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habits vs genetics?

AliceAxe Posts: 172 Member
What do you believe is more of a factor , habits or genetics?

after watching the documentary it realy has me wondering, how much is realy in our control?



  • jtegirl
    jtegirl Posts: 1,137 Member
    I'm not sure what plays a bigger part or if they could be half and half. Genetics play a big part. My little sister has a different dad than me and my brother. Him and I are lucky and gain muscle very easily. My sister does not, and even when active or playing sports, she does not look muscular like us. Of course habits come into play. If I didn't work out or eat healthy, I wouldn't be as fit.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Habits. Someone posted a study elsewhere today that talks about BMI similarities between birth parents and adopted children -- I haven't read it yet, but that would support the idea that whether you are susceptible to gaining weight tends to have a genetic link, which makes sense to me. But the fact remains that the BMI of the country as a whole (and other countries as a whole) has increased, which is related to environment (and positive changes probably as much or more than negative ones). If environment plays a role, than habits do to and can be changed to be better adapted to the environments we are in, as well as to change the specific environment we are in to some degree.
  • d4_54
    d4_54 Posts: 62 Member
    I think it's calories in and genetics which influence your natural body composition.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Just tagging this to watch later when I have more time. Not sure from the post alone what is being asked.
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    edited August 2016
    With the right habits and mindfullness, one will alter their genetics anyway.

    People, please do not feed the troll.

    Or do; it's kind of entertaining.

    (Honestly, I think BreezeDoveal is the best troll I've seen since Usenet days, so good on you, sir or madam.)
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    With the right habits and mindfullness, one will alter their genetics anyway.

    I think that sentence would only be true if you change "will" to "may".
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    What is DNA anyway? It is just 3 little letters, and people talk about it like the D stands for Destiny, and then they proceed to let that mindset give them that D over and over.

    You're not kidding. Sick and tired of always getting the D repeatedly. Now I chose my own D.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    AliceAxe wrote: »
    What do you believe is more of a factor , habits or genetics?

    after watching the documentary it realy has me wondering, how much is realy in our control?

    AliceAxe wrote: »
    What do you believe is more of a factor , habits or genetics?

    after watching the documentary it realy has me wondering, how much is realy in our control?

    AliceAxe wrote: »
    What do you believe is more of a factor , habits or genetics?

    after watching the documentary it realy has me wondering, how much is realy in our control?

    . A few episodes of Secret Eaters will clear this up for you.

  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    So I woke up the other day with this thought...

    Could body type evolution be a neuro-biologic response? Could apple, pear, hourglass... shapes be connected to how our genes form thought?

    The mind muscle connection may help one target areas better. There is purposeful focus in this process. For instance, to hip thrust using the glutes (not the quads or hams), one has to activate the glutes. So I was wondering that maybe certain people have a subconscious secondary focus gene that may form the body shape or are predisposed to activating certain muscles over others.

    Is it survival of the fittest that has shaped our current body types? And can the next generations evolve into a different body type through conscious mind muscle connection? Is sitting at a desk all day forming a new body type?
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    edited September 2016
    AliceAxe wrote: »
    What do you believe is more of a factor , habits or genetics?

    That's a very incomplete question - which regards to what? Which habits and what genetics.
    Genetics, habit AND environment have an intricate interplay with regards to how we develop and who we are.

    If you think that you can say "well, I'm not going to lose this weight because I have fat genes" and use that as some crutch you are probably right - you won't lose the weight. But it isn't about genetics, it's about attitude.

    With regards to only weightloss, this question comes up all the time. Sure, genetics plays a huge role in lipid storage, disease, mental capacity to keep habits, etc... but don't confuse these factors with the games your mind plays to get you to throw in the towel. Not one person that has consistently maintained habits has not created some kind of transformation over time. How one keeps at it, what one constructs to maintain habits outweighs most thinking about "it's in my genes".

    (that documentary is about people with genetic and mental health challenges which are extremely rare. 1 out of 30000 persons or so.)