What is the one food you can't even touch?



  • BigBadVanna
    BigBadVanna Posts: 65 Member
    Tortilla chips at Mexican restaurants. Just one and I'm off to the races.

    Also pretty much any kind of alcohol. I fit it in about once a week, but I have to budget enough calories for several glasses. Dry white wine is my jam.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    This stuff is wonderfully evil, i'll eat the whole container in one day :flushed:


    Cheerios come in a close second, a small box lasts me less than 2 days, they are a once a month treat. Peanut butter cups also don't make it past my threshold often.
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    Nutella, cheez it's or goldfish, Oreos, cupcakes/cake.
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    Ice cream. ANY kind, but bring B&J Cinnamon Bun or Peanut Butter Core around me and I. Am. Dead.
  • ElleBellesTheoBear
    Nata a Portuguese custard tart. I become a fat kid on her birthday lol and taco's omg taco's and curry lol!! Fml
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    Ashley083 wrote: »
    Ice cream! Sometimes I can't help myself and eat the whole pint! Did much better this week, I made my pint of Ben and Jerry's Boom Chocolata last 3 days! Small steps! :smile:

    This. Is impressive! Last weekend I ate the whole container of B&J Cinnamon Buns in one sitting. I'm not sure what possessed me!
  • RNinPitts
    RNinPitts Posts: 19 Member
  • daworley
    daworley Posts: 238 Member
    You guys are making me really, really hungry :o For me it is Nacho Cheese Doritos, Brownies and miniature candy bars.
  • spencendawn
    spencendawn Posts: 20 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    I thought this was about foods you can't touch (aka foods that cause disgust), not foods you can't moderate.

    The former: beef cooked less than well-done. The latter: none so far.

    Yeah ... me too!

    And it would be a toss up between ... oysters/mussels and other slimy things like that, mushrooms, and, as you say, beef cooked less than well-done.

    As for foods I like ... also, none so far. I've never been an "eat it ALL" sort of person.
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    Forget the donuts... I can't even touch the box!


  • LUHAN27
    LUHAN27 Posts: 211 Member
    When I read this thread title, I thought it was going to be about food I couldn't eat because I hated it lol.

    Anyway, chips ahoy cookies...or any whole pack of cookies. I need to buy the mini bags or I can devour the whole pack.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    LUHAN27 wrote: »
    When I read this thread title, I thought it was going to be about food I couldn't eat because I hated it lol.

    Haha me too! I was all ready to type liver, kidneys and animal innards in general. Instead i walked into a thread that just served to make me hungry :lol:

  • mavraxalia
    mavraxalia Posts: 6 Member
    Pringles! Once you pop you can't stop!
  • shesthetype
    shesthetype Posts: 45 Member
  • Derpy_Hooves
    Derpy_Hooves Posts: 234 Member
    Fizzy jellies. Custard creams. Rich teas. Basically sugary bikkies and sweets. Just cannot stop at one or two.

    So for the foreseeable future I just ban them.
  • mlee981
    mlee981 Posts: 18 Member
    edited September 2016
    I find if I'm eating ENOUGH of the RIGHT foods . I stress the word "ENOUGH" and "RIGHT" I do not crave junk or anything of the sort .

    I used to be a big sucker for PB and J sandwiches, I still love em don't get me wrong but I found I was eating three of them a day at one point especially during the early months of recovery from anorexia .

    Once I was weight restored , and my appetite naturally regulated (it's still regulating ) I no longer craved these foods, as my body didn't need them.

    I started eating MORE whole foods, making my porridge in the morning with up to 100 grams of oats and a plant based milk alternative (preferably soy as its more nutrient and protein rich) instead of water, and eating plenty of bananas , whole grain rice , potatoes , BEANSSSS, fruits and vegetables .

    When I fill up with good food I no longer feel so out of control around crap empty calorie foods , and can stop at 1 or 2 Oreos instead of 4-6 or the whole packet .

    It's literally as simple as eating WHOLE food and eating ENOUGH .

    If you have ever restricted your calories
    You will end up experiencing "reactive eating" (Google the term extreme hunger) and thus this is why diets do not work.

    In terms of calories I eat between 2500-3000 calories on average , I go to the gym 5 times a week and do my best to walk everyday as its so good for you .

    Calories are not created equally .

    I've had anorexia , I used to believe the "calories in calories" out , which in a sense is true as its physics , but do you really think the body processes all the calories the same as a donut versus I dunno an apple?


    There's a study done on people eating nuts I believe it was almonds , and they found that a percentage of the almond calories were excreted via stool as the body couldn't process them.

    Whole food is the way to go.
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Chinese.. I always say I will just eat a small portion. Never works.
  • alexpn
    alexpn Posts: 59 Member
    I have to agree with the Cadburys Mini Egg statement from earlier, I used to work in a Supermarket Bakery, and at Easter, the bakery would receive CATERING size packs of mini eggs to decorate the cakes with. Dangerous times!
  • S2tupidAss
    S2tupidAss Posts: 25 Member
    As I read down, I don't get it.. Is it foods that disgust me or foods I can't help myself around. Cause, I can't seem to figure out the former but damn PIZZA