any 5'7 girls out there?



  • weeze_h
    weeze_h Posts: 72
    When I started on this site I thought I was 5'8" and tailored a goal of 140 but once I hit that goal last week (I weighed in at 139) ,I found out I've shrunk (WTH??) and I'm now 5'7" so have amended my goal to 131-136lbs and focusing more on toning.
    However I feel very comfortable at 139lbs so will just see what happens and not push myself too hard to lose the final pounds

    Feel free to friend me.
  • joclougherty
    joclougherty Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, I am 5'7" and started on here at the beginning of May at 190lbs. I would like to be 9st 12lb (138) ideally, but I'll see how it goes. I was (9 stones) 126 lbs in the past but it was after I was quite ill. I think if I get to 140 I'll be quite slim enough and should be a UK size 12. I think 10 stones is a realistic weight for my height so I'll try and get to that and then reassess! I've never been this big before and it's taken me ages to do something about it, I think the more you've got to lose the harder it is to start dieting. I've lost 2 stones before but this time it was scary to think I had to lose 3 1/2 stones!! I started running 3 years ago and then stopped for 18mths when I had my last baby, I started back in January when she was 10mths and now I'm running 4 times a week and usually running 6miles. This has really helped me to continue with the diet because I don't deprive myself at the weekend and still have wine and a nice pizza, I justify this by all the running I do! I think MFP is brilliant because it makes me accountable for what I eat and what exercise I do. I tend to go over my calories at the weekend but do a long run on a Sunday and then 3 runs during the week and I look at my overall weekly calories rather than focusing too much on each day.

  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    I'm 5'7" currently at 145 but i'm looking to be around the neighborhood of 135, or even just to tighten up a bit..i'm just going to work it off in increments and when i see some results i'll change my plans accordingly
  • cswilik
    cswilik Posts: 3 Member
    AH, this post is wonderful! I'm 5'7" ish (maybe taller, I can't remember) and started at 165ish! I'm down to 142.5 and I'm having a difficult time getting off the last 10 pounds or so. I'm finding that I like how I look, but I'd like to lose that last bit. AND ITS HARD! So add me if you guys want to! I've been slacking lately, and not exercising, but I'm getting out there today!
    Good luck my 5'7" companions!
  • lexhanson
    lexhanson Posts: 3
    im 5'9 and 149lbs and my goal is to get down to 140-135 because i feel the most comfortable there, but your totally healthy at that weight
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member
    I'm about 5'7 and my ultimate goal weight would be 145. I have awhile to go before I reach that, but I definitely think its obtainable for you. Just see how you feel along the way.
  • sitstaygimmeeakiss
    sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
    I'm a bit taller - about 5 8" - and my goal is 137. That was my consistent healthy weight when I was young & single (before kids/pregnancies, lol). So yeah, I think your goal is very realistic.

    When I near that weight (esp. since I'm going to be adding weight training soon), then I'll see by my appearance and if I chose the right weight. For now, it seems fine.
  • hopeandj
    hopeandj Posts: 42 Member
    I am 5'6'' and my goal for right now is 140ish. Right now I'm 159lbs. Friend me if you would like...I can always use more friends with that same goals!
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am 5' 7" and started out at 166. I am now at 132 but am shooting at 124 as I am small framed. We will see. You are totally realistic with your goal!
  • elisebb
    elisebb Posts: 5
    i'm 5'7",
    HW/SW: 161 lbs
    GW: 130 lbs (I'll see when I get there)
    CW: 141 lbs
  • deb54
    deb54 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi !!! I am 5'7"... Started MFP (@ 218 lbs !!! ) IN January of this year and have lost 43 lbs !!! But the thing I needed to do was strength train !!! So now I am doing toning and thinking about trying the 30 day shred !!! Scary as I am 57 next month !!! My goal is set at 145 as of now ... I am at 174.7 at present ... Need A LOT of toning !!! Good luck in your journey !!!
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    My goal is to be where most of you are starting ... 160 lbs.
    I look fantastic at this weight.
  • Lullabies6
    Lullabies6 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm between 5'6 and 5'7 and I'm starting at 153 lbs. I joined MFP 10 days ago and I'm really enjoying it. My goal weight is 133 or so and I've lost 2 lbs so far. I'm so glad there's a lot of other ladies in the same height range!
  • rchemerika
    rchemerika Posts: 1 Member
    hello everybody in january i was 155 at 5'7 by march i had lost 2 inches off my wais 2 off my hips and one off each thigh that was 139 since then ive been going up and down from 140-142 since i have a smaller frame i want to be around 130
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I am 5'7" and my goal is 135 but i want it to be with lots of muscle tone, i dont want to be too small so if i am 140 that is fine too. I just want to look good in shorts.
  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549 Member
    Hay im 5'7 my starting weight was around 118kg not sure wot that was in pounds but am now 216 pounds and would like to get to around 130 for my health it is hard though x
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    I'm 5'7", at my lowest weight was about 145-150lbs.. and I probably could have leaned out another 5-10lbs. It's definitely not an unrealistic goal. At that weight I was a comfortable size 8 and now that I've gained weight back I look at pics and go omg I was so small then lol!! Now if only I could get back to it lol...
  • slimdownfast
    slimdownfast Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5' 6 1/2" and am currently at my highest non-pregnancy weight at 147. There is way too much giggling around the middle going on here for me and my clothes are not fitting well. I am normally al size 6. I am comfortable at 138 and my skinny weight is 126 . . . and I was 5" slimmer around both the waist and the hips at that weight. But, that was when I was doing a heavy weight workout plan. I don't want to be that skinny again. I just had a miscarriage at 12 wks, so, that is why I have this extra weight. I'd like to be toned where my 5 year old is not rubbing my belly (because it is protruding) and asking me whether I am having another baby or sucking her thumb and comfortingly giggling my arms because they are "chunky". I don't take it too hard, though. The reality is she has never seen my body like this for too long. I also have a 2 year old son, so, she did see my come back down to my pre-pregnancy weight after he was born.
  • katyk00
    katyk00 Posts: 67 Member
    So happy to find this thread! I'm 5'7 and I started off at 165 (how crazy is it that so many other 5'7ers were in the 160 range?!) and I want to get to 145ish. I'm stuck at 155lb and it seems like my body doesn't want to let lose and more weight!!! argggg. Add me if you want
  • isletri
    isletri Posts: 18
    I'm 5'8" and my goal is about 135 fit with muscles, right now I'm 145 but it's flabby. You're goal is realistic, once you get there you'll know if it's a good weight for you, 2 people can be the same height and weight and look totally different. Feel free to add me as a friend, I could use same size support and motivation :)
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