I am so mad right now...



  • wepst324
    wepst324 Posts: 9
    You are right - your goals are your goals but I didn't even bother to get to the end of your rant - just a simple mind your own business would have sufficed.
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    Some of my favorite things to make are Sweet and Sour Shrimp, Chili and pizza. I don't care what others think. I'm not about to give up tasty things because I want to be healthy or lose weight. Just find a healthier way to make them and only eat one serving instead of 3 like I used to. Oh yeah; I forgot frozen yogurt with strawberries and a few chocolate chips :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I agree too that MFP is for everyone and any goal in their journey to health may it be 100 + lbs or 5 lbs or just to maintain!!!
    Who made these "judges" the fitness police??? No pun intended :laugh:

    +1. :flowerforyou:

    I love the courage that it must take for someone to post on here when they may be self conscious about their weight. I wasn't that courageous when I was at my heaviest. When I was 191, I didn't go on any website and tell anyone! I admire those that do, because I wasn't nearly that courageous!

    And I also love it when people are here to maintain...cause that means they succeeded in their journey! They inspire me, whether it was the person who wanted to lose 100 pounds, gain 20 pounds, or whatever. The fact is, THEY DID IT.

    And there's others like me who are in pretty decent shape, but simply have stricter goals to get to specific place in their fitness. Yeah, we need to track food too! It's always said that it's about 80% food, 20% exercise...so of course we like the goal tracking, nutrition tracking, etc. that is here on the website.

    We all belong! We are all here for different reasons, but in the end, we are just trying to reach or maintain reached goals using nutrition and exercise.

    So, boo to negativity! :bigsmile:
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    First......Congratulations and I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow!

    Second......I understand why you are so aggravated. .I don't understand why some people on here need to express why they don't like a post, an opinon, a goal or whatever it is they don't agree with in such a negative way. I may not agree with something you say, but I don't feel any need to debate the subject and try to make you feel the same way as me. Just imagine what this world would be like if everyone had the same opinion on everything?

    Third.....Use that pm as motivation! Prove them wrong, there is nothing better than being able to say, I DID IT, although I probably would never have the guts to say that to someone.

    Good luck!
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    thank you for this! i will use it against people that are negative and unsupportive to me! You keep doing what you are doing and post pics when you reach your goal! Kudos to you!
  • tkimbre2
    tkimbre2 Posts: 63
    I know exactly how you feel! Happened to me last night as a matter of fact! If people cannot be on here an be supportive of one another, then they need to find another site or keep their comments to themselves! Good luck on your journey and best wishes!!
  • tkimbre2
    tkimbre2 Posts: 63
    I posted a 2 sentence introduction yesterday and got a private email from someone saying I need to love myself more and I have self esteem issues. All I said was I reached my weight goal using WW and wanted to switch things up and count calories to maintain. I totally understand your rant - I was just looking to make MFP a new place to hang out and then wondered if this would be the place for me.

    I have been on MFP for a while now and was really enjoying it, but then lately there has been such negativity toward people just because it's not what everyone else see's as right. I'm starting to wonder if this is the place for me as well :/
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member

    Yes, some people ARE at a healthy weight and BMI trying to become more fit. Since when did this website only become a place that can only be used by overweight people whose goals are to be at a healthy weight? Can the rest of us not track our food intake? Hmmm...

    Exactly, people seem to overlook the part of the name of the site that says FITNESS. It's my myfitnesspal.com not mydietpal.com.

  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I guess I should rename the recipe "healthy pizza like concoction" or something like that. :laugh:

    I do that. A lot of the recipes I create are called things like "bolognese like mash-up mess". Let them figure that one out. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Good for you! I think your goals are admirable. The body type you're aiming for IS extreme - for the average person, But you're doing it for a specific reason - to compete, so that makes perfect sense. Truth is, most people don't have the discipline and dedication required to go for this type of body type, so I applaud your efforts! So many women are so wrapped up in the supposed "ideal" body promoted by fashion magazines and celebrities that those of us who have different goals are seen as weird.

    On another note, kudos to you for promoting a healty body image as a police officer. No offense to your brethren in blue, but I am SO tired of seeing overweight, out of shape law enforcement officers out there on the street. It's a pleasure to see one who actually looks like she could chase down a bad guy!

