2016 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    I am new to MyFitnessPal and to the internet so I apologize if I have placed this message in the wrong spot. If I have done that, would someone please help me understand the correct way to send messages?

    I am writing, even though I do not know if anyone will see this message, because I know that if you do not ask for help you will never get help.

    I have been overweight all of my life (I think in my baby and toddler pictures I was not too heavy, but after that...).

    I struggle with Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, all the metabolic things that go with polycystic ovarian syndrome, depression and other conditions. I need to lose at least 50 pounds and be faithful in my efforts of adopting healthy patterns in my life.

    I was so glad when I found this 'thread'? Is that the correct word? Anyway, I would very much like to have a mentor. If you would be willing to help, put a message here(?) and the other place I have seen for messages is in my MFP mail(?) Thank you so much!

    Joyce Ann

    I understand your struggle, and am glad to see you reach out. I'd be delighted to help wherever I can!
  • RMac0001
    RMac0001 Posts: 125 Member
    I would like to be a mentor. I am on MFP several times a day and have gotten so much out of it that I can't imagine not giving back.

    I have been working on improving my health and fitness for just over 10 months now and have lost 100 pounds in the process. I am focused, determined and dedicated and know I can help others reach whatever goals they are looking to achieve.

    I know I am putting my name in the hat late in the year but there is still time for amazing transformation. Always better late than never.
  • Urtel
    Urtel Posts: 43 Member
    RMac0001, I need a mentor, I started 11 days ago and when I try to message you the program says there is a server error. Please consider me.
  • rlridgway2461
    rlridgway2461 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I was wondering if people are still accepting noobs/ if there will be a mentoring thread for next year.
  • holydooly
    holydooly Posts: 3 Member
    Sorry to the double post, I am not sure how to delete the top one. Anyway here is my original post :)

    Hello all! Ok I have to face up and admit that I cannot do this on my own. I need a mentor. I have struggled with weight loss a long time and like most here, I am looking for guidance but I also need some tough love. Once I get into the right frame of mind, I am unstoppable. Food has become quite a problem for me since quitting smoking over a year ago. I am also entering the twilight zone of peri menopause, this has also contributed to the extra weight gain and lack of motivation.

    I need someone who can tell me straight how it is and be honest with me. I am a big girl I promise you I can take criticism well. I do not need someone to hold my hand but I do need someone to kick my butt if they believe I am not giving my all.

    I need accountability, structure, ideas and guidance. What can I give back? Well not a lot to be honest but my eternal gratitude. I hope to be able to pay it forward with mentoring people myself when I get on track.

    Thank you for consideration.
    Oh I am female, 47, from Australia, married with grown kids and grandkids.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    edited October 2016
    ^I can understand a lot of what you're saying. Please feel free to take a look at my mentor bio and let me know if you think we'd get along.

    By the way, you can ask MFP to delete your mistake posts. Just go to the top right corner of the mistake post, click Report, then let them know that "this is my post and I want to delete it."
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Hi I was wondering if people are still accepting noobs/ if there will be a mentoring thread for next year.

    @rlridgway2461 Mentors are still accepting noobs - check out the first page of this discussion for the list of mentors. And we will definitely start this over again for 2017.
  • kadence488
    kadence488 Posts: 6 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi! My name is Rebecca. I'm in Michigan. I teach part time, play professional poker and I'm a beekeeper! Crazy stuff!
    I can't seem to find my motivation lately. I'm usually an on again off again diet/exerciser... but have been off for over a year.
    I don't have a lot of weight to lose 10-15 lbs, but I want to fit into the clothes I already own. I hate the feeling of my clothes tight and my squishy bits all constricted.
    I need help with the app functions as well as motivation...and maybe some self esteem issues. Care to help?
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    kadence488 wrote: »
    Hi! My name is Rebecca. I'm in Michigan. I teach part time, play professional poker and I'm a beekeeper! Crazy stuff!
    I can't seem to find my motivation lately. I'm usually an on again off again diet/exerciser... but have been off for over a year.
    I don't have a lot of weight to lose 10-15 lbs, but I want to fit into the clothes I already own. I hate the feeling of my clothes tight and my squishy bits all constricted.
    I need help with the app functions as well as motivation...and maybe some self esteem issues. Care to help?

