Bacon and Sausage

In the spirit of clean eating i have been avoiding bacon a sausages even turkey bacon but the boss is about to go on a riot. He loves bacon and i dont want to be an enabler or get sucked it. Any healthy options or i have to give up those yummy stuff totally.


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    edited August 2016
    My advice is to just eat it, and make it fit your calorie goals. I had bacon last week for the first time in over a year, and it was AMAZING!!! Totally fit my calories, I was happy, and still successful maintaining.
    In the spirit of clean eating i have been avoiding bacon a sausages even turkey bacon but the boss is about to go on a riot. He loves bacon and i dont want to be an enabler or get sucked it. Any healthy options or i have to give up those yummy stuff totally.

    The bolded made me giggle!!! I call mine "The big boss" sometimes!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    For what it's worth, bacon is extremely filling to me and totally worth the calories.
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    I recently switched to LCHF but even before that I made sure bacon fit into my calories for the day from time to time. It's just too tasty and satisfying to give up altogether.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Bacon isn't filling for me and I rarely eat it, but I sometimes do. Sausage can really vary a lot, so I do eat sausage on occasion although I'm choosy about what kind and just balance the fat with the rest of the meal. Both are kind of low protein meats, but no reason you can't fit them into a meal (similarly, I will make and fit in pulled pork when I want it).

    If the issue is that you are trying to eat healthfully, no reason you can't fit in occasional bacon and sausage.
  • traceyidundun
    traceyidundun Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks very insightful ..guess ill have to figure out portion control and fit it into my calories and macros .
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    Thanks very insightful ..guess ill have to figure out portion control and fit it into my calories and macros .

    You haven't said, are you logging and weighing yet?
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I make bacon at least once a week, gotta have nice filling breakfast on weekends :smile:
    That said, it is costly calorie wise, but also nice bump in protein which I always like
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    Love bacon. One of my families favorites. Sausage also. Had brats for dinner last night.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I love bacon. I love chorizo.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    I was at Costco the other day and they had a sample booth for Field Roast Italian Sausage. Honestly, I didn't even know what I picked up until I already put it in my mouth then looked after swallowing. Cuz I was really hungry and stressed. I could not tell at all that it was not meat. That is some sorcerer level stuff right there.

    If you are watching calories only, might be better to stick with chicken Italian sausage. But the general macros for the Field Roast sausage are really much better. Way more protein and fiber. I was shocked about the protein at first. These are definitely on my buy list for Labor Day weekend grilling.

    I'm not a big fan of bacon. I use it to just add flavor to a dish like you would herbs and spices. I buy the bag of real bacon crumbles at Costco because I am too lazy to clean up the mess from cooking bacon otherwise. Turkey bacon is...yeah, no. Thought I did see a grocery haul on YT, this woman picked up some turkey bacon at Costco, I think, that she swore was the best that even her husband that said he hated turkey bacon would eat. I might check that out.
  • traceyidundun
    traceyidundun Posts: 16 Member
    edited August 2016
    @JustMissTracy Just started logging in 5 days now. Started at 72kg looking to loose 20kg. I decide to do weigh ins every 2 weeks so looking forward.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    @JustMissTracy Just started logging in 5 days now. Started at 72pounds looking to loose 20pounds. I decide to do weigh ins every 2 weeks so looking forward.

    Please tell me that's a typo and that it's supposed to be 172 (or 272, ...) pounds.
  • traceyidundun
    traceyidundun Posts: 16 Member
    @JustMissTracy hahhaha certainly a typo 72kg to loose 20kg about 154lbs to loose about 44lbs.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Gotta have Neese's Sausage. :D
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,987 Member
    I can eat a whole pound package of bacon and/or sausage (I buy them in 1 lb links) in one sitting. So, I avoid them but when I succumb to the urge, the key is portion control. No more than 4 slices of bacon or 1/4# of sausage per day is my limit.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    What's not clean about bacon? You can find it without all the preservatives and chemical flavors if you want non adulterated bacon...try a farmer's market, pig farm, or anyplace that carries organic stuff.
  • eluvscats
    eluvscats Posts: 54 Member
    I don't eat bacon or sausage every day, but if I'm going to eat like this for the rest of my life, I'm not giving up bacon, no way! I also eat some chicken breakfast sausages by Applegate, which have lower fat and are quite good, in my opinion.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    we dont eat pig anymore but i make a mean ground chicken breakfast sausage.
    ground chicken
    salt and peoper