
bwhitty67 Posts: 162 Member
edited August 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
Have people been truly successful at just walking to aid in weight loss? Or do you suggest adding some strength training along with it? If I walk at least 5x/wk and did strength 2x/wk or should it be more like 3x/wk?
Thanks in advance :smiley:


  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    Speaking from recent experience, I've been hiking and walking, but not doing much for my upper body and it shows. My legs are well toned, my arms are really flabby looking. I think a minimum of 2x per week for strength training. If you are eating at a deficit to lose weight, maintaining what muscle you have is very important.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Strength training ALWAYS gets a yes. As we lose weight we lose fat + existing lean muscle mass. I'm over 50 and can't afford to lose lean muscle mass. Strength training is one thing that helps preserve it, it's great for bone health too.

    As far as number of times.....pick something you will be consistent at. Exercise is for health & fitness. Hopefully a lifestyle change for me (as long as I can).
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Walking is great. It is good to do some sort of strength training atleast 2 days a week. Good Luck
  • haleylhagin
    haleylhagin Posts: 6 Member
    A few years ago I started walking 3-5 miles per day, 3 days per week. I lost 30 lbs in 3 months! I was still eating *kitten* food, drinking booze with sugary mixer, and not sleeping enough. (I don't recommend that diet program, by the way) Do something that works for you. Right now I'm trying to walk 6 days per week (thanks to my StepBet challenge!) and hitting the gym 3-4 times per week for strength training or power pilates.
  • sohosocialclub
    sohosocialclub Posts: 299 Member
    Lift weights and walk. Great plan. Read a bit of Jim Wendler.
  • TMacKtwenty4
    TMacKtwenty4 Posts: 3,256 Member
    bwhitty67 wrote: »
    Have people been truly successful at just walking to aid in weight loss? Or do you suggest adding some strength training along with it? If I walk at least 5x/wk and did strength 2x/wk or should it be more like 3x/wk?
    Thanks in advance :smiley:

    Walking is an excellent form of exercise for weight-loss. As @haleylira states walking worked for her. I myself started a walking regimen of minimum 45 mins four times a week at as fast a pace as I could manage, and ensured that the other days I met the step goal as set out by my Vivofit (Garmin). Walking and counting calories with MFP helped me lose 30 pounds, and keep it off. I've officially logged in for 400 days now and still walking. I occasionally use my stationary bike in inclement weather. My job is a physical one so I have yet to add a strength training regimen.

    Long story short yes walking will help you lose the weight and keep it off if you stick with it.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • bwhitty67
    bwhitty67 Posts: 162 Member
    Thank you thank you thank you!
  • sfcrocker
    sfcrocker Posts: 163 Member
    I walk about five miles every day, but am trying to throw in some running intervals to amp it up a bit. However, just increasing my walking from a mile a day to five miles has helped me lose about 20 pounds so far. Lost 9 since joining this site, and 11 before that. I also do upper body strength training twice a week, though, because walking doesn't do much for upper body.
  • bwhitty67
    bwhitty67 Posts: 162 Member
    I need to amp up my walking that is for sure... I got lazy and quit doing on-purpose exercises but back at it!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited August 2016
    You can burn quite a few calories by walking. It's the only exercise i do, i aim for 20,000 steps (10ish miles) 7 days a week. I don't hit that every single day,life sometimes gets in the way, but i have more days over it than under.
  • bwhitty67
    bwhitty67 Posts: 162 Member
    You can burn quite a few calories by walking. It's the only exercise i do, i aim for 20,000 steps (10ish miles) 7 days a week. I don't hit that every single day,life sometimes gets in the way, but i have more days over it than under.

    How long does 10 miles take you? Do you walk in different chunks of time or all at once?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    bwhitty67 wrote: »
    You can burn quite a few calories by walking. It's the only exercise i do, i aim for 20,000 steps (10ish miles) 7 days a week. I don't hit that every single day,life sometimes gets in the way, but i have more days over it than under.

    How long does 10 miles take you? Do you walk in different chunks of time or all at once?

    I do it in chunks all throughout the day, usually around 3000 step blocks at a time. I average between 150-170 "active minutes" a day, according to fitbit.
    I get pretty bad shin splints and struggle to do huge amounts all at once. Plus doing it like this keeps me active all day long.

  • bwhitty67
    bwhitty67 Posts: 162 Member
    Thanks for the insight @Christine_72
  • basiliscus
    basiliscus Posts: 27 Member
    I've lost 20lbs by staying in low calorie deficit and 4 times a week before work for half an hour. Consider Nordic Waking as it engages 90% of your muscles and burns more calories than standard waking.
    After few months I've added strength training, and currently I do weights three times a week and waking four times. The great thing about waking is that it does not impact your muscle recovery.
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    I love walking for exercise and try find routes with a few steep hills to walk up and down to work different muscles. I've recently started doing strength training too and noticed my strength in walk has increased going up those hills.
  • huntersvonnegut
    huntersvonnegut Posts: 1,177 Member
    I've lost over 40 lb in a little over a year by mainly just walking 5 miles every morning. I also lift weights at the gym but I'm more pleased with myself for my walking streak. Haven't missed a day since around the middle of May 2015. Recently I've added a weight vest currently loaded to 25 lb to compensate for my fat loss burning calories.
  • bwhitty67
    bwhitty67 Posts: 162 Member
    I try to walk outside in the warmer non-icy months but also have a treadmill in my garage gym, I use the "weight loss " cycle of it which uses the incline and speed in variations
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I've lost 80 pounds with power walking (and using walking videos by Leslie Sansone) as my main source of exercise. I get in anywhere from 3 - 8 miles a day most days of the week.

    I strength-train and do other workouts as well, but walking helped me get into shape and it helps makes maintaining my weight loss easy.