I haven't gone #2 in almost 2 weeks... (TMI warning)



  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    I had gastro a few weeks ago and after that was paranoid as i hadnt been for a week, i took 3 laxative and then ate 3 tee spoons of gramuals that gave me minor release, and im not trying to be a smart *kitten* my friend fell really sick from vomiting poo. Maybe start at the other end....sensitive liquid soap with a....injecting thingy? That cant not work, you may not feel crampy but if you have been eating and have alot of food in you its worth a motion try? It may not be the best idea but its the cheapest
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    I think you should:

    1) start logging

    1 1/2) Keep up the exercise

    2) go to the grocery. seriously consider taking a small dinner to work. Go to walmart or an aldis if there is one in your area. For 7 dollars a week (1 dollar a day) you can get a pack of 4 4 oz salmon (about $5) and a stalk or so of asparagus or some peppers or something. Eat 2 oz salmon and some asparagus each night. Try your best to incorporate vegetables into your diet. Sit down and look at how much you realistically can spend on you at the grocery and then look up high fiber foods and veggies. You can probably figure it out where you are grocery eating for less than drive thru eating on a weekly budget.

    3) Replace the rice/pasta for vegetables at lunch. Replace everything you can with vegetables, high fiber, and protein. If you have to take out carbs all together for a bit... do it. It seems like your diet is mostly carbs.

    The processed protein and almost absolute lack of veggies may be what is wrong. And maybe you are not eating enough? But if you seriously cannot eat anymore because of financial reasons then at least make what you do eat the best it can be health wise. Try to add as much vegetables as you can.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    then I reckon just keep going with the laxatives. How much have you been eating? Have you been eating enough? If you don't feel packed up or twisty knotty belly (as I like to call it) maybe sit it out, but def log your food. Make sure you're eating enough and right.
    Hope this helps
  • Your local ER will not charge you right off the bat. They are obligated by law to treat you as fast as possible, regardless of your ability to pay. So GO RIGHT NOW! As someone with four docs in my family, I'll tell you - my best guess is that they will give you an enema, which you probably need at this point.

    A couple months ago, when I was in the hospital on all kinds of horrible medication, I was extremely constipated and didn't have a bowel movement for about a week and a half. So I got an enema. It sucks at first, but it got better.
  • TimTamGirl
    TimTamGirl Posts: 20
    Epsom Salts work really well, take 1 teaspoon in 1 glass of water (8oz). Don't do it too often, as it can effect your liver function, but to get you moving every now and then won't hurt.

    Also, firm massage in a clockwise motion over your belly button area. This is really helpful for anyone who has gas pain also.

    I'm so sorry to hear that Medical help is so expensive, thank God I live in Australia.

    Best Wishes :flowerforyou:
  • ladyrhees
    ladyrhees Posts: 26
    No medical facility can legally refuse you treatment, it sounds like your area hospitals are staffed with morons. Luv, get thee
    to some kind of clinic/gen phys soon, you could possibly have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

    "A sluggish bowel can retain pounds of old, toxic and poisonous fecal matter. Many times the real cause behind sickness and
    disease is this retention and re-absorption of this toxic waste. In a nut shell you can get very sick, which can lead to other
    problems/diseases.Irritable Bowel Syndrome is, first and foremost, a functional disease. This simply means there is no sign of an actual physical or organic abnormality when the colon is examined. This annoys both doctors and patients alike. Doctors like to have something available to cut out or to throw drugs at, mostly because they can bill you more that way. Patients are annoyed because no one likes to be told that nothing shows up on tests. It somehow makes the symptoms less legitimate if the doctor can't hold up an X-ray and say, "Wow -- no wonder I haven't crapped for six days!"
    Functional syndrome or not, if you have IBS, you are not a happy camper. Though IBS does not cause permanent harm, nor does it lead to intestinal bleeding or cancer, it can really be disruptive to your daily life. Plus, it is hard to explain. You can tell
    your boss that you missed an important meeting because you have a brain tumor, but it can sound bad to say, "Sorry I was late -- I had to crap so bad I thought my tonsils were coming out of my butt."
    Here are some of the symptoms Irritable Bowel Syndrome:
    Mucus in your stool (more than usual)
    Abdominal discomfort, either crampy or dull
    IBS can and often does come and go inexplicably. Sometimes you have symptoms every few days; sometimes it goes away for months."

