Cheat Day Regrets



  • fleur23xx
    fleur23xx Posts: 37 Member
    I hate the term "cheat meal/day." It implies there is good and bad food and you start associating certain foods with guilt. That guilt puts stress on your body, which is worse than the food, and effects digestion. Just slow down, take the time to enjoy the meal so you don't wolf everything down, and move on.
  • ericar21
    ericar21 Posts: 71 Member
    i definitely know how you feel. i usually eat pretty healthy or clean but every once in a while i will have a cheat meal that turns into a cheat day. i literally can't stop eating no matter how hard i try to stop. i feel so sick and stuffed afterwards and i tell my self i will never do that again and i always do lol...
  • camillemyrick
    camillemyrick Posts: 6 Member
    I had to rid my kitchen of a lot of junk. I do it everytime I start back at eating right again. I just remove it completely.