I keep failing.

I know this is where everyone posts their success stories (congrats to all of you) but I keep failing on eating healthy and exercising. I do well for a couple of weeks and then I change directions and go back to "I'll go to the gym tomorrow" and "If I order a salad with my cheeseburger instead of fries it will be okay"

How do you succeed in staying on the path of eating healthy and exercising regularly?


  • Katherinews32
    Katherinews32 Posts: 1 Member
    The odd cheeseburger is ok - its only bad if you then have pizza or a takeaway later and loads of choc and booze!
  • StarPower85
    StarPower85 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm with you. Do good a few weeks then boom, off track. I think making small changes while realizing success comes in small steps could help us both
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    How do you succeed in staying on the path of eating healthy and exercising regularly?

    One of the more motivational actions I've taken this month is to take some photos so I can begin to follow my progress visually. I'm one of those who will look in the mirror and think, 'not so bad', but when I see a photo of myself in my undies, standing face on and side on, I'm really horrified at how flabby I am. Photos help me see my fat objectively. And looking at them regularly, despite how depressing that can be, is keeping me on track because I don't want to look like that any more.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    We all struggle..the success folks just keep going and figure out what works along the way. You have to mentally get into the game and observe what is making you fail and simply fix it.
    I read a great post a while back where many said if they ate perfect all week long and went off on the weekends they never made any great progress.
    I realized I have been doing that since I joined mfp. It was hard for me to face that. Now I still eat things like a cheeseburger. But I know I have to exercise more during the week and eat less on some days to allow for the calories. I don't lie to myself. My mindset know is mathematically making any eating mistake right by CO or CI.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    "I'll go to the gym tomorrow" and "If I order a salad with my cheeseburger instead of fries it will be okay"

    How do you succeed in staying on the path of eating healthy and exercising regularly?

    You develop that habit/skill over time. If you keep making the right choices, even if you fail sometimes, you find you start failing less and less. It is the number one key to success and the hardest part of becoming more healthy.

    But even when things start clicking and you do make the better choices more often than not, missing a gym day here or there or actually having fries and the cheeseburger will fit in to the overall lifestyle. You just get better at managing it.

    We all have that struggle. You just keep tackling it every time it comes up, and do your best to make the better choice.

  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    Are you weighing and logging yet? If not, start...once you start seeing the numbers, making decisions like whether to have a cheeseburger, or a double cheeseburger with bacon become much easier to make...If you stick to your calorie goals, you should be able to fit the cheeseburger. It takes time, and it takes discipline...but it's a struggle we've all gone thru...YOU can do it, just gotta get your head into the game. xo
  • dmalli717
    dmalli717 Posts: 1 Member
    I keep back tracking and going up and down pounds......I'm the worst at maintaining. What I had to realize that what works for one person may not work for the next. Everyone doesn't benefit from low carb diets or counting calories. What has worked for me is being mindful of what I eat and not deprieve myself of the things I like. Eat what you like just add some good stuff to go with it and don't over do the portions. I LOVE pizza so instead of eating 3-4 slices I'll have 1 or 2 and a large salad. Helps that I love salads too. Once you get the hang of adding more good stuff, add more and more.
  • MrsDogLady
    MrsDogLady Posts: 156 Member
    I am a very moderate exerciser. I take a 1 mile walk daily with my dog and have lost 30 pounds since late March. Still have 30 to go. But I also push mow, go up and down stairs at home and work, etc... For me, following a generic form of Weight Watchers points plus worked amazingly well. Yes, it's counting BUT if you learn the rules and apply them, you can have that cheeseburger and not feel like you blew your whole day. If you are eating out think about your choices. If you go to Subway, you can have an enormous 6" turkey sub w/honey mustard loaded with mega veggies and you won't miss the cheese at all for only 8 WW points. (Daily points for a person around 200 is 29/day). You have alternatives! There are plenty of ways to put a healthy twist on the things you like most. I indulge my sweet tooth each evening with a serving of FF pudding with a dollop of FF cool whip. With WW, it's just 2 points for something I totally enjoy. Take your favorite recipes and make them leaner, take them w/you to work every single day. Have a huge salad with chicken a few times a week. Sorry for the ramble :-) but after doing this for a few months it sinks in and you won't feel that you deprived yourself of anything. Good luck!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Your problem is the 'all or nothing' mentality. It's actually completely ok to have a cheeseburger with a side salad as long as it fits your calories.
  • zharptichka
    zharptichka Posts: 127 Member
    For me it's forcing myself to keep logging and acknowledging that whatever it was wasn't the healthiest choice I could have made but not using it as an excuse to keep going. Well I already had the cheeseburger for lunch so why not have the pizza and coke for dinner. I'm trying not to look at it as a zero sum game. Maybe I messed up lunch but dinner is just another opportunity to get back on track.

    I've also found it really helpful to have friends on here and keep reading the success stories and my news feed. Everyone is struggling but they're still trying and I want to contribute to that too. Seeing others succeed makes me hopeful and keeps me going. It might just be hey friend A walked for an hour today, I can play with the wii fit for 20 minutes. Once I start I usually keep going for longer but it's always that first little spark of motivation that's rough.
  • ontherightpath14
    ontherightpath14 Posts: 35 Member
    I have this problem as well. It feels like I am constantly starting over! I have come to realize, just in the last 24 hours, that I truly need to make this a priority or I will continue to fail. One of my many struggles is eating out. I'm often so tired, most likely from being overweight, that the very thought of making dinner after a long day at work is just awful! So we go out, waste money, consume calories all the while justifying our decision. So I just need to start pushing myself more. I need to start meal prepping more and planning everything I eat. If it's convenient and ready-made maybe I will be better at this. I also have been pushing myself to exercise and I find I get so mad at myself if I miss a day that I binge to address my emotions. So I have decided to take a step back. I really need to focus on what I'm eating. Exercise will come later. Baby steps.
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