Stay-At-Home Moms 1/19-1/25



  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good Morning Moms!! I am Jessica, 21 years old and I have 3 beautiful girls ages 5 3 1... I have been on this for about 2 weeks now and my goal is to be my ideal size by may when i start nursing school. I currently weigh 155 and need to weigh about 135.. So do any of you more experienced mommies have any advice for me? Be straight foward with it.. i dont mind! I promise!:happy: How can i loose my baby flab and what lotions do yall use for stretch marks? what does yalls days consist of? Just need a little push!:tongue: Any advice is very much appreciated!!:smile:

    Stretch marks = battle scars. They're going to be there forever. At least that's my take on them. Some people use cocoa butter...I haven't had any luck with it. They will fade over time, but they'll never go away totally. Welcome to the group & good luck with nursing school! Is the baby in the pic doing okay now?
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good Morning All:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    I have a busy day again today so won't be on again until later. I am really dragging this morning but if I don't get my butt moving I am going to be running late all day. I am taking my mother in law to a routine check to the Oncologist for Chronic Lymphacetic Lukemia and the doctor is a little over an hour away so I will be gone most of the day for that. I need to go get the van cleaned out before I leave to pick her up and I also need to get a workout in and I need to be out of here in 1 hour and 45 minutes :ohwell: Hubby has to do parent teacher conferences this afternoon without me so I pray he survives that. He always goes with me in the past but has never had to do those by himself, and he will have all 6 kids, thankfully they have a daycare system set up in the gym with middle school and high school kids so you can drop little ones off and not have to worry about them during your talk with teachers. Ok I hate to but I must get going.

    HUGS to all and I hope everyone that is sick gets to feeling better soon:flowerforyou:

    Your days exhaust me. :yawn: I seriously don't know how you raise 6 kids, work a farm & keep it all together. I hope that the MIL's appt. went well! Is she in remission now? How did the P/T conferences go? I'm sure that it was nothing but positive stuff from them. Oh, how I dread those days...they aren't too far off!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hi Moms !!

    I miss a day of checking in here and there is soooo much to read!!
    Today I get to pick up my treadmill and I cannot wait!! Monday and tuesday I did workouts with Gilad on fittv and man yesterday my booty and legs hurt!! Its funny my baby Maeve she will be two in May now says "Booty" It is sooo cute. I sure hope the economy picks up and they let my hubby go back to working what he was working cause right now he is only working 40 instead of 57 and man those 17 hours of overtime pay are so missed. Then I am waiting on paper from the college so I can file taxes cause my tv is about to die.

    Is there anyone here who wants to like challange each other? Get some motavation going cause I seem to have no motivation...... But good news all the birthday cake is gone!!! YAY !!! No more temptation.

    Are the anyone from Michigan here? I love MI I grew up my whole life here! I love winter but dang this winter is freezing... I am ready for spring so I can get my pond going again and work in my yard!!

    Blah Blah Blah I guess since I am not saying much of anything I will check back in later!!

    I'm an Ohio girl, Crystal (NW Ohio). What part of MI do you live in?

    We've tried challenges on here before, but they've always fallen to the side. If you want to throw one out there, be my guest! Maybe it'll stick now that our group is bigger. It used to just be about 6 or 7 of us. And YAY! for the cake being gone! I hate stuff like that staring at me!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Morning ladies!
    I just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. Boy, life just comes at us so hard sometimes doesnt it?:grumble:
    Im in a bit of a "funk" today. I did my weigh in yesterday and after totally following my exercise routine ALL week and eating within my calories every day, drinking my water, just plain ole being good, I gained a sixth of a pound!:grumble: I know it isnt alot, and Im not really freaking out about it (ok maybe a little I am:blushing: ) but I just felt so ripped off! And I cant even blame it on hormones for TOM coming because it isnt yet:ohwell: I just dont understand these bodies of ours sometimes:frown: Ok, rant over:happy:
    Hope the rest of the week is good to everyone:flowerforyou:

