Not meaning to offend any obese people, but...



  • PositiveGoals
    You can't fix your body until you fix your head. There are emotional issues that leads to obesity. People turn to eating just as many turn to drugs or alcohol. The difference is that if an alocoholic take even a sip, they are off the wagon. Once they have the taste they want more. I quit smoking three times for years. The first two times I convinced myself one drag would be fine. I went back. What stopped it the third time was not taking that one drag. You see, you need food to live. The very thing you are addicted to. You can avoid the drug dealer. You can avoid the liquor store. You have to go the grocery store. Office parties have pot lucks for of food. Not drugs and alcohol. Food is socially acceptable. Eventual you try to lose the weight. But once you pass a certain threshold of weight, your body wants to retain it. You diet and exercise but lose very little weight. You hit these plataue's that are impossible to cross. Shows like Biggest Loser and Exreme Makeover Weightloss addition mean well, but often backfire. It tells skinny people that fat people are lazy. It shows that with proper diet and exercise that the weight pours of in under a year. The fact is when you get to be as big as your friend (which by the way I am), you would need the same benefits as these people on TV. They exercise eight hours per day. They are under constant medical evaluation and have an ambulance on standby for every work out session. They have access to a limited kitchen with no way to get junk food. It's basically rehab for fat people. Anybody could lose all their weight in that environment.

    I have done every diet, and worked out every exercise that my doctor has approved (not many). This week alone I calapsed doing simple exercise that is merely a warm up to the average person. Every step I take is painful. Every breath I take is short. The bigger I get the harder it is to battle. Some say that obesity is the slowest form of suicide. It is possible, because if depression did not lead to your obesity, you obesity has certianly lead to your depression.

    Abandonment issues, self esteme issues, physical abuse, sexual abuse, loss of a loved one (death), and quitting other addictions are the main emotional causes of obesity. You need to deal with those issues before you can start dealing with the obesity. Personally for me I have done all I can. My body is quitting on me. I will be having a gastric bypass about 6 months. I am trying to lose 10% of my weight before then to increase the chance of laproscopic as opposed to open surgery. I am also going to therapy now to make sure that I have my head in the right place for this massive life change. Once someone gets to 400lbs, the chance of losing weight without weightloss surgery is pretty slim (no pun intended). Unless that person has a personal chef & trainer like Oprah, or Bob & Jillian on a ranch like the biggest loser. I think if obese people could go on disability for a year and have a ranch like setting covered by medical insurance, we would all rather do that then go through surgery. Many people think that's the easy way out. Truth be told surgery is the hard way. It is the last result.

    If your friend wants to die, he will not even try to lose weight. If he wants to lose weight, maybe he just needs options. My Mother, Father, and twin are also super morbidly obese. But when I moved from NY to CA where my half sister lives, she staged an intervention of sorts. She and her friend who weighted 450lbs at one time convinced me of gastric bypass. They showed me Kristen's before and after pics. Then she begged me to do something, anything. It helped. I tried to get the surgery before but it used to be really hard to get approved in the past. I knew this was my time and now it will happen.

    I believe, just as addicts have to reach a rock bottom, so do the obese. You just have to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. When I reached that point, I went to the doctor and said, if I feel like this now and I am so young, what will I feel like when i'm old? My doctor said "have you ever seen a fat old person? No! Because you either lose weight or die young!" That was my ah-ha moment. I was tired of feeling this way, my doctor put the fear of God in me, and I was now ready to be receptive to my sisters pleas. If your friend ever needs to talk to someone who is his size and found motivation, I would be happy to help. Having someone there for me who actually had been there and understood helped. Advice from thin people feels like a slap in the face sometimes. Its hard to believe they can understand.

  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    It used to be hard for me to talk about, but I was once like several of the people talked about in this. My brother's wedding last October brought to light just how bad my situation was. I knew that I could drop dead any day due to my extreme obesity, but it didn't seem to bother me. I just hid the pain I felt with food. It was a deadly cycle I couldn't seem to break. Anyway, as the wedding drew closer, I needed to get sized for a tuxedo. I went to the big & tall store where I usually buy my clothess, but they couldn't get my size. I was so frustrated and embarrased. It really bothered me that I wouldn't be dressed like the rest of the groom's party. I was also upset that I was physically unable to stand up there with him. Even a simple 45 minute ceremony was too much stress for my knees and back. I was so ashamed of the person that I had become. I vowed that I was finally going to do something about my weight and lifestyle in general.

