Life or death. No longer about appearance.

Hey everyone! I am in my first week of this app. I find it very helpful. I am a very large woman and I had a dr appointment on monday. And the news really scared me.. I need to lose weight or I can die.. I'm a wreck.


  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    edited September 2016
    There are several "getting started" threads you should read. The idea is to get started truly changing your day-to-day behavior a little but at a time to permanently change your habits. Start with the "announcement" threads here:
  • Hi there , well your not alone ! A month ago today i was diagnose with a severly enlarged liver . Its very painful and i have been to 5 different doctors , nutirentionists , live cell testing and they all say differe t things . Im scared shitless and im taking action myself .. Im down 15 lbs in 3 weeks , working my *kitten* off which i never ever thought i could do . Plus i have no thuroid so i thought my metabolism would be slow losing but im so proud of myself !!! You can do this !!' Add me
  • I have about 140 to lose. I've lost serious weight before, but life and stress happened, along with the stress eating and eating out after a long day at work. I've gotta do this! My 2 year old and husband depend on me. We can do it! Add me!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Hi, I was where you are. So I'm living proof that there is hope. I am so thrilled to have my mobility back, off all meds, it's beyond describing. I am doing things I'd never dreamed of. Like participating in tough runs.

    Here's the scoop. Baby steps. Keep moving forward. Forgive the little slip-ups. They barely matter in the long view.

    You will start reaping health benefits from the first ten pounds gone, then the first ten percent gone.

    This first week, just get used to weighing and logging your food. MFP will use your logged information to give you feedback where you can improve your diet.

    You can friend me. I want you to succeed.
  • That's awesome , I can't figure out how to add people . I added one person now can't figure out how I did it
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    You've made the first step - and trust me, that can be the very hardest part of this whole process.
    Don't think of *how* much weight you want to lose.. This can make the whole thing seem a little daunting. Break your weight loss goals in to smaller increments (Example: 6 pounds a month, or whatever is realistic for you). You'll likely find yourself enjoying reaching each individual goal and before you know it, you'll be well on your way! Also, know this: You can totally, totally do this.
  • JenuineMalice
    JenuineMalice Posts: 7 Member
    My health situation is not nearly as dramatic as yours, but... my physician (and co-worker) told me I was at a crossroads. Over the last year I have had several infections, developed plantar fasciitis and now swelling in my feet and ankles. He was convinced I had something called vascular insufficiency, leaking of the valves in the veins of my legs. That scared the crap out of me! Heart disease and colon cancer run in my family, which have been linked to obesity. Fortunately he could find nothing wrong with me... other than my weight, causing reversible symptoms.

    I saw a very appropriate meme on Facebook that said something like this: being overweight is painful and so is the effort to lose it; which would you choose? The pain of losing weight only has positive rewards because it could extend the length and quality of my life, whereas continuing on in my same path would likely lead to a life of more pain, illness and misery.

    For me, focusing on myself has always been uncomfortable. I have never had much self-esteem and I think I use food to medicate my emotions. If you are like me, it might help to find another reason, outside of yourself, to do this. I am a nurse in my mid-forties, in school for my Master's Degree with a wonderful husband and two school-aged boys. I decided, if not for myself, I need to do it for them.

    While I can do nothing about the amount of stress I experience, I can learn to deal with it differently. I reward myself with things that improve my health, like a cheap smoothie maker. Best of luck to you on your transformation journey! I truly believe with Fitness Pal, we can do this!
  • Thats amazing ! I bet you will feel better about your self once the weight comes off . I struggle with no thyroid and now a liver disease that is caused from processed foods . I need to be here for my kids and hubby !!! I need to get healthy .. Down 15 lbs in one month ... So happy ! Glad we have this group to talk to others that understand and we can help each other ..
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Good luck! I'm sure you'll find support here. There are so many that have walked this path before you. Lean on them.