

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    WELCOME new people! As you can see, moving more, strength training and eating good, healthy food seems to be a common theme. As Re says, we are fighting to save our own lives and make the one we have, our only one, worth having. <3

    New research on the radio today to show how important eating a diet high in vegetables is for healthy gut bacteria. That's alright then. I eat LOADS. :laugh:

    Fermenting milk to make cheese and yogurt changes the structure of the sugars, which is why they are more tolerated by the lactose intolerant. Dairy is an important part of our diet in the western world. The new milks that Katla mentioned are a good choice.

    I have the house to myself today as DH is at cricket. Hooray! The rest of the week is very busy socially so I'm enjoying the downtime. Going to make a spicy soup for lunch with the remains of the guinea fowl, shiritaki noodles and real stock. Tonight's dinner is mushroom risotto. Our favourite thing. I have some preserved truffles that I put on top . We will have runner beans from the garden for a veg to go with it. I also put peas in the risotto. Got to get the veg fix! :laugh:
    My sweet DH went shopping yesterday because I won't have a car for four days. He is a good shopper, but doesn't branch out much. He forgot my beloved cottage cheese, some cake for him to take to cricket and I want ripe avocados for my friend's lunch on Friday. He is going to stop off for those on his way home today. <3

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited August 2016
    My sweet DH went shopping yesterday because I won't have a car for four days. He is a good shopper, but doesn't branch out much. He forgot my beloved cottage cheese, some cake for him to take to cricket and I want ripe avocados for my friend's lunch on Friday. He is going to stop off for those on his way home today. <3
    He's a keeper all right!

    I've been putting together my famous eggplant parmigiana and making sourdough bread to go with it. I've also been entertaining my guests a bit. I hope they go out on the town soon and let me get on with my editing! :flushed:

    /Penny, who needs to stop procrastinating and get to work near the North Pole
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Hey all! Still here and still reading! Happy Wednesday! Today our theme is Around The World. I have passports for the kids to get stamped, we are "visiting" Mexico, China, and Kenya. Crafts, coloring and info sheets at each station and lunch will have a noodle soup, tacos, and a fried banana cake. I wasn't sure if they would be able to sit through the movie Around the world in 80 days, so I found a Mickey's Adventures short film and the characters visit different locations around the world. We do what we can and hopefully the kids will have fun and soak in a little info. Tomorrow is the last day of the week for me. Then a four day weekend! I am really looking forward to next week, with the bigger kids off to school and the little ones with me. Back to another round of pre-school/toddler basics.
    Linda- Good to see you back! Sorry about your MIL! Alzheimer's is such a hard illness to deal with (not only as a patient, but also as the loved one of the patient). Glad your BIL is doing well. sending prayers for continued progress. LOL! I know exactly what you are going through with one in college, one in high school and being a booster chair. I held the booster secretary chair for our vocal dept and our drama dept while my kids were active in it (8 years). I was technically the "voice" or "contact person" for each choir/drama parent. Many emails came and went. Some of them from angry parents. But on the whole, it was one of the most rewarding things I did with/for my kids. To this day, I will have people come up to me and talk to me about my emails and I have no idea who they are, but they still feel that connection to me due to the many, many emails that I sent out over the years.
    Pip-You rock! As always! B)
    Gloria- Ugh! Lice! I haven't had them myself, but they have gone through my daycare. Kids get them SO easily because they share EVERYTHING! Hats, brushes, dress-up stuff, pillows, blankets...Such a pain to get rid of. I now have a "no hat" rule unless it is a designated "hat day"; and then I stress the "We don't share hats!" rule! Hope they go away quickly!
    Penny- I did see some of the BBC Earth episodes on Youtube, so maybe yours will show up there, if it doesn't make it onto my channel schedule!
    Re-I am still hanging in with the challenge. Just feel like I am in stasis for the past couple weeks as I have been so busy. I have gained. I am afraid to weigh, but I will at the end of the week. I haven't been able to fit any exercises in due to longer work/planning hours. Not going to stress about it. I will just need to buckle down and move my a** beginning Friday.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :) I got up a little bit earlier than usual so I had time to read the posts at leisure even with the extra chore of giving Brandy her new pills...nobody asked for a treat, possibly because Bernie was busy eating his breakfast and Sasha was standing by the door waiting for her walk to do her business.

    :) Thank you to all of you who reply individually in such a caring and thoughtful way....I admire you so much for that skill and kindness.

    :) about meditation--if people waited until their minds were quiet before taking up meditation, there would be none. I meditate with my eyes closed and focus on my breathing....my mind wanders off and I have to bring it back frequently. I do that without criticism of myself and just continue focusing on my breathing. Jake meditates in a more conventional Zen fashion with a special cushion, things to read before and after meditation, incense, low light, no shoes, and staring at a blank wall. I sit in the same place where I have breakfast with my phone (acting as a timer) on top of my laptop computer. I started at 5 minutes (which seemed like forever) and by adding 5 seconds every day or two, am now at 14 minutes.

    :) I'll be posting the new thread about 6 PM PDT, so be watching for it. I'll put the link at the bottom of this thread.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Sick the last two days with a UTI (urinary tract infection) and fever. Going to the doctor today, one way or another. Feel awful.

