Losing 30 pounds by December



  • nbintliff
    nbintliff Posts: 22 Member
    Love to join you! I'm 238 (lost 7 pounds sunce starting a couple weeks ago) and my goal is to get to 180. I have a personal goal of 30 by New Years!
  • Mskristin316
    Mskristin316 Posts: 9 Member
    Looking to lose 15 pounds by December. Add me
  • nbintliff
    nbintliff Posts: 22 Member
    mobeaton0 wrote: »
    Does anyone eat their exercise calories?

    Most days I don't eat my exercise calories but if it was a particularly tough workout and I'm really hungry, I'll eat some of them with a healthy snack (Apple and pb or some more protein at dinner).
  • ESHRINER43783
    ESHRINER43783 Posts: 35 Member
    I would also like to lose 30lbs by December. That would put me at my goal weight of 150ish.
  • nbintliff
    nbintliff Posts: 22 Member
    Aaliya7 wrote: »
    Welcome Autumnjel,MegIJamesRosakatie,Chalegirl,paigedotson,tiff girl,move atom,Meskila,boxer doodle,Rebaisett,Rodeothedog!
    We will support each other.

    My plan of action is :
    to eat right,drink lots of water,Limit some carbohydrates,eat proteins,eat raw vegetables,eat fruits.
    In exercise I will do several Kathy Smith CDs.
    Please list your plan of action.

    My plan has been clean eating, keeping my carb percentages around 20-30%. I workout: cardio, circuit, day off. Keeps me from getting overwhelmed with the start of school (I'm a teacher.) MFP has helped keep me on track! I also joined a dietbet game.
  • Aaliya7
    Aaliya7 Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome Eshreiner and Heather!
  • Aaliya7
    Aaliya7 Posts: 38 Member
    How can I send you guys friend request?
  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    I plan to drink lots of water, reduce my carbs, eat more fruit, veggies and protein. I plan to walk daily and to do Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds and some Tae Bo- both on Utube
  • MeglJames
    MeglJames Posts: 18 Member
    Aaliya7 wrote: »
    Welcome Autumnjel,MegIJamesRosakatie,Chalegirl,paigedotson,tiff girl,move atom,Meskila,boxer doodle,Rebaisett,Rodeothedog!
    We will support each other.

    My plan of action is :
    to eat right,drink lots of water,Limit some carbohydrates,eat proteins,eat raw vegetables,eat fruits.
    In exercise I will do several Kathy Smith CDs.
    Please list your plan of action.

    My plan is to exercise for an hour, 5 times a week. Drink lots of water, eat lots of protein & veg and complete 200 miles of cardio this month (73 down)
  • autumnanjel
    autumnanjel Posts: 21 Member
    My plan is to stay as close to my calorie goal as possible and try to keep my macros close to the recommended values. I will fill up on healthy flavorful foods to help curb cravings and temptation. I am training for a 5k that I am running on September 24th, so I plan to run 3 times per week for about a half hour each time. I will gradually work in more exercises. I don't want to put too much pressure on myself in the beginning and then get fizzled out. I also have increased my water intake. I just started on Thursday and as of Saturday I have lost 1.4 lbs. I know that this is going to be a challenge since I will have to lose about 2.5 lbs per week. Thanksgiving is going to be very difficult!
  • sufferjette
    sufferjette Posts: 1 Member
    Hey @tuffgirl19

    I have PCOS too and am also 5'2". I haven't weighed myself in a while because it was over 200 last time and I just didn't want to know. Haha. I've been trying to eat clean for about a month now, but I'm finding it hard when I'm on the go. I haven't heard of this pcos diet that you are on. Any advice would be appreciated very much! Feel free to add me! I'm new to MFP, but I plan to start keeping up with it more! Thank you!

    tuffgirl19 wrote: »
    I plan to drink lots of water, reduce my carbs, eat more protein, veggies and fruit.I was diagnosed with PCOS in August and I'm doing 30% carbs, 40% protein and 30% fat, recommended for PCOS. I am 5'2 and currently weigh 190. I plan to walk daily and to do Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds and some Tae Bo- both on Utube.

  • tabby_123
    tabby_123 Posts: 80 Member
    edited September 2016
    I'm looking to lose around 25 by then. Feel free to add me as a friend! I'm also 5'4'' and 193.
  • tgordon88
    tgordon88 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello my fellow PCOS fighters! I was diagnosed a few months ago and im COMPLETELY lost as to what to eat how much to of it to eat and what to totally cut out... I'm 5'3 270lbs :(

    Long term goal -100lbs
    Short term -30lbs

    Let's support each other!
  • autumnanjel
    autumnanjel Posts: 21 Member
    Tgordon88, with PCOS the best thing to do is to avoid simple carbs. The worst offenders are white foods like white rice, bread, and potatoes. Good luck!