    I understand completely! Please feel free to take a look at my mentor bio on here and let me know if you think we'd get along!
  • kadence488
    kadence488 Posts: 6 Member
    zcb94 wrote: »
    kadence488 wrote: »
    Hi! My name is Rebecca. I'm in Michigan. I teach part time, play professional poker and I'm a beekeeper! Crazy stuff!
    I can't seem to find my motivation lately. I'm usually an on again off again diet/exerciser... but have been off for over a year.
    I don't have a lot of weight to lose 10-15 lbs, but I want to fit into the clothes I already own. I hate the feeling of my clothes tight and my squishy bits all constricted.
    I need help with the app functions as well as motivation...and maybe some self esteem issues. Care to help?

    I understand completely! Please feel free to take a look at my mentor bio on here and let me know if you think we'd get along!

    I click on your name in the first thread and it says only members can view profiles...
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    kadence488 wrote: »
    zcb94 wrote: »
    kadence488 wrote: »
    Hi! My name is Rebecca. I'm in Michigan. I teach part time, play professional poker and I'm a beekeeper! Crazy stuff!
    I can't seem to find my motivation lately. I'm usually an on again off again diet/exerciser... but have been off for over a year.
    I don't have a lot of weight to lose 10-15 lbs, but I want to fit into the clothes I already own. I hate the feeling of my clothes tight and my squishy bits all constricted.
    I need help with the app functions as well as motivation...and maybe some self esteem issues. Care to help?

    I understand completely! Please feel free to take a look at my mentor bio on here and let me know if you think we'd get along!

    I click on your name in the first thread and it says only members can view profiles...
    I'm so sorry to hear that! I wonder what's wrong...
  • kadence488
    kadence488 Posts: 6 Member
    zcb94 wrote: »
    kadence488 wrote: »
    zcb94 wrote: »
    kadence488 wrote: »
    Hi! My name is Rebecca. I'm in Michigan. I teach part time, play professional poker and I'm a beekeeper! Crazy stuff!
    I can't seem to find my motivation lately. I'm usually an on again off again diet/exerciser... but have been off for over a year.
    I don't have a lot of weight to lose 10-15 lbs, but I want to fit into the clothes I already own. I hate the feeling of my clothes tight and my squishy bits all constricted.
    I need help with the app functions as well as motivation...and maybe some self esteem issues. Care to help?

    I understand completely! Please feel free to take a look at my mentor bio on here and let me know if you think we'd get along!

    I click on your name in the first thread and it says only members can view profiles...
    I'm so sorry to hear that! I wonder what's wrong...

    Ok, I got it. I just had to re-log in on that page for some reason
  • Sharks39
    Sharks39 Posts: 1 Member
    I know I'm a little late to the party, but I'm hoping someone is still looking for a mentee!
    ABOUT ME: 21 yr old male from Wisconsin, 5'-9" and about 162lbs. I was in shape (in my opinion) in high school thanks to sports. After highschool I just stopped working out because I started working full-time and let that be an excuse for me. I had kept pushing off working out because it wasn't impacting me in a major way. Well 3 years later all the little effects have turned into a big difference. I have gotten a little chubbier than I would like to be. Also I've realized I can't just run a mile without being seriously winded. I am just starting to work out and get fit again and would love to start doing 5k's competitively and eventually I want to run a marathon, and tough mudder.

    MY GOALS: like I said, I'm currently at about 162lbs, and I would like to get down to about 145, drop body fat and gain muscle. I also hoping to get on a cheap but healthier diet. I unfortunately am living at home because I was stupid with my money when I was younger, so an expensive diet at this point is out of the question.