    Love to all.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Penny ~ I have just spent a some time trying to learn how to pronounce Svalbard. Being a middle GA country gal, it is very difficult for me. In doing so, I learned a bit about this part of the world. Very interesting!

    DJ ~ I'm glad you were able to line dance without too much bother from the hips.

    Heather ~ We all look forward to your daily menu choices. I wish I was more adventurous. DH does not like to try new dishes.

    Marcelle ~ Happy Birthday!

    Re ~ Lots of meetings! Have a good day.

    I take my hat off to all you early risers!

    Carol in GA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    edited August 2016
    I did meditation for a while with the Calm app. I didn't want to pay, so stuck with the free guided part. The best bit, which I still use, are the free screen vids. I love the foggy stream etc. Very calming. Anything that is Mindful is a form of meditation. I do some body awareness etc if I wake up early and don't want to disturb DH. I like visualisation for calming my mind as well as the basic breathing exercises which I also do.

    Joyce - I am so worried about you. I do hope you can get your heart to let you lead a normal life. You certainly deserve it. <3<3<3

    I'm enjoying my alone time. :D

    Katla - I've been meaning to ask you if you are still doing the face exercises. I do a modified version every day while I am doing my machine exercises. I do think they have helped. My eyes seem more open and my mouth lines are less droopy. Also my jowls have more or less disappeared. They used to really annoy me. It doesn't take any time as I am doing other things. :)

    Heather UK
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,686 Member
    Morning peeps- thx [Kljmoreb][/b] I think we all rock!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather/Katla please explain the "face exercises" for me. Sounds like something I could use. :)

    Janetr okc
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2016
    Re: Thanks for the good wishes for my frozen shoulder to thaw. :smiley: It is improving, bit by bit.

    Penny: Your comments on "continence" caused me to spontaneously start doing kegel exercises. :laugh: Thanks for the reminder! Regarding friends who have not been posting: I contacted Sylvia & she stepped back a bit because she's been so busy with her artist's coop. I don't know about Lisa or Lenora. Maybe someone else does. :ohwell: I'd love to know your sourdough bread recipe. Mine tends to turn out very heavy. :star:

    Pip: Yay for $1001! :bigsmile:

    Barbie: Thank you for starting our thread each month. (((HUGS))) I'll be looking for the new thread, and will give my August summary along with my not so new goals/resolutions. If something works, I don't fix it. My goals/resolutions work for me. :flowerforyou:

    Miriam: I hope you're feeling better soon. :heart:

    Heather: Thanks for the reminder about the face exercises. I had forgotten about them! :embarassed: My face is actually doing pretty well, but under my chin & my neck are not doing quite as well. :grumble:

    Janet OKC: When caring for your face, remember that too much sunshine is an enemy. Use good sunscreen &/or hats that shade your face. Here is a useful link for face exercises: http://www.marieclaire.co.uk/blogs/544896/5-anti-ageing-facial-exercises-you-can-try-at-home.html

    Yoga today! Yay!!!!! I'm planning to repeat my sequence from Monday: stationary bike, circuit machines, balance "ball", kettlebell, and yoga. I felt really good after Monday's trip to the fitness center.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Heather/Katla please explain the "face exercises" for me. Sounds like something I could use. :)

    Janetr okc

    I second that!

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Oh, I see you'd already posted a link, Katla. Thanks! I'm on my cell phone right now, but I'll post my recipe later, when I'm back on my computer.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    I did look up a few exercises online, but then I bought a book with good reviews from Amazon. I was extremely sceptical that they would work, but they certainly haven't done me any harm. I also keep out of the sun, use anti ageing serum and factor 50 on my face if I am out and about. I use a "lift" cream on my neck on the grounds that it can't hurt. My "wattle" skin from losing the weight has gone away, but that could just be time.
    I waggle my ears regularly when I think about it. I raise my eyebrows and stretch out my eyes and also bring my lower lid towards my nose. For my mouth lines I grin like a Cheshire Cat as hard as I can and as upward as I can. My face has got more mobile since I've been doing it, so I can stretch bits of it further. My ears waggle nicely now. :laugh:
    Improvements have been seen in my jowls, my neck, my downward mouth lines (more diagonal) and in my upper eyelid droop. I don't know if this is the exercises, natural skin tightening or improved nutrition. Or serum. Anyway, as it takes me no time I will continue.

    I've had a lovely day, catching up on back TV, but I'm glad I shall be socialising tomorrow. <3

    Peach - I hope some of my food ideas might be useful, but even I get in a rut sometimes. I am lucky with my DH, who is very appreciative, but I save the spicier, weirder things that I like for when he is out of the house. Sometimes I tell him to make himself a sandwich so I can indulge. :laugh: That is usually lunch time. I have an infinite capacity for chilli. <3 I also tend to like all things strange. B):D
    My EX DMIL was married to a man who could not stand onions or garlic. To me that relationship wouldn't even begin :noway: and would certainly be grounds for divorce. :sad:

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,686 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85/95, 5X5X 100
    BP-1X5X 55/65/75, 5X5X 85
    BR-5X5X 85

    Kettlebell Swing
    Russian kettle bell swing-23X 10 X 35

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    5 miles


    Mary from Minnesota
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,087 Member
    One of the best anti-aging is to remember to smile!