Women's inner thigh exercises



  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    This didn't go the way OP planned. :laugh:

    Or is it? master troll perhaps?

  • jplay86
    jplay86 Posts: 20 Member
    It's for my wife. She has trouble with her inner thighs @rainbowbow @Orphanogenesis @LolBroScience you know they say about ASSupmtions. Ask questions to get answers. Thanks to those who answered the questions. And if anyone has links or pics to these EXERCISES to help with it then I'd appreciate if you dropped those. Thanks again! !
  • jplay86
    jplay86 Posts: 20 Member
    @rainbowbow that wasn't for you thanks for your input
  • jplay86
    jplay86 Posts: 20 Member
    @broseidonkingofbrocean thanks for bringing common sense sensibility, and intellect into this thread. Good to see not everyone came off the "short bus"
  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    I think this creepy thread warrants an equally creepy response....

    Disclaimer: The following gif is somewhat visually disturbing.


    :open_mouth: wtf..
  • Orphanogenesis
    Orphanogenesis Posts: 523 Member
    edited August 2016
    jplay86 wrote: »
    It's for my wife. She has trouble with her inner thighs @rainbowbow @Orphanogenesis @LolBroScience you know they say about ASSupmtions. Ask questions to get answers. Thanks to those who answered the questions. And if anyone has links or pics to these EXERCISES to help with it then I'd appreciate if you dropped those. Thanks again! !

    Well if you opened with "It's for my wife" I doubt I would have even responded, not because I troll the threads but simply because I haven't really thought about training my inner thighs (specifically) beyond the usual bevvy of exercises like DL, squats, leg extensions, etc.

    Honestly if you'd seen the amount of creepers, catfish and people fishing for nudes on the forums you'd understand why we made light of your thread and used it as a platform for humor, you know what they say about life, don't take it too seriously and to be honest you took the ribbing quite well.

    The forums are an excellent source of information but humor is often used on here to keep things entertaining.

    Honestly I recommend you check out the link below and join the group for verified methods of achieving goals.


    FYI: You can't spot reduce but that is covered in the links.

  • julielh72
    julielh72 Posts: 92 Member
    Sumo squats
  • Orphanogenesis
    Orphanogenesis Posts: 523 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    jplay86 wrote: »
    It's for my wife. She has trouble with her inner thighs @rainbowbow @Orphanogenesis @LolBroScience you know they say about ASSupmtions. Ask questions to get answers. Thanks to those who answered the questions. And if anyone has links or pics to these EXERCISES to help with it then I'd appreciate if you dropped those. Thanks again! !

    Strong Curves by Brett Contreras
    Squats, lunges, walking, running
    Calorie cutting
    Treadmill intervals by speed and /or intensity

    Just a word to the wise, there is no way on earth that any man can approach their wife with a series of exercises designed for them to lose thigh weight, even if she asked..how exactly do you envisage that conversation working ?

    Maybe his wife asked him to find out? for beginners there is a lot of information to wade through before you separate the wheat from the chaff. My partner has me write up lifting routines for her and has no problem with me providing advice. But I concur some people might take this as a slight against their appearance.
  • bowsontoes
    bowsontoes Posts: 44 Member
    To work your inner thighs, you have to go past 90 degrees or do single leg exercises. I like to do weighted step ups on a bench, or Bulgarian split squats on the exercise ball.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    julielh72 wrote: »
    Sumo squats

    I agree. These seem to help me the most with that area.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    jplay86 wrote: »
    It's for my wife. She has trouble with her inner thighs @rainbowbow @Orphanogenesis @LolBroScience you know they say about ASSupmtions. Ask questions to get answers. Thanks to those who answered the questions. And if anyone has links or pics to these EXERCISES to help with it then I'd appreciate if you dropped those. Thanks again! !

    Strong Curves by Brett Contreras
    Squats, lunges, walking, running
    Calorie cutting
    Treadmill intervals by speed and /or intensity

    Just a word to the wise, there is no way on earth that any man can approach their wife with a series of exercises designed for them to lose thigh weight, even if she asked..how exactly do you envisage that conversation working ?

    Maybe his wife asked him to find out? for beginners there is a lot of information to wade through before you separate the wheat from the chaff. My partner has me write up lifting routines for her and has no problem with me providing advice. But I concur some people might take this as a slight against their appearance.

    That's a trap!

    And unless he lives in the 1950's ..Wut?
  • jplay86
    jplay86 Posts: 20 Member
    @SuedOnim I was asked this question. And I didn't have a legitimate answer so I figured I'd find out here.
  • tiffanybrauneis
    tiffanybrauneis Posts: 5 Member
    Sooo I always thought that if I strength trained my inner thighs, that they would thin out -- not true. This caused them to just get bigger --lost the flub but they grew lol. I would focus on losing fat overall and the thighs will ultimately thin out.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    julielh72 wrote: »
    Sumo squats

  • broseidonkingofbrocean
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    He never asked for pictures of anyone doing the exercises just simple pics or links of said exercises. For all we know he could be trying to help his wife or friend out who is interested in doing inner thigh training.

    that's why i asked. he never mentioned his intent.

    I wasn't attacking anyone btw and you were still being helpful so it wasn't on you particularly. I get it some dude's are creepy as hell on MFP but I just didn't see anything in the post that warranted "creepy behavior."

  • maranarasauce93
    maranarasauce93 Posts: 293 Member
    I think this creepy thread warrants an equally creepy response....

    Disclaimer: The following gif is somewhat visually disturbing.


    This looks like something out of Funky Forest oh mah lawd!! As for the OP why have you started this creepy thread? Just look up fitness porn because that's probably a thing.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I think this creepy thread warrants an equally creepy response....

    Disclaimer: The following gif is somewhat visually disturbing.


    This looks like something out of Funky Forest oh mah lawd!! As for the OP why have you started this creepy thread? Just look up fitness porn because that's probably a thing.

    I had to show this to my husband.. He's still shuddering :laugh: