200 calorie mid afternoon snacks



  • somegirlsdo
    somegirlsdo Posts: 37 Member
    a few hundred grams of cut up raw cauliflower, in a ziploc bag, with a couple teaspoons of good olive oil, and a sprinkle of finely ground salt. MMMM it's like chips but healthy.
  • somegirlsdo
    somegirlsdo Posts: 37 Member
    Zucchini and eggs does the trick for me. Shred a zucchini and squeeze out the water, mix 3 whites and 1 yolk, mix eggs and zucchini and fry in a bit of oil in a nonstick pan, don't forget the salt and pepper. Wrap in one of these thin small sandwich wraps and you're done for ~200 calories.

    This sounds amazing, I think I know what I am having for breakfast tomorrow
  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    For 120 calories, I like the 5 oz cup of Siggi's strawberry yogurt. (not sure about the other flavors, I'm partial to that one). It's thick and pretty satisfying.
  • UncaToddly
    UncaToddly Posts: 146 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    Protein bar typically. A) I'm lazy so having a bar is easy B ) its filling for the calories

    The Kirkland brand (costco) protein bars are about 190 calories and settle me up in the afternoons. Cost about a buck too I think.

    I typically use the Kirkland Brand Protein Bars as a meal replacement and they are great for it, especially for those of us who want low carb and high protein. Most bars have way more carbs than I can allow for me but at 190cal, 6g net carbs and 21g protein.... pretty good and would certainly work well. My only complaint is they only have the Choc. Chip Cookie Dough and Chocolate Brownie flavors. :)

    And second the various Greek yogurt/nuts suggestions. :) It also depends on what you are looking for at that time.... sweet, savory.... For savory I might also fry up an egg or two.
  • Lisavalente38
    Lisavalente38 Posts: 4 Member
    half a pita with a tbs of peanut butter works for me
    85 cals plus 90 and it seems to keep me full
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    I just drink a crapload of water and power through it :) I prefer to have a bigger dinner vs an afternoon snack.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I've been eating greek yogurt, Chobani Flips, a lot lately. They're in the 200 calorie range, with lots of good flavor options.
    Either that or a nice big bunch of cotton candy grapes. I can't keep them in the fridge.. .a bag is gone in a week or less.

    I love those Chobani flips!! They easily fill me up until dinner. They have some delicious 200 calorie ones (I particularly love the peanut butter dream one) but they also have some really good 100 calorie ones. The nice thing about the 100 calorie ones is they are the same amount of protein but half the calories, so sometimes I prefer those.
  • drabbits2
    drabbits2 Posts: 179 Member
    the 100-130 calorie Siggi's Greek Yogurts do it for me--the orange ginger is delicious, strawberry, peach, vanilla tastes like pudding. add some fruit for very little calories and it's like dessert. OR and apple and a tablespoon of peanut butter. OR a hard boiled egg or two. I gotta have some protein to keep going
  • concrete_daisies
    concrete_daisies Posts: 44 Member
    I dunno man. I had a few pistachios and a full fat Greek yogurt and I was starving so I ate the rest of the bag of pistachios. That alone was 320 calories. Maybe I just need a more substantial afternoon snack and a lighter dinner. Anyone have any experience with this? Like maybe I need a light sandwich, or a wrap, or soup...now I feel like I can wait Til 7:30-8 to have dinner. Thoughts?

    This is so me. I eat most of my calories for the day by 4pm. I usually only leave about 250cal for dinner. I also make sure to have a decent amount of complex carbs for breakfast, and then almost no carbs for dinner (so, meat & veges). Works for me. My favourite mid afternoon snack is hummus or avocado on whole grain toast, with cracked pepper and lemon.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I do about 10 Ritz crackers (around 32-34g) and 1/2 a serving of peanut butter (12g) is about 240 calories. I use the Jif Whips peanut butter, so it has about 50 calories less than regular peanut butter and it still taste like peanut butter.

    A good protein bar is about 190-210 calories and will give me 12-14g protein. I like the ones by Zone Perfect which I get at Target. The Dark Chocolate Almond, Peanut Butter, and Fudge Graham are particularly tasty to me.

    You could make your own trail mix. I used to make a trail mix with dark chocolate chips, almonds, and cashew pieces and it was around 160 calories. I did do 2 servings of chocolate chips (I liked the Ghiradeli ones), 1 serving of almonds, 1 serving of cashew pieces and that would get me 3 servings of trail mix (about 28g per serving).
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    A couple of oatcakes, an ounce of cheese and either grapes, an apple or a carrot. I find this very satisfying.
  • EmilyHops
    EmilyHops Posts: 7 Member
    If you really need a substantial afternoon snack I can totes recommend a baked sweet potato (takes like 6minutes in the microwave, 150kcals) and some humous/light soft cheese. You feel like you're eating loads for the equivalent of a packet of crisps!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    my new favorite thing is peanut butter powder. You just mix two tablespoons with some water and it turns into a creamy peanut butter for 45 calories. I love toasting a 110 calories thomas bagel …and put the peanut butter on that and have it with tea or coffee… you'd have some calories to spare.. you could add a few grapes or even slice a quarter of a banana and put that on the bagel as well. It would be very satisfying.