What is your biggest issue/concern/struggle with weight loss?



  • dariacsf
    dariacsf Posts: 32 Member
    I really enjoy Chinese cuisine and when 3 pm comes I start fantasising about delicious food, Chinese usually. But this is a kinda an NSV I haven't eaten spring rolls(which I usually order at 3 pm) since may!!! What I struggle with is my addiction to sweet stuff. I have eaten so many chocolates and other desserts this month that I haven't had a loss. I wish I could do something about my sweet tooth

    I also have a crazy sweet tooth! If I bring it in to the house, it goes pretty quickly without my realizing it, or I realize it and can't stop myself from finishing the rest of it. Which is why I try not to buy it, I have a dialog in my head that says "buy it!" and the other side says, "no, you are a professional and need to set an example for your clients". Now I understand that your other side would be different, if you have a goal, remind yourself of it.
  • dariacsf
    dariacsf Posts: 32 Member
    Limiting alcohol
    Getting discouraged when the scale isn't movingot on

    As I've said previously, do you best to not let the scale dictate your happiness or success. If you stopped after one drink at happy hour, that's already a win. Reward yourself with a spa day, or a new outfit when you have small successes. The scale is just our relationship to gravity, it doesn't say how good you feel, how hard you've been working, your confidence level, how well you clothes fit. Just take it one day a time and consider each day a win!
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    dariacsf wrote: »
    LoraMartyn wrote: »
    I am bummed because I am stuck......for 4 weeks now. After losing some weight MFP gave me 1200 calories, but I really couldn't stick to that so I upped it to 1400. I do exercise so I get a little extra on top of that. I am trying different things to try to get thing moving in the right direction again, increased exercise, drinking more, trying to get my diet to be healthier, etc...Even went to a registered dietician but all she did was confuse me!

    I am also stuck for 4 weeks already, which is so frustrating because I've been working out religiously. I did the same thing as you did, went from 1200 to 1400 because I feel deprived from just 1200cals. I like to believe that I am fairly active, jogging in the morning for an hour 4x per week, then go out for an evening walk. On my best days, I go for an afternoon walk too. I also lift weights 2-3x per week and dance and bike once a week, but my scale isn't budging. I went back down to 1200cals because watching my burned calories go down (I have negative calorie adjustments on) was frustrating me.

    Ladies, I've worked with some dieticians with my clients and I have never liked them. 1200 is nowhere near enough for your body to function properly. At minimum your body needs 1500-1600 calories in order to maintain proper digestion, body temperature, no mention, if you work out, your body doesn't have enough energy to rebuild itself from the bout of exercise. Believe when I tell you, you need to eat more calories. Your body goes into what we call "starvation mode" in order to stay alive, that is the biggest reason most fail at weight loss.

    I have had female clients at 1700 claories, working out 3x per week and seeing amazing results. Also, make sure that you are throwing in some resistance training to build muscle. Unfortunately when your body goes into starvation mode, it eats away at muscle. 1lb of muscle burns an extra 50 calories at rest, just for maintenance. You can't build muscle from cardio, so even body weight exercises (squats, lunges, table or wall push ups) are beneficial.

    I thought starvation mode was a Myth. That's what everyone on here says whenever it's mentioned.
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    dariacsf wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    PMS that pretty much make me crave bready thing and makes my willpower go away.
    Passing on dessert when I eat out (picking healthier entrees is relatively easy for me at least).

    As I mentioned in above post, try going on a birth control to help control your hormones. I went through several choices before I found the one that was best for my body.

    That's your only answer to this problem, birth control?! What if I'm trying to get pregnant, or I can't or don't want to take bc?
  • nickisa28
    nickisa28 Posts: 116 Member
    My biggest concern is whether my new lifestyle is sustainable. I'm always worried that I won't be able to keep it up forever and will I even want to? So I do my best to incorporate my eating plan/diet and exercise regime into my current lifestyle as much as possible. But what about when life throws me a curveball...vacations/holidays/sickness/work gets a bit busy....will I always have the motivation not to use it as an excuse and then will I be able to pull it back? :(
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 776 Member
    nickisa28 wrote: »
    My biggest concern is whether my new lifestyle is sustainable. I'm always worried that I won't be able to keep it up forever and will I even want to? So I do my best to incorporate my eating plan/diet and exercise regime into my current lifestyle as much as possible. But what about when life throws me a curveball...vacations/holidays/sickness/work gets a bit busy....will I always have the motivation not to use it as an excuse and then will I be able to pull it back? :(