    Several months had passed without me acting on my resolution. New Years was now upon me and I renewed my vow to finally try to get in shape. My brother and sister n law knew how important this was to me so they decided to join me in this new lifestyle(we live together,btw). We visited a nutritionist/weight loss counselor on February 15th of this year. I wasn't even able to stand on the scale the first week as I couldn't keep balanced long enough to get an accurate reading. One week later I tried again. The number on the scale blew me away. I weighed in @ 665lbs(this is after one week of following my new lifestyle). I was floored by that number, but didn't let it deter me. Five months later, I'm down 135lbs to 530lbs. I still have a long way to go, but with the progress I've made I know I will see this through.
  • turbofiregirl
    I always feel that obese people are emotional (I am one for sure) and being that backfires more than not. For me, the impulse to really get going and do something about myself came when I was confronted with a situation where my weight started to control my personality. Since childhood, i have been a big kid, but I was into so many things in school, the popular one, smart and enterprising. It didnt stop me until college. But, suddenly, inferiority complex took over, i wasnt confident anymore, I wasnt the person I always was. I shuned away from people, parties, social gatherings etc because I did not like the way I looked. I have just taken my baby step a month back when I joined here and hopefully, I will reinvent myself.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    To positive goals, I hope you've read my post as I've just read yours. I tried for disability so that medicaid would cover surgery for me. I know now that I CAN DO THIS WITHOUT SURGERY IF I PUT FORTH THE EFFORT. The only help I received was nutrional guidance and I took appetite suppressants for the first 2 months. I no longer take them as my body has become used to my new way of eating. I will agree that I have some emotional issues that contributed to my weight gain. I felt like I wasn't good enough to be wanted so I believe that putting on all that weight was a way for me to further isolate myself from women and the rest of the world. I now accept that if women can't accept me for who I am(that really goes for anybody not just women), then I really don't need them in my life.

    Please don't offer morbidly obese people excuses, offer your support instead. :flowerforyou:
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    One day, last year, someone asked me how I was feeling. They didn't say "are you ok?" they asked "How are you feeling?" and they caught me on one of those days and it all came tumbling out. Afterwards I wanted to shove it back in but that person was supportive, they helped me start to make plans. Helped me start to achieve little baby steps to change my life.

    That person totally saved me.

    I sorted my head out and made some major changes in a lot of my life then I started to diet when I was happy without relying on the scale to make me happy. It's been the only time in my adult life that I've lost weight successfully. It's been an up and down journey but it's totally been worthwhile and I'm happier than I've been in my entire adult life.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    This may not work, but it is worth a try. I think instead of telling him that you think he needs to lose weight (which, as you said, he hears from everyone), take a different approach. Ask him if he's lost some weight, tell him that you can see a difference and tell him how good he looks (I am fairly confident that he won't deny it, even if it isn't true), and then you can say how awesome it is that he is interested in losing weight and taking care of himself.

    My cousin did this for me. About a year and a half ago, around Christmas time, I was at my highest weight ever, and I had been seriously thinking about trying to lose weight. But I hadn't told anybody and I hadn't actually done anything yet. At Christmas, my cousin came up to me and started asking me if I had lost weight, said that she could tell and how proud she was of me. She was so supportive and encouraging, and even though I hadn't lost any weight yet, I did tell her that I was trying to (she was the only person that I told) and she was just so happy for me. Even though I knew that there was no visible weight loss, hearing that really gave me the push I needed to actually start DOING it.
  • PinUpMommy
    PinUpMommy Posts: 94
    Unfortunately, you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves. For me, I had to see pictures of me from a friends wedding where I thought I looked H-O-T, and I very obviously didn't. Since her wedding, I've lost 6 lbs.

