treadmill vs outdoor running



  • Runningman_78
    Runningman_78 Posts: 34 Member
    I cant do treadmill running, I get far too bored. But not everyone has the luxury of the right weather or safe area to run in so this is where a treadmill is handy.
  • richardpkennedy1
    richardpkennedy1 Posts: 1,890 Member
    I cant do treadmill running, I get far too bored. But not everyone has the luxury of the right weather or safe area to run in so this is where a treadmill is handy.

    This. Treadmill running is very boring and many people quit after a few weeks because of it. I would say the biggest advantage of a treadmill is that you can pace yourself exactly how you want to. You can gradually increase the speed session by session and you know that you can handle it. However outdoor running is undoubtedly more interesting. Also I am much more comfortable sprinting the last few hundred metres outside than on a treadmill for the fear of falling off!
  • deetucker70
    deetucker70 Posts: 43 Member
    Started out running on the treadmill in March. Logged around 12-16 miles a week. Was really nervous about transitioning to outdoor running because runner friends told me that treadmill running is easier as the belt is helping to propel you forward. I have now been doing all of my runs outside for about 6 weeks. Not sure if this is true for most but I find running outside easier once you find a comfortable pace. Something about the sunshine and fresh air makes me feel lucky to be out there running. Dreading heading back indoors this winter!
  • Puravidablonde
    Puravidablonde Posts: 65 Member
    Any time I can work out outside, I will. So I def prefer running outdoors. Here, I can ewe jungle, the beach, views of the ocean, you can't beat it. Treadmills bore the hell out of me. One pro to a treadmill to me though is the regulation of speed and being able to set down my water bottle.
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    Before my accident I loved both, treadmill excellent hiit training, can do any time of day, night time etc in any weather, loved running out doors too, but my access to that was difficult as cant leave two small kids alone at home. Both great, but loved my treadmill, just awesome.
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    edited September 2016
    I used to get so in to my run on the treadmill with swapping speeds and inclines and listening to prodidgy it was never boring, around that 6 Min mark I'd get my endorphins kicking in.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I do both. While I like running outside, since I typically train in the early morning, I'll just head to the gym to run on the treadmill during the winter. It's part of my routine. I do some resistance training, some core work, then I'll crank out 4-5 miles on the treadmill. If I want to mix it up, I'll do intervals on it as well. I don't mind the treadmill for runs up to an hour. Weekend long runs are all done outside.

  • RNinPitts
    RNinPitts Posts: 19 Member
    Outside...natural elevation and sets mood. I can get in zone and enjoy. Treadmill gets it use in winter when I'm not able to get outdoor run in.
  • DoubleG2
    DoubleG2 Posts: 123 Member
    Ugh - dreadmill. I prefer to be outside; any weather, any time.
  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    I get really bad jaw pain if I have to breathe in cold air. I love treadmills that have different incline levels, but I also love trail running outside. Both are better than sitting on my couch and it's difficult to have an excuse not to do any running. :)
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    LOL, I have seen that photo posted on every single thread on this topic...

    You do you, but not everyone enjoys that kind of thing. I'd rather run on the treadmill any day over having ice crystals on my eyelashes freeze my eyes shut :wink: I'm only willing to deal with that garbage for the sake of downhill skiing, haha.
  • Coachjr29
    Coachjr29 Posts: 81 Member
    I call it the dreadmill because there is nothing exciting about it. Run outside and enjoy nature.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Every gym I've ever belonged to seems to have a 60 min time limit on the tread mill so it's a pain to do anything past a 7 to 8 mile run depending on my pace. The running is slightly different between outdoors and treadmill and generally takes me about 2 runs to get used to the differences, including pacing, when I start running outside in the spring. Whichever works for you is the best.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I love running outside, but it doesn't love me back. When I run on pavement I tend to get stress fractures, so I stick mostly to treadmill these days. I also like to read a book while running, and I enjoy not getting chased by people's dogs. But nothing beats a run outside on a brisk fall morning.
  • cbstewart88
    cbstewart88 Posts: 453 Member
    I prefer running outside. I'd rather be outdoors in ANY weather. That being said, I do all my running on the treadmill. The one and only reason is: when I'm outside, I get distracted - start looking at nature, the sky, watching for errant vehicles, my mind wanders and before I know it I've slowed to a crawl...the treadmill makes me keep my pace up.

    I guess I have two reasons. I HAVE to listen to music when I'm running. Earphones outside take away my ability to hear and perhaps be ready to react to vehicles....
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    Dang. I love the treadmill as well as the outdoors.

    I fell in love with running while on a treadmill. Dusted off the treadmill in my parents garage one evening when I was feeling down and placed it in front of the window looking out toward the backyard. Turned off the lights so only the night sky was illuminating the room, and just started pounding away with my headphones on. Twas magical. And it became a nightly event for many months.

    Quite often my family would come into the garage and turn on the lights to grab a drink from the fridge and internally I would lose my *kitten*. :laugh:

    Anywho. Sorry for the memoirs. Whether you run outdoors or on a treadmill... it's all about the memories you create, man!

  • niblue
    niblue Posts: 339 Member
    Treadmills have their uses but I much, much prefer to run outside. Treadmills are great when starting out though - they provide some cushioning and make pace control much easier. Mine lives in our home cinema room and I find running while watching a movie helps a lot, however the longest run I've ever done on a treadmill was 10K because I do find I get bored.
  • jayv85
    jayv85 Posts: 142 Member
    I despise the treadmill. But with how late I run I end up on it. I occasionally get outside when my husband is home with me and we don't have the kids. I know there are jogging strollers, but that'd only work for my youngest.
  • jayv85
    jayv85 Posts: 142 Member
    edited September 2016
    streem26 wrote: »
    I love my treadmill Nordic. I’m addicted to it. I still try a run outdoors every now and then but don’t love it at all. It’s grueling for me. Not to mention that I always get shin splints outside running on pavement. I never get shin splints on my treadmill and I can go longer durations too. I don’t understand why these differences exists. But always increase my speed as I go, end with a sprint and then slow down decreasingly til I stop.
    And of topic: does anyone have those vibram 5 finger shoes, I was wondering if its a good investment. is it worth it? can you notice a difference? does it increase your workout intensity?

    Try the new balance minimus shoes (I have the trail ones). I've owned a pair for a few years and love running in them. But don't start off long distances Start off slow and short distances. They'll tear your calf muscles up until you get used to them