    Hey, Roni! *hugs* Sorry you had a bad weigh-in week. :frown: Maybe if it does it again next week, you should up your calories by 200 or so. Kick it in the pants! Don't get too down about it! You've come SOOOO far & you are doing awesome!! Keep up the great work & hope for a better weigh-in day next Wed. (would you like to know how many times I've walked into my bathroom & stared at my scale since the black team challenge started? LOL It's pathetic):heart:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Ive lost another 1/2 pound, which puts me at 235.6
    I started out exactly 2 weeks ago at 240 so Im really pretty happy with the 4.5 loss :)

    I had an appointment for a free fitness anaylsis and personal training session at the gym today. My god, those guys are THE WORST salesmen Ive ever had the experience of dealing with. After working my *kitten* to exhaustion for a good 1/2 hour doing lunges, squats, weights and running stairs.. I got to hear this---

    "If you dont have a personal trainer, you wont meet your goal to lose weight" oh and they also tried the "You will lose your motivation if you dont pay the $40 a month for 1/2 hour to meet with us 1x a month"

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :angry: :laugh: :angry: :grumble: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    All I said was..

    "Really?? Cuz I AM the reason my happy *kitten* is at the gym 5 days a week and I REALLY dont see how me meeting with you 1x A MONTH is gonna get me motivated to come here 5 days a week like I should..." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I just thought Id throw that out there. MAN these guys are PUSHY!!! ..... Cute... but PUSHY!!!

    LMAO! You're funny! I'm glad you put that cute boy in his place. :laugh: Good for you on the loss, too! You're doing awesome!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hey everyone-- so many new mommies here I haven't met-- hello to one and all.

    Crazy week here-- tummy bug going around, seemingly in two waves. Josh started it last week with diarrhea then began puking two days later-- one by one they've all followed the same pattern. Only my 15yo daughter and myself have avoided it, but she's like me-- she never gets sick. Hubby and 17yo daughter were traveling and got back yesterday morning, so we'll see how they do. My eldest just got it today--

    One daughter, natch, puked in the middle of the night, all over the bed and carpet. I do believe it's written somewhere in the kid handbook that puking MUST occur in the middle of the night. Josh was sleeping with me when I heard him cough, I woke up and grabbed him to run for the bathroom-- but he still got it on me, my bed, his jammies. He managed to hold most of it though, bless his heart.

    So, friends, crazy, week-- blech. Nowhere to go but up, right? Flippin' plateau is giving me fits. Hormonal gain of 1.5 pounds this week-- :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Here I am measuring my blinkin' food, counting my stinkin' calories, avoiding my beloved peanuts, drinking my blasted water, exercising, doing everything "right" and what have I to show for it. Bupkus. Maddening.

    Oh well-- whaddyagonnado??/

    Heading to work-- later!!

    So that's where you've been. :frown: I'm so sorry the tummy bug has creeped into your house...and onto your jammies & bed & children. *hugs* I'm sorry about the p-word, too. I'm not sure what to tell you. You've tried nearly every "trick" in the book! Hang in there, my dear.
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Wow, the mommies have been chatty! So I will just give an overall hello to "old" mommies, welcome to new mommies, glad your day is going well, hope your day gets better, hope your little ones get better soon, or don't get sick. That covers about everybody. :laugh:

    Harley is starting to nap a little better during the day. Instead of a handful of 20-30 minute naps throughout the day, she's been doing 30 min-1 hour sometime in the morning and anywhere from 1 hour to 3 hours in the afternoon. She's still not napping at set times but it's better.

    Yesterday afternoon, I needed to fold her laundry and Harley was so tired. So I laid her in her crib, figuring she'd cry herself to sleep. She jabbered for a few minutes and then was out. I got her laundry folded, got to relax a little, and then still had time to workout before she woke up.

    I have to run some errands this morning and I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon so that'll probably mess up the naps today. Luckily Harley doesn't get too cranky when she's tired and she usually falls asleep in the car.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Good Morning Everyone:flowerforyou:

    Well I lost about 2 lbs, but not because of diet and exercise of course. I am finally getting over this stupid bug, but can't get my stomach to 100%. It still gargles and feels funny now and then. It stinks, because one minute I think I am good, but then others it doesn't. i am so tire of feeling tired and not being 100%.

    Sorry I just needed to vent!!