    WHAT I'M HOPING FOR: is a mentor who is not a drill Sargeant, but also not going let me get away with slacking. I'm hoping for someone who understands that I am completely starting over at working out. I went to the gym for the first time in over a year or two, and realized I cannot do a lot of the things I used to in high school. The total weight I used to lift has severely decreased, but I would like to get back up and even past those old weights. What I am currently doing for workout/diet is veeeeery basic and not extreme. I am going to the gym 2 times a week and doing a very basic workout. Both times I went I ran a mile before working out, and then used the bike for 15 minutes after each workout. As for diet, I'm not really changing anything besides lowering the amount of bad things (candy, soda, chips) I eat, and changing things like ordering a salad every once in a while, or the tuna sub instead of other things. Like I said, very basic, but I would like a mentor who can tell me if this is okay to start at, or if it's not actually helping even, a little bit.
    Hope someone is still looking to adopt this late!
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Hi if anyone would like a mentor I am happy to help.
    I have been on here for 3 years.
    69 years old.
    Working part time
    Struggled with dieting all my life.
    Have lost 50lb,
    Good luck
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Hi if anyone would like a mentor I am happy to help.
    I have been on here for 3 years.
    69 years old.
    Working part time
    Struggled with dieting all my life.
    Have lost 50lb,
    Good luck

    Thanks for volunteering to be a mentor. We have added your name to the list on the opening post of this discussion.

    Be sure to check back around the New Year as well, we will open a new topic for 2017 and there are generally a lot of people look for mentors then.
  • stampcats
    stampcats Posts: 3 Member
    I am looking for a mentor. I just downloaded the app tonight and plan to start tomorrow. I have looked through the list of names and am not sure who would be a good fit. I have a long list of medical issues which make it nearly impossible to exercise. On top of that alot of my medications side effects include weight gain
    Ugh. If anyone has experience with the above and would like to be my mentor I would be happy
  • naldinger
    naldinger Posts: 8 Member
    Hi. Im looking for mentor to hrlp me understamd macros and help me with low carb cooking amd motivation in general. Thank you
  • vollans
    vollans Posts: 106 Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm throwing my hat into the ring as a mentor.

    I've been on here for just under 2 years and using MyFitnessPal lost 40kg / 88 lbs / 6 stone during the first 8 months or so. Since then I've been working on maintaining that and gaining strength, and hopefully a little muscle.

    I'm 44, work full time, I'm gay and have a fantastic husband whose also been on the journey with me.

    I am a firm believer, through personal experience, that every calorie has to be paid for. If it goes in your mouth, you better have earned it and it better be worth eating. I don't believe in fad diets, cleanses, detoxes and highly restrictive programs that leave you feeling bad about yourself. I love home cooked food and great food and wine. I believe strongly in eating normally and sensibly in a way that is sustainable long term, but making sure portion control and exercise are the key. I've learned that the hard way. I also believe that using tools like MyFitnessPal and heart-strap properly calorie counted exercise are vital, not just counting minutes. I've also used DEXA scans to measure my real progress and think it's an incredible tool. Data is good! If you are a data geek, I'm your man.

    If you want someone that will encourage you and help you with making good decisions, and provide feedback and info based on my experience I'm the man for you. If you want someone that's already been through it and knows what it feels like to slog through losing that much weight, I'm someone to choose.

    If you want someone to tell you that the fact you've eaten half the cheesecake in the fridge, 7 bags of crisps and a jumbo Mars bar is ok for the third day running and we all make mistakes, I'm probably not the person for you. Likewise, if you log once every couple of days, miss weeks at a time, or calorie restricting yourself to an unhealthy degree, I won't be much support, and probably will give you a few home truths.

    If after reading that you think we'd be a good fit, feel free to friend request me.
  • candythorns
    candythorns Posts: 246 Member
    I am looking for a mentor, this is my 3rd or 4th time using mfp and as a result of some reslly hard months behind me im ready to take ownership of my life again
    Im 30, drink too much, go for walks on my lunch, have picked up hula hooping, rrecently got ppromoted to a super stressful job in IT, am sstudyin computer programming, used to cook bt past few months i eat out almost always (rready to stop).
    Halp and be my fitness pal
  • SamMarriottPT
    SamMarriottPT Posts: 33 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi guys! My name is Sam, I'm a 22 year old PT and Online Coach. I've previously helped a few people out on this adopt a noob thread, and I'd be more than happy to help a few more of you guys out!

    MyFitnessPal and tracking macros is my kind of thing, I spend most of my time teaching followers, subscribers and clients how to work with this app and how to track macros. I'm happy to share my knowledge with anyone!
This discussion has been closed.