    Is there any way maybe your local health dept can help?

    Other than that, I was always told (by family and doctors alike, my pregnancy was rife with constipation) to look for "P" fruits.
    Pears, Peaches, Pineapple, Prunes (of course), APPles, etc to help "move things along". A higher fiber diet will hopefully help
    get you back on track. BTW, are the bananas you eat ripe or barely ripe? Unripe or green bananas are difficult for the body's
    digestive system to digest. Moreover, the pieces of unripe bananas block the digestive tract, thereby leading to uneasiness along with constipation and the high starch content also contributes to the constipation. Diets high in starch without adequate water intake result in formation of hard stool which are difficult to pass. This is because the starch in the stomach will absorb water from the digestive tract causing the bowels to become dry, hard and difficult to throw out of the body.

    My family is on a tight budget as well, my husband takes Fiber Therapy by Shore Natural, it was $2.39? at our local Wal-mart for 48 tsp doses you mix with 8oz of water. It does help him. The active ingrediant is comparable to Metamucil and picky as he can be, he says it's not grainy (though he stirs it a lot) and the orange flavor is mild but not gross. It's sugar-free and 100% natural Psyllium Fiber. It says on the container to generally produce a BM in 12-72 hrs, as it's a natural bulk producing fiber that encourages normal elimination without chemical stimulation. Unless directed by a dr, don't take it for over a week. Because you have vomited and haven't had a regular bm in two weeks, I'd still see a dr before trying that product out, and mention it to the physician as a possible aid.
    Best of luck to you and I dearly hope you can resolve this before it makes you extremely sick.
  • Hixena
    Hixena Posts: 24
    Beetroot juice is great for moving things along
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    have you tried soap rubbed around your *kitten*? my gran used to use this alot on all her kids and grandkids when we couldnt go just normal hand soap worked into a lather and rubbed around and gently inside and worked a treat she also had my cousin sitting over steaming water no clue why it worked but it did

    up all fruits and veggies and fruit juices orange, prune etc id say go to a doctor but in uk they are free as is the hospital when you have no money it may not be an option but if you can get money id go it may be embarassing or nothing but then again it could be serious

    good luck
  • Just_Bethy
    Just_Bethy Posts: 272
    i work in healthcare(there isnt a thing called "TMI" :)) but coffee always gets me going.no joke i drink coffee and within like 10 mins i HAVE to go :)
    I have never been a "regular" person...but if I drink coffee every morning..(Rare occurrence for me) Then after 3 days ..like you..10 mins after my coffee I am in the bathroom!
    OP There is no such thing as TMI when we are facing medical probs related to our topic!!!
  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    i work in healthcare(there isnt a thing called "TMI" :)) but coffee always gets me going.no joke i drink coffee and within like 10 mins i HAVE to go :)

    Same thing for me, only it's tea instead of coffee.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    My fiance kinda had the same problem. Except he would take laxatives and nothing. Try a generic stool softener it did the trick.
  • fresprit57
    fresprit57 Posts: 15 Member
    lots of water & prune juice!
  • joeysrib
    joeysrib Posts: 158 Member
    Ok, I am a geriatric nurse, and when one of our little folks gets bound up, we give them a bomb. A bomb is 1 ounce each sorbitol, mineral oil, and milk of magnesia. Since it has been so long though you may need a double dose, and/or be dug out. Now I know that neither option sounds fun, but you need to do something NOW, you can DIE from being backed up.

