This is me now at 24st 1lb I hate myself



  • FrothyGibblets
    FrothyGibblets Posts: 49 Member
    Great job so far man, keep it up!
  • JosetteGetsFit
    JosetteGetsFit Posts: 55 Member
    You are a Freaking Warrior! Never surrender! You have fought to get that 20 pounds off of you and you are going to go all the way to the goal! Focus! It is in you!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    edited August 2016
    Look through the success forum.. all of the before and after photos. Those people are the same loving person in the before as they are in the after. You have a lot to offer and are a beautiful person. We all get discouraged because the transformation doesn't happen fast enough. It is just weight..and you can lose just takes time. Be kind to yourself, love yourself, and don't beat yourself up. We all understand. Stick with it.. and the physical changes will happen. You can do it!
  • SophNewts
    SophNewts Posts: 30 Member
    edited August 2016
    The fact you're here and have been brave enough to post your photo show's that you want to make a positive change. Don't dwell on what brought you to where you are - focus on the future and making that change (which it sounds like you've already done) and only look forward now. Photo's you don't like of yourself can serve as great motivation but remember to love yourself too and don't always look to the past with shame or regret. When I have bad days, I often look at photos of me to remind myself how far I've come but it's always easy to slip into a mindset of "oh god, look how disgusting I was, I would rather starve than look like that again". I wasn't disgusting then and losing weight hasn't made me a better person; that has to come from me and who I am and how I treat others. Losing weight has made me happier and "look better" but the rest is down to me - friends and family are a great support during this time. Best of luck with your journey :)
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    Thank you Joans1976, your right everyone here is awesome and so supportive to me today I've just completed my diary for today and If every day were like today I'd weigh 22 st 10 lbs in 5 weeks so here's hoping and fingers crossed

    and listen buddy. you must realize this is a long journey, not a short sprint. you can't do everything at once and get non realistic results. so therefore, log everything, set your goal in MFP and stick with the plan. just starting walking and don't worry about the distance. you will get stronger. plug along and don't worry guage yourself against what you may hear/see others do. this is YOUR journey. it will be uniquely you! own it as your own and do it for you.

    Track, log, take pictures and just never quit.

    I'm sincerely proud of you. I know what it takes to start this journey. it takes courage my friend. it really truly does. don't minimize your efforts! they are real efforts and fantastic efforts at that!
  • jayv85
    jayv85 Posts: 142 Member
    smantha32 wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for your advice and support, I have been told by my wife that i'm too hard on myself and I need to stop it as i'm going to do myself damage but after seeing that photo of myself today really shocked me as I never thought of myself like that before.

    I'm just not happy and don't know what I can do, I am disabled with chronic back pain and use a walking stick when I go out a few weeks ago I had to go to the doctor who referred me to the Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic due to having chest pains and shortness of breath.

    Thankfully the tests on my heart came back clear and I got told I have Pre-Diabetes and need to lose weight, since getting that news I have pushed and pushed to try and walk more to exercise and I can only manage about 0.8 miles but i'm desperate to get over the 1 mile point of walking and just can't do it.

    So I feel like i'm burning myself out as my mind is telling me I need to walk more because i'm too fat and ugly but my bodies telling me I can't do it because of the pain i'm in but if I rest up i'm frightened I'll seize up.

    I saw this video by a disabled person who lost over 100 pounds doing yoga after he was injured in the military. Maybe this would help you too.

    i just watched the video, thank you Samantha for sharing with me all I can say is WOW, well done that guy, it's made me even more determined to fight this, infact I'm actually surprised with myself as we bought a pork roasting joint for sunday dinner and as you know it always has the big piece of fat on it, well I usually eat all that fat once the joints been cooked but today even looking at it made me actually feel sick, I refused to eat it cut it all off and it's now in the dogs bowl instead of my stomach. :smiley:

    I bought those DVDs and they are no joke. But they'd be awesome if I could get through it all the way. I just don't stick with 1 thing enough because I have to be specifically good in 3 events.
  • jrobertson290365
    jrobertson290365 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for everyone's support, your all fantastic :)
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    That's great to hear, I hope that you're feeling encouraged by your success so far! Wishing you all the best. :)
  • Livematthew25
    Livematthew25 Posts: 27 Member
    You cannot hate yourself enough to do it. You will fail!!! You must LOVE yourself enough to do it! It's hard but YOU CAN!!!! See yourself as the Lord sees you...precious!!
  • fposte2016
    fposte2016 Posts: 130 Member
    Look at you, 20 lbs down from the initial feelings of hopelessness. That is amazing!!! I hope you'll keep updating here, as so many of us are now invested in your success and journey to self-love.
  • ibrahimsmama
    ibrahimsmama Posts: 42 Member
    This is a photo of me at 24st 1lb, I'm not looking for sympathy or pity as I know I got myself into this mess but I really hate myself and the way I look, but hopefully this photo will motivate me to lose more weight as i've lost 7lb in 2 weeks. 8b4ri9kp1yet.jpg

    Don't hate yourself ... you can do wonders... put your socks up and start slowly... after a week I bet you will post here as a different person altogether... best of luck .... we all in the same boat
  • jayv85
    jayv85 Posts: 142 Member
    It takes about 2 weeks to create a habit. Push yourself these 2 weeks to go walk and before you know it you'll be just doing it and going further and further each time.

    Don't hate yourself for what you are now, love yourself enough to want to be healthier. You can do it!
  • bmclogins
    bmclogins Posts: 29 Member
    Sweetheart, don't hate yourself. It's just weight. It's just food. You're worth it and you're doing it. Be patient, you will get there.
  • mnvicke
    mnvicke Posts: 103 Member
    Stay positive. You CAN do this! You are already doing such a wonderful job. Just remember - you didn't gain the weight overnight. You won't lose it overnight. Focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes that will make you healthy for the long haul. You will do amazing!
  • TheLegendaryBrandonHarris
    Man...homeboy is kicking some *kitten*!
  • ballyshea
    ballyshea Posts: 187 Member
    Well as I've now lost 20lbs now down to 23st 2lbs = 324.80lbs I think it's time to update my face selfie, full body selfie to come soon


    Google what 5lbs of fat looks like. It's amazing - and you've lost 4 of those.
  • Pow377
    Pow377 Posts: 73 Member
    This is a photo of me at 24st 1lb, I'm not looking for sympathy or pity as I know I got myself into this mess but I really hate myself and the way I look, but hopefully this photo will motivate me to lose more weight as i've lost 7lb in 2 weeks. 8b4ri9kp1yet.jpg

    Hey man, you're on here which means you're looking to change. You've identified an issue and are looking to resolve. Hat off to you! You can do it mate just keep positive. Every bit off the scale no matter how large or small is one step closer to your goal. Keep it up!
  • ballyshea
    ballyshea Posts: 187 Member
    And the 20lbs off already shows in your face.
  • lapierrecyclist
    lapierrecyclist Posts: 153 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race! You are doing GREAT. Keep going!