Any runners training for a half or full marathon?



  • I just registered for the Savannah GA Rock n Roll half marathon. It will be my third. I've run the one in Virginia Beach twice.

    My plan is to run my first marathon next year. It will be either the rock n roll New Orleans (I may run the half) or the Scenic City trail marathon in Chattanooga in May.

    I started running about 6 years ago using the C25K program.

  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I'm doing my 4th half marathon on the 16th - It's a repeat of my first one that didn't go well and I hope to blow away my original time. This one I feel I have to redeem myself on and then I have another half planned in September (another repeat). Since I know I'll never "win" a race, I am trying to beat myself every time. I hope to do a full marathon next year when I'll have more time to commit to training. :o)
  • Virgo09
    Virgo09 Posts: 85 Member
    I ran the San Diego Rock and Roll marathon back in 2008. I've done about 2 half marathons, going on 3 ~ July 31st in San Francisco. I've also ran the 200 mile SoCal Ragnar relay race 2 years in a row. I haven't been running like I should but I really want to get back into shape, loose weight so I can shave off my time.

    Good luck to everyone and happy runnngs!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I just started official training a few weeks ago for the Denver Rock N Roll Half Marathon in October 2011...using a variation on the Jeff Galloway run/walk method...would love to keep in touch with some other folks training for halfs and full marathons!
  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    I've done 2 halfs, currently training for my third in November and then a full in feb. The half will be the Savannah Rock and Roll and the marathon will be 26.2 with Donna in Jacksonville. All the proceeds go to breast cancer research. For my halfs I use the Hal Higdon training method and for my full I will use the Jeff Galloway training method. Feel free to add me!
  • PeteyRunsNow
    PeteyRunsNow Posts: 24 Member
    Im gonna start training for my first half in a few weeks,im doing the Rock n roll marathon in Las Vegas. Running the strip at night is gonna be awesome.
  • tigerbluefly
    tigerbluefly Posts: 257 Member
    I'm training for my first Full this October. I am just about to complete week 4 or 18 of my training plan.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I'm currently training for my first half on September 24 and thinking of a full for next fall (Chicago maybe?). I have an old dear friend who has tried for years to get me running and last year I finally started C25K and fell in love with it! I've done several 5k's and a 10k this spring and decided I was ready to train for the half. Once that's done I may try a local 25k (it's a pretty huge race and hilly) in the spring after my second half that is planned tentatively for April. If all that goes well, we are thinking of trying Chicago for our first full together.

    Good luck everyone! I've got 8 miles planned tomorrow... kinda looking forward to it which is so different from who I was a year ago!!!!!
  • tigerbluefly
    tigerbluefly Posts: 257 Member
    Me! I'm currently training for the Honolulu Marathon in December. It will be my first.

    My girlfriend just moved there and I would love to go run that one and visit her in December. Not sure I will have the funding for it though......
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    I've got two half's planned: One in October and one in February 2012. The October half is local and the February 2012 one is the Disney Princess. Official training starts in a couple of weeks but I've been running pretty consistently for a couple of months. I ran a half in 2008 but hurt my leg about 3 weeks prior to the race so I was not able to get those final long runs in before the race. I completed the half even with my bad leg but I didn't get the time that I wanted. Hopefully I will be injury free this time around.

    Depending on how these two halfs turn out I may consider doing a full marathon next year (the Vegas one would be fun).
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    @hiddensecant: I'm doing the Santa Clarita Half Marathon as well!

    I've done five marathons and several half marathons so far. My best was the Marine Corps Marathon (3:55). I aim to qualify for the Boston Marathon in 2012.

    Oh awesome, maybe I'll see you there.

    @OP: SC Half Marathon is on November 6th.

    In any case, just extended my long run to 6 miles and haven't passed out yet ... good sign :-).
  • I've done 2 halfs, currently training for my third in November and then a full in feb. The half will be the Savannah Rock and Roll and the marathon will be 26.2 with Donna in Jacksonville. All the proceeds go to breast cancer research. For my halfs I use the Hal Higdon training method and for my full I will use the Jeff Galloway training method. Feel free to add me!

    I'm also planning on running the Savannah Rock n Roll half with my son, his girlfriend and some of their friends.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Good luck everyone! I've got 8 miles planned tomorrow... kinda looking forward to it which is so different from who I was a year ago!!!!!

    Hehe, I just started running a few months ago so I totally get this statement.

    I remember sweating buckets doing what I consider now, a light 20-minute yoga routine!
  • I just started official training a few weeks ago for the Denver Rock N Roll Half Marathon in October 2011...using a variation on the Jeff Galloway run/walk method...would love to keep in touch with some other folks training for halfs and full marathons!

    I am doing the Jeff Galloway program as well. Are you training with one of his groups?
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'm slowly training for a half marathon using C25K and then B210K. I'm not rushing myself with a timeline right now but I would like to run 10k by January.
  • Are you all interested in starting a weekly thread for check in? Or even to share tips?

    We have some seasoned runners and some newbies. I think it would be nice to share information about the different races as well. I may help someone select their next race.

    Let me know. I think it would be great!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Good luck everyone! I've got 8 miles planned tomorrow... kinda looking forward to it which is so different from who I was a year ago!!!!!

    Hehe, I just started running a few months ago so I totally get this statement.

    I remember sweating buckets doing what I consider now, a light 20-minute yoga routine!

    Totally get it! Two miles used to freak me out... I was SOOO nervous at my first 5k!! Now I can run 8 miles... it's not exactly easy, but I was stoked to do it and felt really good after! I just picked up a hydration belt last night, and it's awesome! Totally helped today... I'll be using it anytime I'm out for over an hour, that's for sure! And the Jelly Belly Sport Beans???? Yummo and helped a ton!!!
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    I'm running my second half marathon this fall- Disneyland Half Marathon, Sept 4th! Also contemplating some other half marathons, namely the Napa Valley Wine Country Half in October and the Inaugural Tinkerbell Half Marathon in January (I'm a disney nut). :)
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I have a long road ahead of me, but I aim to get to full marathon status by October of next year. Here are my racing goals:

    5K every month this spring/summer/fall
    10K in November
    1/2 marathon next April
    Marathon next October
    Triathlon June of 2013

    I don't really care how fast I go, I just want to finish and say "I did it!" Good luck on your training!!
  • pepperedmoth
    pepperedmoth Posts: 37 Member
    I'm training for a half on October 2 and the Vermont City Marathon at the end of May. My daily run is 5.5-6.5 miles, and I want to bump my long run up to 8 tomorrow except I have a cold . . . I might go anyway. I'm taking today off mostly 'cause I'm on-duty at Rescue and I don't really like treadmill runs.