    And yes, I would track the calories, because you are still absorbing them.
  • joeysrib
    joeysrib Posts: 158 Member
    Oh, BTW, if you do use the bomb, you are not finished until you see oil floating in the toilet, so if you feel like passing gas, and you haven't seen any oil in the toilet, go fart into the toilet, and our Dr says once you take the bomb, stay home, and have plenty of TP on hand. And maybe some prep h, just to soothe when you're finished. Good luck.
  • ChrissyLu723
    ChrissyLu723 Posts: 153 Member
    Mineral Oil works or maybe get an enema, I know it sounds gross but it will help you if regular laxatives arent working. Sorry your hospital can't help you out. But I really would try the enema and keep taking a tablespoon of mineral oil a day, it does keep things moving. My oldest had a problem going...hard stools, and her doctor recommended the oil, it worked very well, and she has no problems now. Good luck to you and keep us posted so we know your doing OK.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Oh, BTW, if you do use the bomb, you are not finished until you see oil floating in the toilet, so if you feel like passing gas, and you haven't seen any oil in the toilet, go fart into the toilet, and our Dr says once you take the bomb, stay home, and have plenty of TP on hand. And maybe some prep h, just to soothe when you're finished. Good luck.

    This sounds like good advice. I would try the bomb thing. The one thing I haven't seen anyone in the medical field point out is; you said you are anemic. If you are taking Iron pills for your anemia, it can cause constipation. You really do need to work on getting it out of your system. It may require some impact removal as well. It can become very toxic, so if you can't get it moving you need to see a doctor. You can offer a payment plan or see if there is a clinic nearby. You can apply at the local hospital for free care. They will go based on your income and you may be able to see a doctor at the hospital without it being an emergency. There could be a blockage and you could have other medical conditions causing this.

    Once you get yourself moving again, you need to make sure you are taking the right kind of supplements, fiber pills, metamucil something like that to prevent it again.

    Best wishes
  • been there done that...what works for me is fiber one cereal and fiber one bars. if i keep that in my diet it gets me regular. it will take a couple days to get you goin but when it does you will be going
  • IndigoVA
    IndigoVA Posts: 164 Member
    How much water are you drinking? The few times this has happened to me before, it was because I was dehydrated. I drank lots of water, and then followed up with a couple cups of strong coffee the next morning. That fixed the problem.

    Honestly, it sounds like your diet includes very little fiber. I know fresh fruits and veggies can be expensive, but how about some brown rice and and beans?
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    My mom gets this way. Stool softeners and plenty of water do the trick for her. I'm not very regular, but I've found that if I drink something within an hour of waking up, I'll normally have to stop my drink to go hit the potty. Tea seems to work the fastest for me, but even my protein shake does it.

    The next time you get paid, I'd get a thing of powdered fiber and have a glass every morning. I know that life gets in the way of doing things perfectly, so I'm not going to tell you to get more fresh fruits and veggies. I'm sure you would already be doing that if it were an option. But see if you can find a way to spare the $4 or so for a thing of generic Metamucil. Even if it tastes like butt, just plug your nose and chug it.

    Also, this might sound crazy, but maybe see if you can find a way to meditate or relax for like half an hour every day. I can't go #2 on days that I work. Like, I'll feel a poo in there, but I can't get it out because I'm so tense from work. I'll WANT to poo, I'll sit on the pot, but nothing happens. My body is just too wound up. But on my next day off, it'll all come out because I'm calm and relaxed. I know that with a job and a little one, it's hard to find the time. It's worth a shot though.
  • maria1993
    maria1993 Posts: 112
    I knew someone that this happened to. It turned out that he had colon cancer.. It was removed the first time but killed him when it came back.. He waited a whole month before he went to the doctor. By that time a lot of his lower bowel had actually died, so waiting was the worst thing he could have done.

    When sitting on the toliet put your feet up on something, like a paint can or short overturned trash can...Until your knees are as high as your mid-stomach. Rest your elbows on your knees and wait.. Don't give up after just a few minutes because you don't think anything is happening.. Give it time
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