This site seems to have a bit more traffic and advice, so hopefully I will have more help from you all.
Okay, first off a 41 year old male here that is weighing in at 244 pounds. I was 262 about 3months ago. Just 11 days ago, I was 255.5. My goal is to lose down to 210 or 220 pounds. I have a pretty large frame and that is my short sighted goal. We are having a biggest loser competition at work and the first one to lose 25 pounds wins the cash. I lost 9 pounds the first week. No sugar, very low carbs, plenty of protein, and a lot of fat, not enough I bet, but a lot. I love the way I feel on this diet. I don't feel heavy and weighed down and sluggish. I guess carbs will do that to a person.
All I drink is water!!!
My Meals:
Breakfast: 8 oz almond milk with 6 tbsp. heavy cream and half a scoop of protein powder, also a teaspoon of brain octane.
Lunch: tuna or 4 oz of chicken and salad with bacon and cheese, maybe a few almonds
Supper: Steak, chicken, or salmon or pork chops with green veggies or squash
Snacks include almonds, boneless and skinless sardines
My macros are usually near 1700-1800 calories, with 5% from carbs, and usually more protein than fat. Sometimes, I have one of the keto desserts. The mousse especially.

I know my fat isn't high enough, but I have no idea what to do, and plus, I have lost 9 pounds in one week. I have to be doing something right. Right?
Is it possible to do something like 5% carbs, 35% protein, and 60% fat or will this not provide the results I am looking for.
I read on another site where a lot of those people are only eating twice a day with no snacks. Is this the thing to do?
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  • collegefbfan
    collegefbfan Posts: 346 Member
    And for any other ones following this type of plan or diet, how do you get enough fat in your daily intake? I am about to resort to drinking half cups of coconut oil or olive oil.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    You may want to pop over to the below keto group as they should be able to provide more advice to you:

    You can incorporate more fats in subtle ways.

    At lunch - throw half an avocado into your salad, or dress it with full-fat mayo. You would decrease your protein serving slightly to compensate (I would cut down on the tuna/chicken because you'll still be getting some protein from the bacon/cheese/almonds).

    At dinner, make sure to use olive or coconut oil or butter when preparing your meat (again, with slightly smaller quantities of meat), and use an oil or cream-based dressing for your veggies.

    For snacks, you could snack on macadamia nuts instead of almonds.


    As an aside I'm not a fan of that kind of weight loss contest because I think it can lead to pretty disordered eating and unhealthy rates of loss. You won't likely hit 9 lbs in one week again because that was at least 50% water loss (low carb diets have a diuretic effect because your body binds up so much water when storing carbs as glycogen--as you use the glycogen stores, you release the water). Just keep that in mind and don't panic when you lose 5 or 2 or even 1 lb per week going forward. Your rate of loss will settle to reflect your actual deficit pretty quickly once you're done dumping water/glycogen.
  • collegefbfan
    collegefbfan Posts: 346 Member
    Thanks so much. Yeah we don't usually do the contest this way. It has led to a jumpstart though. Many thanks.
  • collegefbfan
    collegefbfan Posts: 346 Member
    Well the only thing is there is hardly anyone in those groups. More advice here.
  • Socobruja
    Socobruja Posts: 8 Member
    You want to eat 70% Fat, 25% Protein, 5% Carbs - Saw it in a Dr. Oz episode but don't get it twisted, Dr. Oz was visibly skeptical but the trainer who put on a ton of weight to better relate to his client (for some crazy reality show) lost his 70+ pounds by following that rule. Protien is a must at 25%. There are calculators out there to help you determine how much you need (kcal, grams) of each. Then, there are Kstix - this is how you know you are doing it right. I'll see if I can find a helpful link to a website i used to calculate. Good luck!!
  • Socobruja
    Socobruja Posts: 8 Member
    Oh look, it was an open tab so i found very quickly! And seriously, if you have any questions, there is SO much info on the www... I just started this week and yeah, you do have to stick butter and coconut oil in everything but it's really not that difficult....odd...but not difficult. I'm drinking black coffee w/ a tbsp of coconut oil right now!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Socobruja wrote: »
    You want to eat 70% Fat, 25% Protein, 5% Carbs - Saw it in a Dr. Oz episode but don't get it twisted, Dr. Oz was visibly skeptical but the trainer who put on a ton of weight to better relate to his client (for some crazy reality show) lost his 70+ pounds by following that rule. Protien is a must at 25%. There are calculators out there to help you determine how much you need (kcal, grams) of each. Then, there are Kstix - this is how you know you are doing it right. I'll see if I can find a helpful link to a website i used to calculate. Good luck!!

    do the opposite of anything dr oz says...he is a charlatan ...

    the guy lost 70 pounds because he put himself in a negative energy balance.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Any macro split is possible - in theory - anything that adds up to 100%. You can do lots of things for a short while. The question is what you can do for a long time, and what you'll be doing when what you're doing, can't be done any longer.

    The thing is that you can eat any way you like and lose weight, as long as you stick to a calorie deficit.

    Most of any initial great weight loss, will be water. You can expect to lose up to 1% of your body weight per week on average.
  • catharinamkotze
    catharinamkotze Posts: 57 Member
    Avo, egg, cream in your coffee, butter, full fat double cream yoghurt, cheese, bacon, nuts.

    I great smoothey is double cream yoghurt with lemon juice, honey, cream and ice. Yum.
  • BeastofBodmin
    BeastofBodmin Posts: 34 Member
    Avo, egg, cream in your coffee, butter, full fat double cream yoghurt, cheese, bacon, nuts.

    I great smoothey is double cream yoghurt with lemon juice, honey, cream and ice. Yum.
    Avo, egg, cream in your coffee, butter, full fat double cream yoghurt, cheese, bacon, nuts.

    I great smoothey is double cream yoghurt with lemon juice, honey, cream and ice. Yum.

    Honey ? On Keto ? Wouldn't that put you over on your carbs ?