Mom of 2 enlisting in the army!

What's up guys! I normally don't do this sort of thing, but I thought I'd give it a try!

I'm Megan! I'm married with two children. My husband was in the army for 4 years, and recently separated due to medical issues. I was in nursing school near ft Campbell KY, and since moving back to Indiana, I've lost all of my financial help. So, I'm enlisting as a 68c, nursing specialist! In the past year I gained over 50lbs after losing it all 4 years ago when my husband was in basic. I'm trying to reach out to people who are successfully dieting to lose a large amount of weight in a short period of time. I've already started my enslitment process, but can't go further until I lose this weight. I've already lost 6lbs in 4 weeks, but I feel that's not all that I could have lost due to my slipping up on the training and eating. Had to mirena placed on the 10th and I'm just now getting back to normal life.

My weight on June 23 was 208.8, it is now between 201.2 and 202. It fluctuates. I take daily fiber and probiotics because I've had issues in the past being regular.

Any way, I'll stop blabbering!

Talk to you all soon!


  • Mfoltz0004
    Mfoltz0004 Posts: 6 Member
    If also like to mention that I need to be below 159, preferable 155 before I can get a date to see the military doctors to get my basic training date
  • edup1975
    edup1975 Posts: 486 Member
    Hello. Begin with a low carb diet and no sugary drinks . Exercise along with a calorie deficit will help you lose the weight. Good luck
  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    edited August 2016
    Congratulations on the life jump. I went from military spouse to military member too.
    I'm not army, so forgive my ignorance, but do they use BMI, body fat, or just a weight range? (looking for the goal and how short the time frame is)

    Mirena is no joke. I couldn't go through with it myself. lol
  • strebor337
    strebor337 Posts: 168 Member
    Start basic training now. I would recommend behaving like you're already in basic. Wake up at 5am, run everywhere you go, exhaust yourself every day. Your husband surely knows the routine and should be able to help you out. Tell him he gets to be the drill sargeant.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    @ strebor337 She has SEPARATED from her husband. Use your brain. She doesn't WANT him as her drill sargeant.
  • jwcanfield
    jwcanfield Posts: 192 Member
    edited August 2016
    Are you menu-planning with your daily calorie allowance as the guide? I agree with strebor337. If you plot your daily calories (being sure to have a balanced plan), follow the basic training protocol, and do not deviate you'll stand a far better probability of meeting your goal. Usually deviation isn't that big a deal - but not if you have a deadline in mind. 43 lbs (roughly) would be 21.5 weeks at 2 lbs per week. You didn't mention a particular date but obviously you need to get cracking!
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    You have done it before and you know you can do it again. Enjoy the extra time with your kids as the weight comes off.
    It will come off.
    I've gone from 204 to 159 in 7 months but if I upped my exercise and tightened up my eating it could have taken less time.
  • cheerleading_ns
    cheerleading_ns Posts: 8 Member
    I've just recently lost just over 20 pounds in 5 weeks the healthy way. Ive been doing training with a personal trainer 2 days a week and one other day by myself. I also do a half hour cardio on training days and and the other 2/3 days I do 1 hour of cardio. I take one day off to rest. I haven't cheated at all in my diet. It's very hard but very rewarding when you see the numbers go down which keeps me motivated. No sugar at all very little of anything pretty much fruits veggies lean protines and little carbs. Add me.
  • Mfoltz0004
    Mfoltz0004 Posts: 6 Member
    Congratulations on the life jump. I went from military spouse to military member too.
    I'm not army, so forgive my ignorance, but do they use BMI, body fat, or just a weight range? (looking for the goal and how short the time frame is)

    Mirena is no joke. I couldn't go through with it myself. lol

    They do waist, hips, and neck measurements. Also height and weight. Thanks for your service!

    strebor337 wrote: »
    Start basic training now. I would recommend behaving like you're already in basic. Wake up at 5am, run everywhere you go, exhaust yourself every day. Your husband surely knows the routine and should be able to help you out. Tell him he gets to be the drill sargeant.

    I am still with my husband so I don't know that the person below you got that notion. Great idea! Can't believe I didn't think of it myself. My Husband was 11b, I don't know if I could handle him in my face
  • Mfoltz0004
    Mfoltz0004 Posts: 6 Member
    meritage4 wrote: »
    @ strebor337 She has SEPARATED from her husband. Use your brain. She doesn't WANT him as her drill sargeant.

    I'm still with my husband. Sorry for the confusion. We moved back to our hometown of Indianapolis. By losing financial help, I mean student loans and financial aid to go back to school.

  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    meritage4 wrote: »
    @ strebor337 She has SEPARATED from her husband. Use your brain. She doesn't WANT him as her drill sargeant.

    @meritage4 "Separated" from the Army, not from her. Normal verbiage for that sort of thing.

    meritage4 wrote: »
    They do waist, hips, and neck measurements. Also height and weight. Thanks for your service!.

    Eh, don't mention it. I've received what I've put in.

    Does one count out the other?

    You'll need to do some strength training. Now, I'm generalizing and hopefully an actual soldier can chime in, but we had high rep workouts. It's more muscle endurance than true strength. Bodyweight exercise program would be good. There are tons of military-inspired programs out there. The generic "track your calories in and out" works well for diet.

    I actually gained weight in basic, but I also prepared mostly with running roughly 2-4 miles a few times a week. It wasn't really scheduled-out much.

    Off Topic: The hardest thing for my basic was the sleep deprivation... and the whole "being with teenagers again and having strict guidelines like lights out time" after not living with my parents for years. lol It's definitely 95% mental.

    idk if I could have my husband be a TI for me... it's much easier to listen to some other guy or gal that I've never seen naked. ;) If you can, that could work out

  • jayv85
    jayv85 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm in the Army Reserves, so YAY! I'm an AMEDD officer as well and Ft. Sam Houston is great (go to the river walk at least once if they let you). jillybeansalad is right, everything is more endurance than actual strength training. Unless you ruck march 3 days a week with a 50lb ruck, then that's something I consider strength training. lol.

    I honestly don't run over 3 miles at the most anymore. I've started adding in more sprints. I USED to run 6 miles at the least 6 days a week and that sucked. Plus add in the ab and arm exercises. If you need any help or information let me know.
  • Mfoltz0004
    Mfoltz0004 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone! I had some stressful things go on. I played roller derby and rugby where we use to live. There isn't anything too interesting like that here in Indianapolis. Im pretty excited honestly. The sooner I can get this weight off, the better. I need to bust my *kitten* a little more.
  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    edited August 2016
    Mfoltz0004 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone! I had some stressful things go on. I played roller derby and rugby where we use to live. There isn't anything too interesting like that here in Indianapolis. Im pretty excited honestly. The sooner I can get this weight off, the better. I need to bust my *kitten* a little more.

    No interest in Naptown Roller Girls or Circle City Derby Girls? Definitely a great workout without focusing on the actual workout.

    (I'm originally from Indiana so I follow the derby world there. :) )
  • Mfoltz0004
    Mfoltz0004 Posts: 6 Member
    LONG story with the naptown. I've considered just trying out for ccrg, I just haven't!