    My father was morbidly obese for the majority of the time I've been alive. He was depressed, he never left the house except to work, and then he got too sick to work. He had celulitus in his legs, then he developed type 2 diabetes. My brother and sister in law had to literally lock the cabinets and the fridge to keep him from eating while they were gone during the day. Then he developed congestive heart failure at age 63, and passed away 6 months later. He lived a remarkably long time for someone who was a ill as he was. He's also a huge reason why I'm doing what I'm doing. I can't be like him. I can't let my children lose me like that.
  • PA21
    PA21 Posts: 95 Member
    This may not work, but it is worth a try. I think instead of telling him that you think he needs to lose weight (which, as you said, he hears from everyone), take a different approach. Ask him if he's lost some weight, tell him that you can see a difference and tell him how good he looks (I am fairly confident that he won't deny it, even if it isn't true), and then you can say how awesome it is that he is interested in losing weight and taking care of himself.
    This is rather genius!
    Honestly the first thing I thought when I read that was "This guy has to be from Chicago" and SURE ENOUGH... Chicago is a hard place to lose weight, but that's besides the point. I think the being positive toward him like Cytherea suggest is really slick and also invite him out, get him going to places. I know it's hard but say "I'm not taking no for an answer." He may feel wanted and needed- obviously he needs a lot of counseling as well. Opening up to him about your struggles may make it easier for him to share his as well.
    Summer time is hard in Chicago because he might feel too "fat." Man, I feel for this guy. Compliment him- he may need and want some positive reinforcement. And good luck to you! GO BEARS!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I agree with what everybody has said: each person's journey is different, and it will all happen when HE is ready.

    PS: I think you should edit out the name of his workplace to protect his privacy.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I gained close to 40 pounds in college putting me in the overweight range for my height. Even though I was unhappy with my weight and knew I needed to lose some of it, I didn't want too. My mom kept telling me how she'd pay for a personal trainer at my college, and that I really needed to go see one.. That was the last thing I needed to hear. I remember screaming at her one night that I just wanted to stay how I am and right now that was fat. I wanted to keep going out drinking like a fiend and eating everything and anything... I didn't want to change.

    Now that I've graduated college, you can't get my butt out of the gym. I have a personal trainer that I see twice a month and a gym that I am addicted too. I'm proud to say that since January I have lost half of that 40 pounds and I plan to lose the rest of it by december.
  • PositiveGoals

    I appreciate your input. I HAVE put forth the effort. I've done all that I can do on my own. I think I may have to stay off the message boards. This is supposed to be a supporting each other. I've heard nothing but put downs about wanting to have this surgery. I am 40 years old and weigh over 400lbs. I have a number of health issues and have had more than one doctor tell me that I will not live long enough to lose the weight on my own. This surgery is not for people who haven't not tried everything. This surgery is for people who have no more options. I have no more options. I am actually sick of repeating the speech in numerous forum replies. I am not lazy, I am not misguided, I am not overzealous, I am not misinformed. I know exactly what I am getting into. I have read every book, journal, article, online website, watched documentaries, watched youtube videos, reseached and interviewed numerous surgeons. I have gone to support groups online and in person. I have taken classes about weightloss surgery, as well as taken health and wellness classes. I have done it all and all of this is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of effort, attempts, and various tactics I have used to try to lose weight the non-surgical way. Once you reach a certain weight your body will not release fat without extreme amounts of exercise. I cannot do the exercise necessary without being carefully monitored and I do not have the time or money for that. If insurance covered the needs to handle this without surgery I would do it. Alas, it does not. My husband is laid off and I cannot give up work for a year to exercise 8-10 hours per day. This is my last resort. Typically someone my size will lose approximately 175lbs in first year. After that, with proper exercise and diet the rest will come off. This is why I joined this group. To start building these healthy habits now. I also joined one on one therapy to make sure my head is right and ready for something so extreme. It sucks, but this is my life now and I will do whatever I have to do to save it. I let someone talk me out of this surgery years ago and have regretted it ever since. I will leave the message boards now. Instead of leaving with support and motivation, I just get alot of nay sayers who are not medical professionals trying to talk me out of the tool I need to save my life. At my size, diet and exercise (in normal amts without a doctor, chef, & personal trainer moving in) is kind of like a mechanic trying to fix a car with an empty toolbox and a lot of know how.
  • PositiveGoals
    Good for you sac68912

    My husband turned to God when he was struggling with alcohol dependency. He was able to quit smoking and drinking at the same time. He goes to church regularly and puts quiet time aside everyday to pray and just be with God and Jesus.
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    It was a lot of things. feeling sick all the time, wanting a baby..etc.

    What is most important to remember is that the person has to want it...
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    here it goes..

    This is the first time I have outright said this.

    I'm addict. No, its not the same as drugs, however before anytime I felt upset, happy, sacred, rushed, stessed etc I ate. I ate and ate and ate and ate. Addiction has been in my family and I honestly believe that inherited issue had some to do with my out of control eating. I FIGHT the urge every single day of eating whats on my meal plan or going through drive through. I believed it didn't matter that I was big.. i could still do anything i wanted.

