2016 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • jonmcooke79
    jonmcooke79 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm looking for any kind of mentorship available.
  • loseit2day4me
    loseit2day4me Posts: 1 Member
    Today was day one of working out again and tracking food after successfully losing weight with this app a couple years ago. The weight has crept back on when I stopped moving!! I need a mentor!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Today was day one of working out again and tracking food after successfully losing weight with this app a couple years ago. The weight has crept back on when I stopped moving!! I need a mentor!
    I can understand that! Please don't hesitate to glance at my mentor bio and let me know what you think!
  • devereueattcddotie
    Hi All, I am desperately looking for a mentor! I lost a lot of weight a while back, being a rather obese lady. I have come a long way, but due to recent stresses have gained a bit of weight and am finding it hard to gain my motivation. I seem to be doing all the right things but nothing is changing and it is fairly disheartening.

    I have always done things on my own, but whether it is getting a bit older or something such as this, I am finding it difficult this time. I know I can do it and I could really use some help and insight to keep going. It's hard to find encouragement in the real world and it seems as though it is in short supply where I am at the moment!!

    I'm 5" 5', hoping to lose 20lbs.

    Thank you
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Hi All, I am desperately looking for a mentor! I lost a lot of weight a while back, being a rather obese lady. I have come a long way, but due to recent stresses have gained a bit of weight and am finding it hard to gain my motivation. I seem to be doing all the right things but nothing is changing and it is fairly disheartening.

    I have always done things on my own, but whether it is getting a bit older or something such as this, I am finding it difficult this time. I know I can do it and I could really use some help and insight to keep going. It's hard to find encouragement in the real world and it seems as though it is in short supply where I am at the moment!!

    I'm 5" 5', hoping to lose 20lbs.

    Thank you
    I understand completely! Please feel free to glance at my mentor bio and let me know if you think we'd get along!
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,983 Member
    In celebration of 2000 days, I am open to mentor 1 person:

    Me: Mid 30's nerd (the kind of nerd who would read a book on Quantum Physics just for fun :tongue: ) who lost 55 lbs 5 years ago and have been maintaining since. Been through sedentary, lifting with bulking and cutting, and running phases over the past 5 years, but mostly a runner these days, concentrating on marathons and ultras. I follow IIFYM and a diet and exercise routine based on science and eating a nutrient rich diet while still having treats. I don't believe in "good" or "bad" foods and regularly eat ice cream, chocolate, or a nice juicy hamburger (in moderation of course!). I'm sure not running 50+ MPW so I can choke down a ton of kale chips...

    You: Dedicated but needing some guidance on where to go, how to meet your goals, separate the good from the MASSIVE amount of bad information out there, or help on using the tools available. If you are someone looking for someone to motivate you... well, move right along. I believe that motivation comes from within and I'm not here to hand hold or supervise you.

    If it sounds like we'd be a good fit, please feel free to message me and tell me a bit about yourself and what you are looking for. Please DO NOT send a FR first. I'm not sure how much interest I will get, and I only have time to take on one mentee.
  • fatkid1110
    fatkid1110 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I would like some advice with the weight loss and tips on bodybuilding ... thanks!
  • waywhit1517
    waywhit1517 Posts: 16 Member
    Looking for a Male Mentor who had 50+ Lbs to Lose and has done so successfully. Thank You!
  • renprima9529
    renprima9529 Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2016
    Looking for a mentor. I'm 21, hoping to loose 40lbs. Mfp doesn't allow me to complete my diary because I'm not "eating enough calories" so I suppose that's what I really need help on.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Looking for a mentor. I'm 21, hoping to loose 40lbs. Mfp doesn't allow me to complete my diary because I'm not "eating enough calories" so I suppose that's what I really need help on.
    I can understand that, and have accepted your friend-request. While I know almost nothing about nutrition, I do know that rich yet healthy food like avocado, nuts (unless allergic), and cheese are nutritious calorie-boosters.
  • cjclark4477
    cjclark4477 Posts: 2 Member
    I would welcome a mentor. I want to lose weight and eat healthy as a lifestyle change.
  • pmccrackin
    pmccrackin Posts: 2 Member
    30 years old, 30lbs overweight and as out of shape as you can get. Spent the last 10 years drinking, smoking and eating absolutely terrible foods while being lazy. I have started getting my diet together and have been in the gym almost every day for the last 3 weeks. I never really did any weight training in my youth so not 100% if I am always doing the right things besides the 3-4 days a week I am doing cardio. As far as my diet, I am just trying to do the obvious cut outs and stopped eating meals made for 3 when I sit down to eat. I lost 10lbs in 2 weeks and then had about 4 days where I slipped back into some old eating habits and am almost back to square one. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    I am far from perfect. I still need to loose 30lbs. I have found my way and continue to loose weight. I am active on the forums, but I do not know it all. I am however supportive, especially if you have any food intolerances. I am currently following the low carbs high fat diet as it fits in great with my gluten intolerance. I am more than happy to take on a person or two to support you and give advice from what I have personally learned.

