One Food/Drink you gave up



  • RillSoji
    RillSoji Posts: 376 Member
    Soda, milk and juice. Now it's water, water and more water. I have almond milk with breakfast and occasionally will have some skim milk but not on the scale that I used to drink it. I feel so much better now for drinking more water.
  • trishlambert
    trishlambert Posts: 213 Member
    I haven't really set out to give anything up. As many have said here, I don't consider anything literally "forbidden." Instead, I keep track of the numbers here, and find that I'm making better choices.

    I HAVE given some stuff up kind of by accident...all fizzy drinks and all alcohol. Ice cream (99%). I had stopped coffee, but then I got a Keurig machine and have been having fun with it (will switch to teas again once I'm through all the coffees). Fast food...I've cut down a bunch but now I'm not eating it at all.

    Another thing I've cut out is going out to eat. I used to eat at restaurants a lot, but it doesn't satisfy the eating itch any more. It takes too much energy and brain power to calculate the calories! I'd rather just cook and eat at home!
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    i used to be addicted to Sprite and Sierra Mist, then started drinking the diet versions before finding out all the bad facts about diet pop.. so now i just drink bottled water, and sometimes add MiO flavoring to em :)

    Mio has the same bad ingredients as diet soda. :( Try MyWater made by Soda Stream.
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    mcdonalds sweet tea. gave it up cold turkey about 6 months ago and havent looked back since. lol.
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    I gave up all fast food. I haven't had fast food in more than 6 months :)
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Junk food. Rarely if EVER do i eat chips , pretzels, cakes , cookies etc. My go to junk food is Pistachio nuts. I eat them every day. I don't drink soda pop or sugar drinks. I cut my beer consumption to 1/3 what it was.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I haven't officially given up on anything, but I haven't had a good cheesecake in a long while. I found a good low calorie recipe though, and am going to try it hopefully this weekend.

    I also quit eating Cheesecake Factory's farfalle with garlic cream (not sure about the exact name). I won't say I "gave it up" because that implies deprivation; I'm perfectly happy to leave it in the past. 2100+ calories in a single dish?!? Between fries and that pasta dish, I know which one I enjoy more, and a single large fries has LESS THAN 1/3rd OF ITS CALORIES. A win win decision.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I gave up sweets and white breads/pastas years ago. Sure I've had them occasionally when out but I never have them in my house anymore. I think the white bread was the hardest thing for my husband to give up when we got married. He said he didn't like whole wheat bread, but I refuse to buy it or eat it if he buys it. He eats much more bread than I so I finally comprimised with whole white wheat. But still no white bread. "The whiter your bread, the sooner your dead!"
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    I haven't given up anything really. I used to have a diet soda like once a month, but I've always been a HUGE water drinker. I haven't given up any foods. All things in moderation
  • Mountain dew and Coke....Ice cream!!! I still have these every once in a while but it is only on occasion and not all of the time like it was before!
  • Annieb333
    Annieb333 Posts: 1
    Chips. I'd mindlessly eat them with the kids I nanny, at BBQs, where everyone else is doing it etc. After eating them, I didn't feel it was worth it at all! If I need something similar, i'll go for the 100 calorie bags of popcorn.
  • raychybabe
    raychybabe Posts: 121 Member
    bread - as it gives me bad IBS symptoms which means I've also given up sandwiches and pizza
    Additional granulated white sugar - so none in tea, porridge, cereal etc, just sweeteners
    Full fat soft drinks (occasionally I forget and order a normal one, but I've practically switched to diet all round).
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    One food, huh? There are lots more than 1... I gave up all things fried, butter, ice cream, cake, chocolate and that is the short list. I am adding things as I go. I have been on this merry-go-round more than once and when I try to eat a little, it becomes a lot and then, next thing I know, I am starting over... again! I am a food junkie that knows nothing of moderation. So.... just continue to choose not to eat things that will trigger me.
  • Diet Mountain Dew. Now if I can just discipline myself away from coffee...
  • ScorpioDiva81
    ScorpioDiva81 Posts: 28 Member
    ALL fast food, soda, candy and honey buns. I use to LOVE honey buns :/
  • Divabonita88
    Divabonita88 Posts: 63 Member
    chocolate frosty!
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    Im trying really hard to give up wine. I love a cold glass of rose wine after dinner but its so high in calories its hardly worth it!!! Maybe after I lose another 8 pounds I might deserve a small glass....
  • jrcox520
    jrcox520 Posts: 130 Member
    Alfredo sauce!!
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    I had a huge calling for fried foods being from texas my family fry's everything ugh :/ so thats what I gave up no more fried foods and being on guam its easier my hubby & I have really started watching what we eat !!!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    When people ask me am I eating "diet food" or on a "diet" then I just say no. I don't explain to them that what I'm doing now will be what I'm doing 10, 15, 30 years from now to get/stay healthy for the rest of my life. IDK if they would understand, lol

    lol, this was meant for another forum topic, smh
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