    Then My husband and I tried to get pregnant.... and nothing happened. I didnt even respond to fertility treatments. Turns out I have PCOS with insulin resistance. I knew in my mind i wasnt getting pregnant until I lost the weight....i still wasnt motivated enough and those addictive tendincies took over my life.

    Then in december I got really sick...and at age 22 I had surgery to remove my gall bladder. I remember lying in bed thinking "How did I get here.' I am 22 and having major surgery, I cant do this anymore. So I told myself that afte rI recovered from surgery I was changin my life.. and on February 1st 2011 I did.

    Like I said I fight with myself everyday. Sometimes I lose.

    You can't make people change, they have to want to.

    Positive Goals- I really hope that the Surgery Helps you. While I don't agree with medicaid paying for it, I can respect your decision. There has been research to support that the surgery is efffective not because it reduces your food but because it cuts nerves in the stomach, which can reduce those addictive tendencies. I just hope that you have weighed the sacrafices between eating those tiny meals and major surgery to counting calories and carbs.

    Look, I didn't want to be obese.. it just happened.
  • SweetTeaBlossom
    You can't fix your body until you fix your head. There are emotional issues that leads to obesity.

    Exactly. The OP's friend more likely needs therapy to tackle those issues first.

    I know which emotional issues led me here. Somehow turning 40 removed a lot of the head noise and made me really ready for this life change.

    PositiveGoals, I was really touched reading your story. I respect each person's ability to choose what's best to get their health and life on track. I hope your surgery goes well. Bless you.
  • djkymba
    djkymba Posts: 174
    I wish I could bottle it because I'd be a millionaire. I was always the kind of person who didn't give a second thought to how much i ate until an injury set me back and I was unable to work out. Then my lifestyle changed and blah, blah blah, the same old story. I woke up and found myself eating an unhealthy diet, overweight and unhappy. I decided to change.

    I started, I failed. I started, I failed. Too many times to count over the last four years. Usually the circumstances were that I never learned how to change the way I looked at food and exercise. I was still trying to work out like I had dopne pre-injury, and I kept re-injuring myself and giving up.

    Long story short, I had an eye-opening experience recently and decided that if I wnat to live a long healthy life, I needed to get things under control. I hired a personal trainer who is teaching me to work out without re-injuring myself and I'm trying to be patient with myself.

    I can't tell you the number of times I've prayed, cried, tried and given up over the last several years. I wish I knew what it was that made it "click," I'd have done it a long time ago!

    Don't give up on your friend, maybe watching you achieve the dream will be what it takes to motivate him!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    My friends and I decided 2011 was the year we were gonna lose weight! I'm the only one that stuck with it.
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    People have to decide to do it in their own time. Being obese and or addicted to food is just like any other drug and when you're addicted to drugs you have to hit your rock bottom before you want to change. That's what made me change.
  • lizhipwell
    lizhipwell Posts: 70
    Personally, my weight gain coincided first with trauma, and then with the loss of both my parents 6 months apart from one another. Basically, I used food as my way of dealing...I became addicted to it. It provided me with a shield to separate me from the world. I had been told by people in the acting world to lose weight, that it would open up more Mom was on me about my weight since I was in grade school, etc...etc.. It all fell on deaf ears. After years of struggle with depression, suicidal ideation and obesity I went to my Dr. in February and was told in no uncertain terms that I was diabetic and had high cholesterol and that if I did not want to get heart disease and be insulin dependent in two years I needed to start taking care of myself. That very day I sent home and signed up with mfp so that I could keep track of my carbs and changed my diet completely. i log every single thing that goes in my mouth. What a difference it has made. As of my last visit I am no longer diabetic, and am now in the pre-diabetic category and my cholesterol went down 48 points to the normal range... There is still a lot farther to go. I started at 362 lbs and am now 323 lbs...I agree with a lot of people have to hit rock bottom and be honest with yourself and others...

    Your friend is so fortunate to have you as a friend....Knowing people care will make a bit difference. In fact one of my good friends told me about MFP about 3 months before I started doing it and I am so so grateful for it...All the best to you and your friend...
  • aandasmommy
    aandasmommy Posts: 33 Member
    I agree with mentioning how well this site is working, over 20million lbs lost! Also your husband and friend might look into a spoRts team they can invite him to join with them! That way he's not bored! I know most places have adult softball, or basketball, or even football! But I don't think you saying something to him about his size will do any good. He knows he's overweight.