Weight lifting



  • richardpkennedy1
    richardpkennedy1 Posts: 1,890 Member
    I like both. I'm into outdoor pursuits and sport so having good cardio conditioning makes me better at doing those things and keeps me healthy. I like lifting because it feels good to be stronger but the thought of spending every day inside in a gym instead of outside running or on a bike just bores me.
  • DisneyDude85
    DisneyDude85 Posts: 428 Member
    I like both, as they offer me different challenges :) Find a cardio exercise you like? I hate treadmills and ellipticals, so I usually am on a bike or stairclimber.
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I love both. Cardio gives me that endorphin after-effect and lifting makes me feel strong and tight. Both have their merits and neither should be given up on. For cardio, just find something you like doing that gets your heart rate up (i.e. hiking, sports, swimming) if you don't like traditional cardio exercises like running. Do something you like and it's fun and is no longer work.
  • mcdonagk
    mcdonagk Posts: 136 Member
    3 weight sessions, 2 hit sessions a week. Job done.
    I get incredibly bored while running.
  • Rururiri
    Rururiri Posts: 31 Member
    I really HATE cardio. Hate hate HATE them lol I do them sometimes for cardiovascular health (maybe 3 times a month or less). I enjoy lifting way better and playing with my macros :smile:
  • Skee_2802
    Skee_2802 Posts: 297 Member
    Lifting is my first love... Cardio is my mistress I like to visit from time to time without any real commitment
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited September 2016
    I love lifting. I hate cardio until I've started. Then I feel fantastic. I try to do different classes for my cardio as I find them more fun than running or biking.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    yeah, i think i'd secretly like to do nothing but lift if i could. and within that, i daydream about someday hearing the magical news that deadlifts replace everything. maybe i'd keep the ohp though, just for love.

    i don't 'do' cardio, really. my version of it is just the bike commuting, and i do find that heavy strength work puts a bit of a damper on it. sometimes i feel sort of sad that my life has changed to where really, secretly, i'd rather just lift. i do remember loving the biking and i guess what keeps me at it is the expectation that if i focus just right, i'll be able to juggle them both and love them both equally.

    they're just so different though. it's like trying to be a figure skater and a boxer at the same time.
  • thenananator
    thenananator Posts: 273 Member
    I do both, new to weight lifting in the last 3 months. I can see where once I get to my goal weight that I will prefer the weight lifting. I love it already!
  • thenananator
    thenananator Posts: 273 Member
    MrSkee2016 wrote: »
    Lifting is my first love... Cardio is my mistress I like to visit from time to time without any real commitment

    Very clever!
  • Just lift.
  • jenwen123
    jenwen123 Posts: 1 Member
    I did cardio on and off for years as a weight loss focus. I feel like it mainly got me injured and got a bad chest cold every year. Since I have been doing mainly lifting and body weight boot camps I haven't gotten sick once and my cholesterol has never been better. Either way though the nutrition is the challenging thing for me.
  • bob_mck
    bob_mck Posts: 29 Member
    Have to admit i hate cardio. love lifting i never wake up not wanting to go to the gym when i am lifting. because of this it means it have gone 9/10 days with out a rest day at times. i hate missing a session!
  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member
    I love to lift and I love to cycle. Maybe you need to look into a different cardio activity. I despise running.