    This is exactly my fear.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,300 Member
    My struggle is keeping the deficit going all week and not eating a day or two over which means I never lose like I should. Seems there is always a trip, weekend, or event that trips me up. I work now to get the mindset that i have to keep on track every single day for this to work.
  • Trish1c
    Trish1c Posts: 549 Member
    My struggle is almost petty compared to many of the obstacles you all have posted about. I miss the partying. Most of my empty calories came from wine. I have cut down tremendously but some days I just want a drink after work but I know that part of my old routine has to change.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    Accepting and living with the (IMO) small number of calories a 5'2 woman can eat and still lose weight. I want more!!! I exercise to get more and make good use of what I get, but it damn sure ain't a lot.

    I agree with this post. I'm 5' 1.9" and I would like to have more maintenance calories without having to do a bunch more activity. But I just have to live with it. I do 45-60 minutes on the elliptical 6 days a week mostly. Sometimes, I may have 1 day out of the 6 that I will do 35-60 minutes of pilates, of which 35 minutes is with 5 pound dumb bells. At this point, I'm just not willing to fit in more time.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    dariacsf wrote: »
    tomteboda wrote: »
    My biggest struggle is with hunger. I'm tall and active, and my blood sugar has always run low. I have played around with things to do but hunger remains an issue

    Have you ever talked to your doctor about this? do you ever feel week, dizzy, etc.?

    Yep, my doctor is aware. Hypoglycemia runs in my family, and mine gets difficult to manage around 195 lbs. Above that, the fat effect moderates it (at my heaviest, 100 lbs ago, I still had normal blood sugar).

    I'm down to 169 now, and getting a lot of fiber and protein helps, but I have to pay attention closely to meal and snack timing.

    And the hunger is just frankly annoying.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,949 Member
    My biggest struggle is this:
    1) I'm a healthy weight
    2) I worked down to 10 lbs less than I am now and don't want to gain more
    3) Would like to lose the weight I regained
    4) But I'm trying to conceive so it seems somewhat pointless since I will gain again soon hopefully. And I'm still a healthy weight to conceive.

    So... kind of stuck between two opposing goals.

    Also I have a nacho problem. And if it isn't nachos... it's Chippits.
  • DanerTee
    DanerTee Posts: 263 Member
    dariacsf wrote: »
    DanerTee wrote: »
    binge eating.

    When do you find yourself binge eating the most?

    In the evenings, when the kids are in bed and I get some down time.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    No Issues with food/eating other than a lack of protein. I'd happily eat nothing but carbs if I chose to. I'm very picky with food.

    Main issue is lack of muscle- mostly upper body strength. I'm banned from most of the machines at my gym for being to small to sue them safely (I can't get into the correct position to operate them and told I risk injury). I could use free weights but Id prefer to do that at home , in privacy- and I weights are expensive. I know I could start with body weight exercises. Honestly , strength exercises make me feel like vomiting when I do them. No idea why. I'm also depressed, anxious , lethargic and work 11 hours a day most days. I don't eat much (1050 cals ish) and would love to use exercise to up that, plus get more lean-looking. I'm 5ft, 40 years old and 98lbs.

    That's weird, why do they think you can't use them properly just because you are thin? Is it your height or your weight that concerns them.
  • kermax39
    kermax39 Posts: 149 Member
    My biggest struggle is eating out and takeaways. No matter how much peo
  • SophieSmall95
    SophieSmall95 Posts: 233 Member
    Accepting that I can't have my cake and eat it too.

    Sure when maintaining I can have a day where I just eat a shed load of calories, but it means I then have to scale back on other days. Not going to lie it is frustrating and upsetting knowing I essentially have to track for the rest of my life. Especially being so small, I have a smaller maintenance than a lot of people...especially men. I envy men haha.
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    That it's something I'll have to do forever! I hate that I can't just be someone that's just skinny and always will be regardless of what I eat. Soooo, yeah, basically I hate everything about dieting! :-)
  • kermax39
    kermax39 Posts: 149 Member
    My biggest struggle is eating out and takeaways....no matter how much people say u can still eat out/enjoy takeaways and stay under calories I just cant. At home during the week I can stick to my cals easily and go to bed with a good book, weekends are hard! Eating out just depresses me now, to sit there with a green salad and soup when your other half is munching into a tower burger with fries and onion rings is seriously depressing.
  • SophieSmall95
    SophieSmall95 Posts: 233 Member
    dariacsf wrote: »
    LoraMartyn wrote: »
    I am bummed because I am stuck......for 4 weeks now. After losing some weight MFP gave me 1200 calories, but I really couldn't stick to that so I upped it to 1400. I do exercise so I get a little extra on top of that. I am trying different things to try to get thing moving in the right direction again, increased exercise, drinking more, trying to get my diet to be healthier, etc...Even went to a registered dietician but all she did was confuse me!