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    The list has been updated! Thanks to everyone who has volunteered so far. Reminder to people who are looking for a mentor to check the original post and proactively reach out to people you would like to mentor you.
  • alphastarz
    alphastarz Posts: 55 Member
    I'm looking for help from anyone who has had success on their weight loss journey. I work in IT and with people who fit the bill with IT eating habits - junk food, fast food, and lots of snacking. I'm trying to prevent the adoption of these habits. I tend to eat emotionally out of boredom at work. What do you do to prevent snacking or eating as a result of boredom?

    Hey Jon! You can totally do this! I've lost 70 lbs so far and have a desk job where I sit at my computer for 10+ hrs a day. I'm not in IT, but the traders I work with daily have the same habits. There is a permanent buffet table of junk food, lunch is taken at desk and group habit is to order fast food together and just one person goes to pick it up.
    Feel free to add me as a friend, or message me. Otherwise here's some general tips:
    Find replacement foods or habits. I go through a LOT of gum and sugar free mints. I also stock a box of work food with skinny girl lime and salt microwave popcorn bags, caramel apple rice cake minis and light whipped peanut butter, trader joe single size proportioned omega 3 trail mix bags. If I have to have dried fruit, I limit how much I might eat by getting chili coated mango slices so I eat less at a time. If I have to have chocolate like everyone else I find a square of sunset dark chocolate intense with its bolder flavored makes me happier with ultra small portions than candy I am familiar with and want to eat how much I used to. I love chips and salsa, I've replaced with rice thin corn crackers. Whatever it is you like or are tempted by, don't think you can get rid of it or replace it with carrots... Find something that satisfies you, but is less calories or has other good macros while you are at it.
  • bluemartini0902
    I am looking to get adopted. :) I just signed up today. I have over 100 lbs to lose. I am a divorced mom of 3. I have a son who is a junior in college and two beautiful middle school girls. I don't have access to a gym but I love to walk. I have "baggage" that led me to this overweight state.
    I am nervous, excited, and half motivated so I need some help and guidance with that.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    I am looking to get adopted. :) I just signed up today. I have over 100 lbs to lose. I am a divorced mom of 3. I have a son who is a junior in college and two beautiful middle school girls. I don't have access to a gym but I love to walk. I have "baggage" that led me to this overweight state.
    I am nervous, excited, and half motivated so I need some help and guidance with that.
    I am not a mom, but as an adult, I do understand the stress of middle school and college. I can also relate to the feeling of having a lot to lose, and, after listening to a friend's story, can understand the pain of divorce. Please check out my mentor bio on here and let me know if you think we'd "click."
  • Tristenvdberg
    Tristenvdberg Posts: 10 Member
    Hello :) I am new to MFP and looking for a mentor.