    Hope everyone has a gret weekend:flowerforyou:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Ok, I found out that my parents are borrowing a cabin the week of July 19th this summer and I want to look my best. So I really want to lose this weight and just be the skinny me and not the fat me this time. I will be with my parents and my brother and sisters and there families!!! I want to finally prove to them that I can do this. What is a realistic weightloss between now and july?? I am not 100% and I do have my weekends where I don't do well with the eating and exercising.

    I really want to be pretty and smaller!!!:flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    For the sake of your santiy, estimate 1#/week. That way, if you lose 1.5#/week, you'll be thrilled but if you set yourself up for 2#/week, that 1#/week will be disappointing, kwim? July is 6 months away so...I'd say about 25#. Glad you're feeling better!

    Lori - sleep schedules are tricky! I'm glad Harley is a happy, tired baby, though. Good luck at the dr. (don't look at that scale, girl! :laugh: )
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Oh, and for the record, Mrs. already ARE pretty! My goodness, girl. *hugs*
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Sara don't read this if you don't want to get to tired:laugh: cause I am exhausted just thinking of my next few days.:laugh:

    Woke up this morning went to walk out the door to go do chores and Mathew my 5 year old started throwing up:noway: he curled up in the chair in the living room and then I went out to get my chores done. I am Anthony the 3 year old to the doctor this morning to have his leg looked at cause it is still bugging him pretty bad and I hate to keep him on motrin to long, so that will shoot my morning and part of my afternoon. Then today is hubbys birthday and I have a couple of friends coming tonight one to milk and the other to help watch kids and then I am taking hubby away for the night for dinner and a movie. Then tomorrow I am suppose to work concession stand out at the school from 2:30 -close (hello people you know we milk) so I won't be home to help with chores, and Saturday morning I am sure will be choas cause hubby will be gone at work and I will have all 6 kids and the weather is suppose to be really cold so I won't be able to kick them outside at all either. So I am hoping by Sunday I will have a day to breathe. I also need a day to tear into this house:grumble: I have no motivation to clean at all right now and the house is looking absoutly horrible.

    Yesterday went well, my mother in law had a good check up then my sister in law and I took her to super wal-mart and pushed her around in a wheelchair and got her groceries (she can't do a lot of walking) then after all that we went to Perkins and got desert and then came home welll by the time I got home last night it was after 8 my kids were in bed. Well I bought some muffins at perkins so when I got home I put a candle in one and handed it to hubby and he mumbles and groans oh I am so full I just had supper.:grumble: :grumble: Could you of just taken the muffin and said THANK YOU!! So that upset me for the rest of the night. Hopefully he will appreciate me taking him away from the farm tonight for supper and a movie.

    Ok I have probably rambled way to long. Hope everyone has a good day and I hope that everyone is feeling better that had been sick.

  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Oh, and for the record, Mrs. already ARE pretty! My goodness, girl. *hugs*

    Thanks!! That really means a lot to me!!:flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member

    BUSY woman! I hope you survive to see Sunday! Let us know how the 3yo's leg appt. goes. Poor kiddo. :frown:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Sara don't read this if you don't want to get to tired:laugh: cause I am exhausted just thinking of my next few days.:laugh:

    Woke up this morning went to walk out the door to go do chores and Mathew my 5 year old started throwing up:noway: he curled up in the chair in the living room and then I went out to get my chores done. I am Anthony the 3 year old to the doctor this morning to have his leg looked at cause it is still bugging him pretty bad and I hate to keep him on motrin to long, so that will shoot my morning and part of my afternoon. Then today is hubbys birthday and I have a couple of friends coming tonight one to milk and the other to help watch kids and then I am taking hubby away for the night for dinner and a movie. Then tomorrow I am suppose to work concession stand out at the school from 2:30 -close (hello people you know we milk) so I won't be home to help with chores, and Saturday morning I am sure will be choas cause hubby will be gone at work and I will have all 6 kids and the weather is suppose to be really cold so I won't be able to kick them outside at all either. So I am hoping by Sunday I will have a day to breathe. I also need a day to tear into this house:grumble: I have no motivation to clean at all right now and the house is looking absoutly horrible.

