: 429 Member
    Thank you for being a part of this thread
  • Noelani1503
    Noelani1503 Posts: 378 Member
    Lucy nailed it.

    I'm very introverted, but not antisocial. Regardless, welcome. You might find it's more enjoyable to socialize here than in real life, if you're socially awkward or shy on top of being introverted.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    rebel_26 wrote: »
    Just jump into threads. Who cares what people think

    It's not always that easy. Some people here can be very quick to jump all over you if you post the "wrong" thing.
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    edited August 2016
    Lucy1771 wrote: »
    htimpaired wrote: »
    I'm introverted, but that's just how to I choose to recharge, it's not the reason I am awkward. THAT is because I am an anxious person. I am introverted because I like my alone time, I prefer smaller groups, and I get overstimulated by too much going on around me (like loud bars or parties). Give me my close friends and a board game, and I'm happy. Introvert does not equal negative.

    Good explanation.
    Introvert personality means you focus on internal thoughts and feelings rather than seeking external stimulation/validation. Introverts gain energy from solitude and are drained by social interactions. It doesn't mean they are poor at social interactions.
    Don't confuse shy with introverted. One is intimidated and full of anxiety and the other is pacing yourself, recharging your batteries with a few minutes in the bathroom at a party, but still enjoying it.

    There is nothing wrong with either one, but they are not the same.

    I am not shy. I will introduce myself if someone doesn't introduce me at a meeting and I can stand up and give presentations and lectures all day long, but I'm definitely drained afterward and I thrive when I am sitting with my SO and a good book and a glass of Blanton's.

    I am an introvert in that I do not harvest a large number of friends or have a robust social calendar. I do not feel anxious or ill-at-ease around most people, but I definitely require a good bit of alone time to recharge after events I do choose to attend.


    This is very well expressed. I am an introvert (according to all the MB tests) but I like parties (in moderation) and being with people - I just need some alone time too. But a lot of very outgoing extroverts I know are like that too (doesn't everyone need some time alone?) so I'm not sure how much validity I give to dividing the entire human race into two personality types. You can be loud and shy, just as you can be quiet and confident. And social awkwardness is a different thing.
  • _birdie__
    _birdie__ Posts: 308 Member
    in for antisocial


  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    I find it easier to talk to people on the internet.
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    I wish all antisocial people were introverted and not wanting to talk to people. The proof this isn't the true is basically any message board on the internet.
  • 888Butterfly888
    888Butterfly888 Posts: 3,203 Member
    I'm an introvert with social anxiety and good manners. I'm the friendliest antisocial person you'd ever meet.

    I have social anxiety too.
  • 888Butterfly888
    888Butterfly888 Posts: 3,203 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    I find it easier to talk to people on the internet.

  • initials1248
    initials1248 Posts: 429 Member
    Outside of work, i cant apply myself to a situation where i have to talk to people for fun, such as parties or concerts. You can tell im awkward around people just by looking at me
  • meredithgir199
    meredithgir199 Posts: 243 Member
    edited August 2016
    In real life, I'd definitely avoid conversation with you, not because I'm anti social though. Just extremely shy in striking up a conversation. Those that I feel comfortable with would say I'm very social.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    In real life, I'd definitely avoid conversation with you, not because I'm anti social though. Just extremely shy in striking up a conversation. Those that I feel comfortable with would say I'm very social.

    Lol I can turn into a chatterbox when I'm comfortable with someone. It just takes some time for me to get there - and it doesn't always happen either. There's only a couple people I can think of with whom it happened pretty much right away in the last years - which is actually kinda odd because we don't have much in common either. Then there's some people I've known for over 10 years that I still have a hard time hanging out with (some of my husband's family). Go figure.

    It doesn't help that English is not my native language - I mean, I speak it pretty well, considering that I didn't know a word of it until I was 12, but I have an accent, and I know that it's not always easy for some people to understand me for that reason... which doesn't really help when you have stranger anxiety.

    I didn't use to be that way though... I was pretty social actually but my divorce really messed me up.
  • anjulajj
    anjulajj Posts: 148 Member
    I love to keep to myself. I'm very quite around most people unless I know you extremely well. Hanging out at home is good enough for me.
  • sundogbbq
    sundogbbq Posts: 6 Member
    Introvert here. Lucy1771, spot on.
  • sundogbbq
    sundogbbq Posts: 6 Member
    " want a group of negative people who don't post to each other, but sit in their own pissed off little worlds of angst and turmoil....

    Got it."

    lol Not even close. Thanks for the laugh though!

  • rebel_26
    rebel_26 Posts: 1,826 Member
    cklbrown wrote: »
    rebel_26 wrote: »
    Just jump into threads. Who cares what people think

    It's not always that easy. Some people here can be very quick to jump all over you if you post the "wrong" thing.
    Who is somebody to tell you what you posted is "wrong" ? Many people speak in falacies online. Some on purpose and some because they believe they are correct. The real essence of this site is geared towards getting fit . What's goes on in the forums has a lot of good things and a lot of joking and of course trolls. Pick whom you can align with and that is your inner circle . Don't "over share" . Ignore the haters. At the end of the day it's words on a screen. The sticks and stones rhyme comes to mind.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    htimpaired wrote: »
    I'm introverted, but that's just how to I choose to recharge, it's not the reason I am awkward. THAT is because I am an anxious person. I am introverted because I like my alone time, I prefer smaller groups, and I get overstimulated by too much going on around me (like loud bars or parties). Give me my close friends and a board game, and I'm happy. Introvert does not equal negative.

    That's a good way of putting it. I'm an introvert because I like the piece and quiet of my own headspace sometimes. I don't always need constant excitement and conversation. If nothing else, that sends me running..
    I'm awkward because I'm a female mainframe programmer who works around other socially awkward mainframe programmers. We feed off of each other.
  • nicjbar73
    nicjbar73 Posts: 47 Member
    i would suggest picking friends by common goals. i also have found that i personally have to keep my friends list to 35-40 otherwise all of their feeds overwelhm me & cause anxiety. are ur goals losing,gaining or maintaining?
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    Hello, I'm sarah and too much positivity scares me! O_o I enjoy, tv, books, and ignoring people's invitations to parties. :) feel free to add me..or not whatever! ✌️