    I am also stuck for 4 weeks already, which is so frustrating because I've been working out religiously. I did the same thing as you did, went from 1200 to 1400 because I feel deprived from just 1200cals. I like to believe that I am fairly active, jogging in the morning for an hour 4x per week, then go out for an evening walk. On my best days, I go for an afternoon walk too. I also lift weights 2-3x per week and dance and bike once a week, but my scale isn't budging. I went back down to 1200cals because watching my burned calories go down (I have negative calorie adjustments on) was frustrating me.

    Ladies, I've worked with some dieticians with my clients and I have never liked them. 1200 is nowhere near enough for your body to function properly. At minimum your body needs 1500-1600 calories in order to maintain proper digestion, body temperature, no mention, if you work out, your body doesn't have enough energy to rebuild itself from the bout of exercise. Believe when I tell you, you need to eat more calories. Your body goes into what we call "starvation mode" in order to stay alive, that is the biggest reason most fail at weight loss.

    I have had female clients at 1700 claories, working out 3x per week and seeing amazing results. Also, make sure that you are throwing in some resistance training to build muscle. Unfortunately when your body goes into starvation mode, it eats away at muscle. 1lb of muscle burns an extra 50 calories at rest, just for maintenance. You can't build muscle from cardio, so even body weight exercises (squats, lunges, table or wall push ups) are beneficial.

    Non of the bolded is true. It just does not work like that. Feel free to argue with my metabolics degree lecturer but it is just complete nonsense.

    You also shouldn't blanket state what bodies need at a minimum "1500-1600 calories" is my MAINTENANCE I would not lose weight on that and would need to be doing some serious exercise every day in order to lose weight on that amount. I do exercise but it is just not a viable way to lose weight while eating maintenance calories for a lot of people. I would need to be exercising for hours every day, I simply don't have the time.
  • SophieSmall95
    SophieSmall95 Posts: 233 Member
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    dariacsf wrote: »
    LoraMartyn wrote: »
    I am bummed because I am stuck......for 4 weeks now. After losing some weight MFP gave me 1200 calories, but I really couldn't stick to that so I upped it to 1400. I do exercise so I get a little extra on top of that. I am trying different things to try to get thing moving in the right direction again, increased exercise, drinking more, trying to get my diet to be healthier, etc...Even went to a registered dietician but all she did was confuse me!

    I am also stuck for 4 weeks already, which is so frustrating because I've been working out religiously. I did the same thing as you did, went from 1200 to 1400 because I feel deprived from just 1200cals. I like to believe that I am fairly active, jogging in the morning for an hour 4x per week, then go out for an evening walk. On my best days, I go for an afternoon walk too. I also lift weights 2-3x per week and dance and bike once a week, but my scale isn't budging. I went back down to 1200cals because watching my burned calories go down (I have negative calorie adjustments on) was frustrating me.

    Ladies, I've worked with some dieticians with my clients and I have never liked them. 1200 is nowhere near enough for your body to function properly. At minimum your body needs 1500-1600 calories in order to maintain proper digestion, body temperature, no mention, if you work out, your body doesn't have enough energy to rebuild itself from the bout of exercise. Believe when I tell you, you need to eat more calories. Your body goes into what we call "starvation mode" in order to stay alive, that is the biggest reason most fail at weight loss.

    I have had female clients at 1700 claories, working out 3x per week and seeing amazing results. Also, make sure that you are throwing in some resistance training to build muscle. Unfortunately when your body goes into starvation mode, it eats away at muscle. 1lb of muscle burns an extra 50 calories at rest, just for maintenance. You can't build muscle from cardio, so even body weight exercises (squats, lunges, table or wall push ups) are beneficial.

    I thought starvation mode was a Myth. That's what everyone on here says whenever it's mentioned.

    It is a myth. Not backed up by serious science.
  • Return2Fit
    Return2Fit Posts: 226 Member
    edited August 2016
    Training body adaptation: I'm not really sure what you mean by this. Is it just resistance training because essentially that is what RT is, training your body to adapt to the stress. Please elaborate.
    I do plyometric training, because the physiological response seems to be lowered body fat in its adaptation.

    I am looking for other such training programs as well as whatever your experience has been with like routines.
    Thanks :)