Do you plan your cheat meals/days?

PinkSuede Posts: 49 Member
edited August 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Im wondering what methods people use for cheats meals or cheat days. Do you find its better for you personally to plan them in advance to keep cravings away or do you keep pushing til the cravings get so bad you'd almost kill someone for a bite of a brownie? And why? I know Ill have to figure out what is best for me personally but Im curious how others approach it.


  • DrenRigs
    DrenRigs Posts: 448 Member
    I alway cheat on Saturdays just a couple of cheat meals tho
  • kprimaverab
    kprimaverab Posts: 32 Member
    I plan my cheat meals . i find it motivates me to get through the rest of the week if it is a particularily hard week. A typical cheat meal consists of a dinner (wings / pizza) with icecream for desert.
    I know if i was just to have treats incorporated any day i would binge; so to each their own..:)
    Cheat day is usually sunday or a day when there is an event or party planned.
  • nickisa28
    nickisa28 Posts: 116 Member
    I struggle to stick to my diet when hubbys is home so his day off is always my cheat day. It's what we call in our house 'family day'. We'll normally have a day out with the kids which 99% of time means eating out. It all works out pretty well though because it's also my lie in day so I skip breakfast and he's home to have the kids in the evening so I can go to the gym. Sounds crazy that I plan my cheat days around my husband but it works. It's important to me that my new lifestyle fits my current routine. In my head it means it's more sustainable.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    I dont plan to be honest.
    I eat and then base the rest of my calories around that.

    Last night a had a big plateful of Turkish mixed grill which I am overestimating at around 1000 calories. Today i will take it easy to make up for it. Not starve but eat enough low cal foods until im satieted. (maybe more coffee to reduce hunger too)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I usually have to if I want to make sure that it fits in my weekly calories.