Already eat well, quickest & easiest way to lose weight now?

I've been vegan for over a year now, I eat whole foods mainly, and try to keep my portion sizes in check. Not only have i lost absolutely no weight, but I have GAINED it! I am very sedentary and I know a lot of it is down to this, I also don't drink enough water or get enough sleep. There have been a couple of times in the past when i said enough is enough i'm going to give it my all, gone to the gym every day, jogged, done exercises at home etc, seen no changes and given up. Ugh, exercising just.... ugh. I know i can't cut calories long term, i just love my food too much and am already hovering around 1,500 - 2,000 per day, so somehow it#'s got to be through increased exercise. So can anyone please tell me the type of exercise to lose weight quickly, that doesn't take too long each time? I hate gyms and know i won't stick to running regularly. What about HIIT? Anyone see results within a month from this? I only need to lose about 15lbs but for some reason my body just won't lose weight :(


  • SammyBoo1980
    SammyBoo1980 Posts: 56 Member
    age 36, height 5"6, weight 133lbs. I scan the barcode of most of my foods into mfp and go off what it tells me. It's never exact as i don't use a scale and some foods aren't in the database so i have to guess. Also i make a lot of meals with multiple ingredients like stews, curries, veggies in tomato sauce with sprinkles of nuts and seeds, nutritional yeast etc. Logging every little thing is a nightmare, and very difficult as i don't know what should be cups/spoons etc (for e.g. how on earth are you supposed to log one knife spread of vitalite, or 3 shaves of vegan cheese??). The 1,500 - 2,000 range came from my diary here when i was logging more regularly every day.
  • SammyBoo1980
    SammyBoo1980 Posts: 56 Member
    It may be healthy but it's heavier than i want or need to be. I want to drop at least 2 dress sizes to get back to where i used to be. Around 15lbs should do that. Cheers
  • SammyBoo1980
    SammyBoo1980 Posts: 56 Member
    edited September 2016
    Thank you. I guess a food scale is a good place to start. I don't have much will power when it comes to anything that takes a long time, hence wanting to see results fast. If I start seeing the weight come off/ dropping dress size I don';t mind slowing down. 2lbs per week would be best for me at least. I have found that exercising regularly is more difficult for me to stick to than watching my diet/calories, but at least exercise can be exact, as in i know exactly how long im doing it for/ what i'm doing etc, and i just can get on and do it. It takes around 20-30 mins each time i try to log my food on here which is a right ballache. Can you really not lose any weight with exercise? I was thinking of HIIT for 7 mins every 3 days or something. I oculd cope with that lol
  • divcara
    divcara Posts: 79 Member
    I'm a big fan of HIIT and strength training. I'm totally hooked on orangetheory. I never did anything on my own until I found that. It doesn't have to be that class, but definitely something that elevates heart rate. I like being coached through a workout. You can try a free class. I dropped weight pretty fast doing HIIT, although I did also clean up diet a lot! You shouldn't need to reduce calorie intake anymore than what you are at now. Are you eating clean foods or focusing more on overall calorie intake?
  • SammyBoo1980
    SammyBoo1980 Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! Totally welcome all the advice, I do realise i sound really lazy and not really giving it my all (both are true lol). I have extremely low will power for anything that takes a long time. I know once i start seeing any kind of results though i will gain more enthusiasm.

    divcara that's really interesting and exactly what i was wanting to hear about. When you dropped weight fast were you also focusing on taking in less calories? Did you follow a specific plan for hiit? I am eating mainly whole foods - i'll have oats for breakfast, salads for lunch, tofu and veggies or roast veggies and quinoa for dinner etc. I find vegan mayo, hummus, and nuts are where I really mess up though as i always go over calorie with these.

    I am very interested in lifting and not at all worried about bulking up, but i can't afford to go to a gym and i know i just won't do it at home if it will take longer than 10 mins. Heavy lifting you can't really do at home anyway.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,030 Member
    age 36, height 5"6, weight 133lbs. I scan the barcode of most of my foods into mfp and go off what it tells me. It's never exact as i don't use a scale and some foods aren't in the database so i have to guess. Also i make a lot of meals with multiple ingredients like stews, curries, veggies in tomato sauce with sprinkles of nuts and seeds, nutritional yeast etc. Logging every little thing is a nightmare, and very difficult as i don't know what should be cups/spoons etc (for e.g. how on earth are you supposed to log one knife spread of vitalite, or 3 shaves of vegan cheese??). The 1,500 - 2,000 range came from my diary here when i was logging more regularly every day.

    I am also 5'6" and if I ate between 1500 and 2000 calories a day + being extremely sedentary I would also gain weight.

    Eat less
    Exercise more

    Exercise doesn't have to be a massive gym workout - it can be as simple as going for a brisk 30 minute walk, and then maybe increasing to a brisk 60 minute walk. Or climbing several flights of stairs in a day. Or going for a bicycle ride.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    Thanks so much everyone! Totally welcome all the advice, I do realise i sound really lazy and not really giving it my all (both are true lol). I have extremely low will power for anything that takes a long time. I know once i start seeing any kind of results though i will gain more enthusiasm.

    divcara that's really interesting and exactly what i was wanting to hear about. When you dropped weight fast were you also focusing on taking in less calories? Did you follow a specific plan for hiit? I am eating mainly whole foods - i'll have oats for breakfast, salads for lunch, tofu and veggies or roast veggies and quinoa for dinner etc. I find vegan mayo, hummus, and nuts are where I really mess up though as i always go over calorie with these.

    I am very interested in lifting and not at all worried about bulking up, but i can't afford to go to a gym and i know i just won't do it at home if it will take longer than 10 mins. Heavy lifting you can't really do at home anyway.

    yes,you can lift heavy at home I do(I have bars,weight plates,dumbbells,etc) and to see results with heavy lifting you will have to do it more than 10 mins,same with most other exercises. its not about what you eat its about how can gain weight eating "healthy" foods too. lots of people here are vegan/vegetarian and became overweight eating more than they burned.7 min of hiit I dont think will accomplish much either.if you want to see results you have to put in the work,you dont have to workout to lose weight,just eat at a deficit but the exercise will help you in more ways than one.