    I am an avid pole dancer and I love most forms of dancing, but I am overweight and I feel like it's holding me back from improving at the rate I could be. I am also moving to the US in 2017 so I would like to lose weight and have a fresh start. I'm currently hovering around 200lbs and I am 5'5, looking to lose around 60lbs overall to reach my goal weight. My biggest problem is snacking and sweets but I've cut that way down and actively working towards my goal, it would just be nice to have a bit of added support.
  • RhapsodyWinters
    RhapsodyWinters Posts: 128 Member
    I would love to have a mentor.

    Height: 5'4
    Gender: F
    Age: 23
    SW: 261 lb
    CW: 254 lb
    GW: 130 lb (A total of 131 lb to lose!), but I'd probably be happy with 140. It all depends on how I look once all the weight is off. I know, vain, but when you've been overweight most of your life, you should be free to be a little vain once it's off!

    I work a desk job from 8am to 4:30pm. Last week, when I started losing weight, I began attending a gym. I go Monday-Saturday, with Sunday as a rest. I do weight training every other day (with 15 minutes of cardio at the end of those days) and 30-60 minutes of cardio the other three days. So far I'm losing rapidly, even though my goal is to only lose 2 lb a week maximum.

    I'm a gamer. I love playing certain video games. Dragon Age Inquisition is the current one I'm tossing myself at (which I bought on release date, but I just recently bought the Game of the Year edition when it went on sale. Saved myself a lot of money, dlc-wise). I also like games like Skyrim, Final Fantasy XIV, (upcoming) Final Fantasy XV, etc. Sometimes I have to fight my urges to play video games in order to go to the gym first....and end up sacrificing sleep. After my workouts every day, I come home to cook/eat dinner, and after that I only have 1.5-2 hours available to sleep (which is difficult enough as it is, because I have had insomnia ever since I was in middle school. On top of that, I usually watch a show with my Long Distance Boyfriend, so that usually leaves me virtually no time to game, other than on weekends. (Darnit I wanna know what the Trespasser DLC does to my character build!)

    I hope to stay on the horse, and I'd love to make 2017 the year I get this weight off for good! (Well probably 2018, since my projections of losing 2 lb per week will put me at my GW in the middle of December 2017. Gotta give myself cushion for the downs).
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    I would love to have a mentor.

    Height: 5'4
    Gender: F
    Age: 23
    SW: 261 lb
    CW: 254 lb
    GW: 130 lb (A total of 131 lb to lose!), but I'd probably be happy with 140. It all depends on how I look once all the weight is off. I know, vain, but when you've been overweight most of your life, you should be free to be a little vain once it's off!

    I work a desk job from 8am to 4:30pm. Last week, when I started losing weight, I began attending a gym. I go Monday-Saturday, with Sunday as a rest. I do weight training every other day (with 15 minutes of cardio at the end of those days) and 30-60 minutes of cardio the other three days. So far I'm losing rapidly, even though my goal is to only lose 2 lb a week maximum.

    I'm a gamer. I love playing certain video games. Dragon Age Inquisition is the current one I'm tossing myself at (which I bought on release date, but I just recently bought the Game of the Year edition when it went on sale. Saved myself a lot of money, dlc-wise). I also like games like Skyrim, Final Fantasy XIV, (upcoming) Final Fantasy XV, etc. Sometimes I have to fight my urges to play video games in order to go to the gym first....and end up sacrificing sleep. After my workouts every day, I come home to cook/eat dinner, and after that I only have 1.5-2 hours available to sleep (which is difficult enough as it is, because I have had insomnia ever since I was in middle school. On top of that, I usually watch a show with my Long Distance Boyfriend, so that usually leaves me virtually no time to game, other than on weekends. (Darnit I wanna know what the Trespasser DLC does to my character build!)

    I hope to stay on the horse, and I'd love to make 2017 the year I get this weight off for good! (Well probably 2018, since my projections of losing 2 lb per week will put me at my GW in the middle of December 2017. Gotta give myself cushion for the downs).
    I can, in many ways, relate to your story. Please glance at my mentor bio and let me know if you think we'd get along! :)
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