    Yesterday went well, my mother in law had a good check up then my sister in law and I took her to super wal-mart and pushed her around in a wheelchair and got her groceries (she can't do a lot of walking) then after all that we went to Perkins and got desert and then came home welll by the time I got home last night it was after 8 my kids were in bed. Well I bought some muffins at perkins so when I got home I put a candle in one and handed it to hubby and he mumbles and groans oh I am so full I just had supper.:grumble: :grumble: Could you of just taken the muffin and said THANK YOU!! So that upset me for the rest of the night. Hopefully he will appreciate me taking him away from the farm tonight for supper and a movie.

    Ok I have probably rambled way to long. Hope everyone has a good day and I hope that everyone is feeling better that had been sick.


    Wow girl you are busy!! Hope things getting a little slower for you!! Have fun with the hubby for his birthday!!!:flowerforyou:
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Just giving everyone n update..I'm not really watching my weight right now cuz I am way to stressed out..I know the scale said 200 but I dont believe it and I'm not chnging my ticker on here..My friend is doin ok but now I'm very low on energy and slept til 11am today n went to bed @10 last night..I did get the kids off to school n went to back to bed..The phone rang off the hook this morning so I was woke up a few times..I just learned today I have been denied for medicaid..I'm still looking down other roads..I am also waiting to hear back about a dr in Terrte Houate* that sees women with no insurance..The only thing I can do right now is pray and hope that if it is cervical cancer is has been caught early and we can get it aken care of as soon as possible but for now I just have to sit here n stew about things and play the waiting game..I'm sorry for all u mommies who have lil sick ones its going around really bad and the dr told me all we can do is ride it out use the BRAT diet.Bannnas,Rice,Applesause,Toast..To help with it..OH and WASH ur hands often no matter what u've been doin..WELCOME :flowerforyou: all you new mommies..Even though I feel lazy today I have to finish up laundry n mop the floors..It never ends does it..Have a great day everyone n a great weekend..
    :heart: Dana
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Ok, I found out that my parents are borrowing a cabin the week of July 19th this summer and I want to look my best. So I really want to lose this weight and just be the skinny me and not the fat me this time. I will be with my parents and my brother and sisters and there families!!! I want to finally prove to them that I can do this. What is a realistic weightloss between now and july?? I am not 100% and I do have my weekends where I don't do well with the eating and exercising.

    I really want to be pretty and smaller!!!:flowerforyou:

    Vacations are always good motivation...and if you want MORE motivation go buy a swimsuit (or maybe just a picture of a swimsuit) that you would like to get in to and hang it in your bedroom where you will see it everyday. Just think about that little suit everytime you want to put something "questionable" in your mouth.
    I agree with Sara 25 lbs is a good goal...If you figure about 4lbs per month that will get you there. Also take it a month at a time...or even a week at a time. Small goals help keep you motivated as well. 3 small goals got me thru my first 4 months.
    You can do it. You are beautiful! Stick with us and you will get there.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Wow, the mommies have been chatty! So I will just give an overall hello to "old" mommies, welcome to new mommies, glad your day is going well, hope your day gets better, hope your little ones get better soon, or don't get sick. That covers about everybody. :laugh:

    "old" hahahaha That is exactly how I've felt lately! Good to hear that Harley is sleeping better for you. Adi did the same thing 20-30 minute naps and then around 4 months she started talking real naps. Its such a relief, an hour or two to do whatever needs to be done.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    abetterme-hope you have a wonderful evening away from everything. Hopefully your hubby will appreciate it and both of you will be able to relax and enjoy your time together. Hope your little man is okay, please update us on the doc appt when you can. Glad to hear your MILs appt went well.

    Well I feel lazy today. Adi went to bed around 8 last night and then around 10:30 she woke up and didn't go back down until 11:30 or 12. Luckily she slept in until 8, so I still got some good sleep but now my day is thrown off. Oh well, my body hurts today so I probably wont do as much workout as I usually do.
    Hubby is suppose to get off work early today since he went in early. This afternoon we are going to an assembly at Dre's school because he is getting some kind of award. After school I am taking the kids swimming with one of Dre's classmates and her mother.
    I suppose I should get movin..ugh! I don't feel like doin isn't kicking in as quickly as I need it too.
    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member

    Here's the link to the Pound for Pound Challenge

    You can set your start date back as far as Dec 15th and you have to report your final results between April 1 and May 5th.