SUGAR in fruit and milk


this has probably been asked before .. many times. However I did a search and couldnt find the exact topic.

The only thing where I am always over in my food diary is the sodding SUGAR. :grumble:

When I add all my meals up and deduct the sugar I eat in milk and fruit, however, I would not be over my sugar allowance.

Does sugar in fruit and milk count? Or should I not worry about it?

Thank you so much!



  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251

    this has probably been asked before .. many times. However I did a search and couldnt find the exact topic.

    The only thing where I am always over in my food diary is the sodding SUGAR. :grumble:

    When I add all my meals up and deduct the sugar I eat in milk and fruit, however, I would not be over my sugar allowance.

    Does sugar in fruit and milk count? Or should I not worry about it?

    Thank you so much!

  • cbrooks66
    cbrooks66 Posts: 65 Member
    I believe it does count...
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    Sugar is sugar, yes there are good sugars and bad sugars, but overall sugar is sugar.

    everything in moderation, if you are eating 3 servings of fruit a day you will undoubtably be over your sugar intake a day. especially if you eat grapes or bananas. I found out that the amount of the grapes I was eating in one day was 7 times the amount i should, then i ate an apple and an orange or banana every day on top of that, couple that with 3 gallons of milk a week and I was way over my limit.

    my triglycerides payed the price, and now I ma leary of sugars. But I have found that sugar like anything else is good in moderation...

    how many glasses of milk a day do you drink and how many servings of fruit do you eat a day?

    another thing is you said fruit juice? fruit juice is nothing but sugar, it is NOT good for you. you will get more nutrition from actually eating fruit than drinking fruit juice...
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    sugar from fruit is better than processed sugar, but im not sure about dairy. if ur eating too much sugar from apples and bananas, instead of milky ways (mmmmm)... then going over once in a while isn't that bad.
    are u eating more than your reccommended servings of fruit?
  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251
    Thanks for replying.

    Well today I ate

    28 grapes = 22 sugar
    1 banana = 14 sugar
    50ml milk = 4 sugar

    I am only allowed 27 sugar a day. with the fruit and milk above I am already over the allowance by 3. :grumble:

    How am i supposed to eat fruit and normal foods and not go over 27 g of sugar / day???

  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Is sugar added up on our calorie counter? I'm confused
  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251
    yes it is. i changed my settings so it shows sugar.
    and i am over every day because of fruit and milk :grumble:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    AH HA! I'm a dork! I see it :laugh: HOLY COW! I had cereal and milk and grapes for breakfast, I'M AT 19, and I'm allowed 30! WHAT?? Now I'm like you confused!
  • Dustdevil
    clementines are a good fruit that is low in natural sugar
  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251
    AH HA! I'm a dork! I see it :laugh: HOLY COW! I had cereal and milk and grapes for breakfast, I'M AT 19, and I'm allowed 30! WHAT?? Now I'm like you confused!

    Glad im not alone with my confusion here! :frown:

    how bad is that? I exceeded my allowance by eating some grapes and a banana :noway:
    so what now, not eat any fruit anymore??
  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251
    Can you please let me know what breakfasts i can eat that dont contain sugar? i thought i would be healthy eating fruit for breakfast... obviously not ! :noway:
  • lydiamitchel3
    lydiamitchel3 Posts: 15 Member
    I have the same problem. I've just had breakfast (1/2 whole wheat bagel & teaspoon peanut butter, 1 cup blueberries, 1 small banana) and I'm ALREADY over on sugar!
  • naner
    naner Posts: 110
    I don't know much about this. I say eat the fruit its better for you than eatting candy!!!! do we have to count our sugar?? I wasn't doing that. i eat alot of fruit. it makes you go potty LOL :huh:
  • Hanna1983
    Hanna1983 Posts: 251
    I don't know much about this. I say eat the fruit its better for you than eatting candy!!!! do we have to count our sugar?? I wasn't doing that. i eat alot of fruit. it makes you go potty LOL :huh:

    Thats exactly what I thoguht as well and I thought it would be good having regular number 2s. :ohwell:

    what can i swapp fruit for then?

  • naner
    naner Posts: 110
    nuts r high in fat too! I think you should eat the good stuff. fruit and nuts r great for you! i eat them for snacks. Have you ever seen the show you are what you eat??? I have the book it had alot of great advice in it..i looked up fruit. " fruits are nutrient-rich and a great source of live enzymes and antioxidants 2 boost ur immune system and energy levels". the best fruits r blueberries,blackberries,reasberries,strawberries,watermelon,apples,apricot,cherries,grapes,
    peaches,pears,plums,raisins and tangerines.

    she also says u should eat at least one or two fresh raw seasonal fruits a day!!!

    hope that helps!:drinker:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Don't worry about it so much unless you are diabetic. Fruit is fine. What is more important is the glycemic index of the food. Sugar refined has a higher GI and you should eat it with a protein if you're gonna have it. But fruits and vegetables usually don't spike your blood sugar (except watermelon) since they are complex carbs and take a while to break down.
  • Dustdevil
    Stay away from pineapple, raisins and ripe bananas for the high glycemic spikes. When you come down you will be craving again.
  • SteffCooley
    I had this SAME question shortly after I joined too! I was told then that natural sugars, such as in fruit, are just fine. Although, everyone's advice was - EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. Don't load up on a half flat of strawberries a day, LOL! Anyways, it is the processed sugars that are in boxed-type foods that you need to monitor and try to stay within your allowance. Once I started ignoring the sugar count for the fruits, I was perfectly normal in my every day sugar intake, and was usually below my limit.

    Fruits are a perfectly good choice to add to your daily intake - they are encouraged!!
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    EAT ALL THE FRUIT YOU WANT! The sugar in fruit is natural and your body breaks it down quickly-which is good. This is what I can't stand about low carb diets, they are pretty much no fruit. Fruit is packed with vitamins, FIBER, and most have a very high amount of water in them. Fruit is an amazing food, made from nature mind you, and you diet should consist primarily of fruit and veggies.

    As for dairy (esp milk) this is how I look at: Has any animal in the history of the world consumed diary after being a child other than humans? NO! Have you ever heard of a giraffe or elephant having bone diffeciency? NO! And think for a minute about what milk does- it takes a baby(of any species) and makes it double its weight in very short periods of time. Do you want to double your weight? Have you considered the fat in dairy? And considering the hormones pumped into those cows that the milk comes from (unless you drink organic) and the chemicals that then go into the milk, can you really call it a drink from nature?

    Lose the dairy and lose weight. Eat fruit, stay full, and saty pooping (essential to losing weight)

    Just my 2 cents :happy:
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    Stay away from rasins yes, but bananas are very filling, high in potassium (which if you every get muscel cramps after working out it means you need more potassium) and high in fiber- a small banana has 3 grams of fiber. Pineapples are like candy-so eat them to curb cravings and ward off illness (VITAMIN C)