Ripped in 30 starting July 4th



  • HarmonyNLife
    HarmonyNLife Posts: 47 Member
    The ripped workouts are getting easier. I am thinking that I should continue my C25K workout as well as this workout. I think I need more cardio in my life! I said that I would post me before measurements, which are listed below.

    Here are my before measurements:

    hips 44.5"
    waist 37.5"
    neck 12"
    R thigh 27"
    L thigh 26.75"
    R arm 13"
    L arm 12.75"
    weight 156 lbs.
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    Okay I just finished day two, I can say I am a little sore but mainly in my shoulders , I am using 8 lb weights because that is all the light weights I have an man, i really for whatever reason struggle going the same speed with the running man...other than i am okay, though I feel like i still need to workout more because it is only 20 minutes, maybe it is workout guilt..
  • The running man totally kills me, too! I need to buy hand weights... I've been using two heavy cans of soup, haha! I've done three days and I'm going to take a rest day from the workout tomorrow. I go canoeing or paddle=boating and generally walk upwards of 5 miles every Thursday, so it will be a productive "rest day"!

    Keep it up, everyone!
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    Done with day 4 now :) Does anyone else besides me think when she says she can smell fat burning off the girls...what fat? Those girls don't have any fat to be burning off :)

    Harmony- I did spin today too. I like to throw in extra cardio around three days or so to supplement this.
  • Neteenek
    Neteenek Posts: 9
    Day 2 done! Much easier today but I agree with maybe needing more cardio in my workouts
  • I just made a thread on this without seeing this post! I hope it's not too late to start...I want to knock this one out of the park and see how "ripped" I actually get!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    animamelodic and ridgellmomof3 - LOL yea for some reason those 30 seconds of the running man seem waaaaaaaaay longer than that!

    Harmony - I am doing C210k currently as well, and I also was doing that while I was doing 30 day shred! I think c25k is a good complement to this workout so I would keep at it!

    As for me, day 2 done! I have to say that I am not as sore as I was doing 30ds at the beginning but it's probably because I am in better shape now having done the shred lol. I definitely still get a damn good workout and sweat bullets though! The calorie burn I get from Ripped is slightly more than the shred but not that big of a difference, maybe like 20-30 cals more.

    Keep it up everyone! You guys are all doing great :)
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Didn't get it busted in until 10 pm last night. I hate to workout late, but life happens, ya know? Maybe it's better for me, because I'm doing C25K in the early morning every other day.

    I am disappointed that I don't burn many calories doing RI30...only around 170. I can't quite manage the expert moves, but I'm pouring my heart into beginner/intermediate. I don't know why I'm not burning much, since I am gasping and dripping sweat all the way through. I guess I'm just building muscle, which will (hopefully) burn more fat!

    Let's keep busting 'em in!!!
  • fraiseroja
    fraiseroja Posts: 215 Member
    See ya day 5!

    Workit- Join us!! We are all in our first week and have rest days at different times.

    Question for my rippers- On your rest day are you going to truly rest like do no other exercise? I'm debating if i want to throw in a run or something. I probably should let me body heal though.... hmm

    Done with Jillian for the day now on to going to Zumba at the gym. Burns a ton of cals but its really FUN too!!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Day 3 done!

    fraiseroja - I think it just really depends on how you feel...if you want to go on a light jog on your rest day from RI30, I think that's totally fine. Just listen to your body!

    jarrettd - Are you using an HRM? And are you burning more or less calories than doing the shred? Just curious...

    Keep on RIPPIN' IT!!! :)
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    P.S. On those days where you are really not feeling like exercising for no reason at all other than you are feeling lazy, here is a tiny bit of motivation from Jillian -
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    I had to take yesterday off due to a 12 hour work day, so that was a rest day for me, my legs were tired though so good thing. Just finished day three, and It was easier, but I sweated a lot more tonight. I still have exercise guilt. i feel like I need to longer cardio. How is everyone else feeling?

    Who is still hanging in?
  • I'm still rockin' it out! I did L1D5 today and I can feel myself getting stronger... But that doesn't mean it isn't still tough! I'm actually a little scared to jump into level two on Monday. I have a feeling it's going to kick my butt 10x more than level one did!

    @workit -- Welcome to the group! Feel free to add me if you want! Seeing other people log in Ripped in 30/circuit training is a great motivator!

    @fraiseroja -- At the very least I go for a long walk on my "rest day" and I usually do something fun like canoe or paddle-boat with a friend, too. I feel guilty if I do absolutely nothing! I think my body is hooked on the endorphins!
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    RI30 day 4 today was great! I made it through with ease, and even went and ran 2 miles afterward, this is all after going to the Scottish highland games in the mountains of NC and pushing all three of my children around in the stroller. Thanks everyone for motivating me. If you want to add me as a friend, I could use all the motivation I can get. Keep trucking ladies i am feeling good how is everyone else feeling? I have finally conquered the running man, however I feel more like I am cheering then running..Thank goodness there are no camera around or I am sure everyone would have quite the laugh, I laugh at myself...
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    ridgellmomof3 - Yes I think I've got the running man down now too!!! haha. And it is definitely a move I would not do outside the comfort and privacy of my room lol

    Day 4 completed! It's definitely getting easier and I think I've gotten most of the moves down. I started out RI30 using 3 lb weights for all of the moves but I started using 5 lb weights for some of them because I felt like there were a few that were too easy with just 3 lbs. Switching between the two weights have been working out really well for me!

    Week 2 is coming up soon...I'm ready! Although I haven't actually looked at the workout for week 2 yet...maybe I should keep it that way haha.
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    I just did Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 Level 2 for the first time last night--it was SOOOO hard--had to do with only 5 lb. weights and had to take a rest break in the cardio circuit that had plank jacks followed by mountain climbers. Also had to modify the pushups. I can't even imagine what Levels 3 and 4 will be like--don't know if I'll live through them!:frown:

    Later on in the evening, I did Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 Level 1.
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    I just did Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 Level 2 for the first time last night--it was SOOOO hard--had to do with only 5 lb. weights and had to take a rest break in the cardio circuit that had plank jacks followed by mountain climbers. Also had to modify the pushups. I can't even imagine what Levels 3 and 4 will be like--don't know if I'll live through them!:frown:

    Later on in the evening, I did Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 Level 1.

    Oh nooooooooooooo....I HATE plank jacks and mountain climbers with a passion. Sounds like I am not going to like Week 2 very much haha.
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    Repeat of yesterday RI30 and 2 mile run feeling good! Hope everyone had a great day!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    See ya later Week 1, Week 2, here we go!

    Just when I finally got down all the moves for week 1 and feel really comfortable, we are moving on to week 2! I just completed the workout and feel pretty good about it. I am definitely feeling a lot stronger! On a side note, I didn't have time to go to the gym today to get in my cardio and I have JM's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism dvd that I haven't tried out so I decided to give it a go to get in my cardio. HOLY HELL she really wiped the floor with me on that one. There were puddles of sweat everywhere by the time I was done with the 50 mins haha. Just in case anyone is looking for a good additional cardio workout, that one's a hard one!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    yes...using a NB4 HRM. Burning a little less than the shred, but maybe because I don't have the form down on some of the moves?