    Keep working towards your goal. I have no doubt that you'll soon be posting about your top-place finish in your first competition. Congratulations on your upcoming nuptuals! Best of luck!
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding! So being a police officer, I have to ask, do some people think they can push you around because of your size? Or maybe they don't take you seriously? I have often wondered if female officers are treated differently than a male would when it comes to arresting the bad guy/girl. Oh, and good luck with your goal, I have a feeling you won't have any problems reaching it! :smile:
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    Read the whole rant and I have to say, first of all - good luck on your fitness plan! Indeed, as you said, everyone's goals are personal and should be respected as such. I understand that some people have "concern" in regards to eating disorders and whatnot, but to send an unsolicited (and what sounds like an uninformed) private message sounds like the person harbors their own issues ...

    Secondly, I have to say I am very happy to say that in my 245 days on mfp, I have never received such a message - there are a lot of supportive people on here - just put the others on ignore ;-)
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Nice Post - well done!

    Blow them off, cause.... Haters gonna hate.

  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    Some people need to get a life! You look great and you are doing awesome. Don't let one jerk bring you down. Congratulations! I know that you are excited about your wedding.
  • AlexandriaMichelle
    I feel where you are coming from. I once asked for advice on how to boost my matabolism to get the scale moving again and I got so many people critisizing my food diary because they saw "fries" and "sloppy joes" and things like that, not knowing that those are my personal, healthy recipies I made and named myself. I felt the need to explain that and people started sending me messages about how I should take their advice and I shouldn't ask for help if I don't want it ect. Someone actualy told me I eat like a child!!! So rude. I had to block someone from sending me messages. someone even told me I should name my recipies to make them sound healthy. Why should someone elce even care what I name my recipies??? People are nuts.

    Hey, I get that too with some of my recipes! I eat pizza, spagetti, etc...but instead of asking what it's made of, they criticize the fact that I having it at all. My entire 12" pizza has less than 600 calories, but it is chock full of fiber, protein, etc. and is low in saturated fat and sugar. I guess I should rename the recipe "healthy pizza like concoction" or something like that. :laugh:

    What people also don't realize is that this shouldn't be about "Oh you can't have "this or that"! " This is a LIFE-STYLE change not a diet. It's just not realistic to stop eating the "bad things" forever! We can have something "bad" every once in a while and LIVE and ENJOY and then get right back on track. You only set your-self up for failure when you lie to your-self and say that you NEVER eat bad again. I have lost 30+lbs and I am continuing to loose everyday. But guess what? I still LIVE as well and enjoy my piece of cake every now and then. So LIVE and then get right back on track later. Remember your more likely to splurge and binge on something bad when you keep telling your-self NO then when you allow your-self to have a little of what you are craving. So go and have your pizza and/or sloppy joes girl! Then get right back on track! :drinker:
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Thank you so much for your post. I, too, have received several "hate mails" in my inbox, on my wall, and on my blog lately... and it makes me feel sad for those sending those messages. Today, I have deleted half of my friends list and shut down my blog because of it. I guarantee the ones emailing you are the same ones emailing me...

    You're exactly right! People shouldn't try to put their limits onto you. You keep doing what you're doing!
  • TheTeeWhy
    TheTeeWhy Posts: 186
    People need to learn to hold their tongue. if you disagree with someones goal, then do it privately, it's none of your business.

    I think some people may get a bit, not jealous but may think that someone who is 'healthy' doesn't belong on a site like this where a lot of the people are overweight. I disagree with that, people come on here for a multitude of reasons. I wouldnt ever DREAM of pissing on someone elses goals =/ Dont let it put you off the site anyone, dont let them get to you. Alot of people just do things like that to get a reaction(trolling for the more internet savvy crowd)
  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    Well said. I don't understand the need of some people to spread their negativity, but they are everywhere making sure we stay strong for ourselves. Their pouting and poo-pooing on others dreams and goal can be a great motivator. :flowerforyou:
    Congratulations and keep on burning that fat!

    PS: That pizza of yours sounds fab.
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    Cograts on your weight lose and getting married. You go girl! Right on!!!